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The heroic report of the nocturnal Greffier.
A lot of material for a reduced audience on this fairy day, since only our Grandmaster was present in addition to Daniel and me.
First of all, and if my memories are correct, a happy birthday to the Master on this 13th December.
To start the festivities, a rather old problem verified by a human being and not by a machine.
1 - #2 with Grasshoppers Pierre MONREAL & Jean-Pierre BOYER Europe Echecs 1966 - 1°-3° Prize e.a.
white Bg2g5 Kh5 Qa6 Pd5 Sc2e8 Re3
black Se5 Bh8 Kf5 Ga2b2b7d2f1g3g7f8d8
: moving on the Queen's lines with help of a hurdle immediately after which it lands
The few beautiful Grasshoppers of Monréal will not be able to do anything against the assaults of White.
Master's words
Two months ago, I was presented with the following problem: to invent a legal position in which the White King is double-checked, but responds by checkingmate, without taking. I was able to appreciate the difference between a solutionist and a composer: I spent about an hour and a half finding such a position, whereas A. Onkoud took barely more than a quarter of an hour to discover... the same as me! But it's not the only one. Rémy found one with another battery, Grégo too. I refrained from bothering our Grandmaster with such trivialities. Attached are some examples.
Tribute to the great Fadil for Daniel, but also a few other entertaining helpmates for... the whole family, gathered together on New Year's Eve. Including a very easy 2-moves aristo.
Among the directs: a surprising #2, a nice logical (easy) #3 from the famous Russian-Ukrainian duo. Then two examples of other giants, illustrating modern themes but, through their immense talent, in a form that is not boring.
Finally, two #6 from another Ukrainian giant, which have something in common and should therefore be enjoyed together, or in concert, if one prefers.
A fairy tale with the master clerk....
Merry Christmas and see you for a "normal" course in a month's time on Tuesday, January 8th. God bless you.
Double-step chess : a piece (or pawn) that is playing is required to make a second move. The first move cannot be a capture.
The restriction of the grip on the first move is quite clear from the diagram.
Small look :
The Rg6 is pinned because of pg7 - g6 - xh5
The Black King is pat if we do not consider the other pieces of his camp.
It's up to you to find the rest
It's an interesting genre.
A small return to the old compositions with the next one which dates back to 1974.
3 - #2 with Rose Jean-Pierre BOYER Tournoi Olympique, Nice 1974 - 3° Honor Mention
1.ROb8*a6 + ?
1...Sc5*a6 !{}
1.ROb8-b4 + ?
1...Sa6*b4 + !{}
1.ROb8-d3 ?
1...Sc5*d3 !{}
1.ROb8-f8 ! threat:
2.ROf8-f4 #{}
2.ROf8*a6 #{it is a double check by the same piece :
it can move as well by b4 as by c7-e6-f4-e2-c1
Nd3 cannot go to both b4 and c1 to block the Rose.}
2.ROf8*e6 #{}
1...Sa6-b4 +
2.ROf8*b4 #{}
: Extended knight in round ( Rob8 - c6 e5 g6 h8 or - d7 f8 or - d7 e5 d3)
There was a tough contest; it had to be solved in 1 minute. Needless to say, we didn't succeed.
an incursion by Grasshopper 2 which landed 2 squares after the sautoir
4 - hs#6 with Grasshopper-2 (G2) Gaspar J. PERRONE The Problemist 2007
white Pc2b3a5 Ke1 Ra1 WGd2e2e3
black Pb4g2 Ka6 BGh1h2
: a captured piece remains suspended above the capture square and then makes an equipollent move to the one of the piece which plays immediately afterwards .
Two elegant moves, but only one is good.
Big headache with the vertical Möbius.
6 - h#2 vertical Möbius Gaspar J. PERRONE The Problemist 2010
1.Rc3-d3 d7-d8=B 2.Kd6-d7+ Re3*d3# {}
1.Rc1-c8 d7*c8=B 2.Kd6-c7+ Re3*c3#
{Promotion of the same piece and mats in echo on 2 columns.
Very intriguing mates. Cook-try 1.Kc5+? d8Q?? (wK in + via a3-h6-a6-h3) 2.R3c2 Qg5,h4,a5# (S.Emmerson).}
: to make it simple, glue a chessboard on each side with a1 glued to h8, a8 glued to h1, h1 glued to a8 and h8 glued to a1
Very disruptive this ribbon.
a Möbius PG, for road use
7 - PG 4,5 vertical Möbius with twin Stephen EMMERSON dédié à P. Fayers The Problemist 2007 2° Comm.
white Bf1c1 Ke1 Qd1 Pa2b2c2d2e2f2g2h2 Sg1b1 Rh1a1
black Bf8c8 Ke8 Qd8 Ph7g7f7e7d7c7b7a7 Sb8g8 Rh8a8
a) : black must MANDATORYLY play the geometrically longest move. : each move of a piece defecates an opponent's pawn on the starting square of the move b)+ : the King catches the march of the opponent's piece which puts it in check for the time of the move.
Take a deep breath with the Anti Circe
9 - serial h=10 coups AntiCirce Tibor ERSEK 8/2pkPRp1/1Pp2pPp/N1K2P2/P4N1P/p6b/qPP5/r1b2n2 sh=10 (12+12) Anticirce : the captured piece is reborn on its original square if it is free, otherwise capture is illegal.
A small PG Single Combat now
10 - PG 10 Single Combat Bernd GRAEFRATH tcf1r1ct/pppp2p1/8/6Pp/7P/8/PPPP1P1C/TCFDRF1T
white Bf1c1 Ke1 Qd1 Pa2b2c2d2e2f2g2h2 Sg1b1 Rh1a1
black Bf8c8 Ke8 Qd8 Ph7g7f7e7d7c7b7a7 Sb8g8 Rh8a8
1.h2*h7 {pushed by Rh1} g7-f5 {pushed by Ng8}
2.h7*g8=B Bf8-h6 3.Bg8*f7+ Ke8*f7 4.d2*d7 {pushed by Qd1} Rh8-e8 5.d7*e8=R Bc8-e6 6.Re8*e7+ Qd8*e7{}
7.a2*a7{pushed by Ra1} Be6*e2{pushed by Qe7} 8.a7*b8=S Ra8-a6 9.Sb8*a6 Be2*a6+
: a piece is pushed by the piece of its camp which is immediately behind it and catches the characteristics of it during the push.
example : ph2xh7 or a2Xa7
Une bonne prise de tête
Mirror Circe is also a particular rule
12 - hs#2,5 with twin Cyprian STOCKFORD Cedric C. LYTTON
{black line}
1.f2-f1=R f7-f8=S 2.Rf1-f4 Sf8*f4 {stalemate !
Nf4 controls h3 and h5, and, if the Black King comes on the g-file, he transmits his march to Nf4 and would be "en prise".
white line}
1.f7-f8=Q f2-f1=S + 2.Ka6-h6 Sf1*f8 {stalemate !!same kind of remark as above.
Truly minimal and very pure}
Rönnauer chess: when a unit is observed by an opponent's unit, it catches the march of the opponent's unit during the time of the observation. : the statement is checked for both black and white lines
15 - h#2,5 with Vao and Locust Chris FEATHER Jubilé C. Lytton-70, The Problemist 2009-10 2° Mention d'Honneur
white VAb4b5 Kh1 Sd3 Le7
black Sb1 Pe6 Rf6 Bg8f8 Kd5
: rebirth of the captured piece on its original square (a promotion square for fairy pieces) : two opposing pieces of the same nature which observe each other are mutually paralysed : moves on the Queen's lines with the help of a sautoir
: a move without a capture changes the colour of the playing piece. : a piece can only move (and therefore also capture) if it is observed by a piece of its own side
20 - h#3 parrain Circe with neutral Nightrider 2 solutions Lev GROLMAN Alexandre ELIZAROV
1.d5-d4 nNe7-c3 2.nNc3-b5 f2-f3 + 3.Kg4*f3 Ka6*b5[+wPg2] #{}
1.nNe7-c8 f2-f4 2.nNc8-b6 Ka6-a7 3.Kg4*f4 Ka7*b6[+wPg3] # {
chameleon echo
In both solutions, the Black King is at a Nightrider distance from the White King at the time of checkmate.
with the Nightrider awaiting the revival Parrain Circe at the level of the White King,
so that any escape from the pawn's check brings the Black King to a square where he will be captured by
the white part of the Neutral Nightrider}
: Extended knight that can be used by both sides
And there you go, it's done.
Good reading to all, and see you on January 8 2013.
Happy Holidays to all
Yours sincerely
le greffier
Remarks, (in the absence of corrections)
Thank you Rémy for "thinking about it". When I said on Tuesday evening that our master greffier had a phenomenal memory... Just think about it in two years, when it will be erotic! Even more than the "super-pins"...
Our grandmaster was there, indeed, and showed us a work which seems to be in the 2001-2003 album, the last one published, given the dynamism of the problemists, who know how to take time, and the only one I don't have. To be continued.
All this to say that I don't have much to say, the report being almost immaculate. At least as far as I remember, because I don't keep the fairy tales. At most I would have said "extended grasshopper" for the Lion. But that's no reason to shut up, as you know...
Relax well, don't drink too much and come back on the 8th of January.
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