R+p vs pp
[Event "White to play and win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Villeneuve, A."]
[Black "0100.12"]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/2K5/4k3/2R2p2/8/4P1p1/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "19"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2000.07.25"]
1. Kb6 $3 {c6 square must be free for the Rook.} (1. Kc6 $2 g2 $8 (
1... Kf6 $2 2. Kd5 Kg5 3. Ke5) 2. Rc1 $8 Ke5 $8 3. Rg1 Ke4 $8 4. Rxg2 Kxe3 $8
5. Rg3+ {(the wK is on c6 instead of c5 in the solution)} Ke2 $1 6. Kd5 f4 $8
$11) (1. Rc6+ $2 Ke5 $8 2. Rg6 f4 $8 3. Rg5+ Ke4 $8 4. exf4 Kxf4 $8 $11) (1. e4
$2 fxe4 $8 (1... f4 $2 2. Rg5 $8 Kf6 3. Rf5+ $8) 2. Rg5 Kf6 3. Rxg3 Ke5 $11)
1... g2 (1... Kf6 2. Rc8 $3 {[#]} Ke5 3. Rg8 $1 (3. Re8+ $1 Kd5 4. Rg8) 3... f4 4.
Re8+ $8 {(this Rook check was inevitable)} Kf5 5. Rf8+ $8 Ke4 6. exf4 $8)
2. Rc6+ $8 Kd5 (2... Kf7 3. Rc1 $8 Kf6 4. Rg1 Ke5 5. Rxg2 Ke4 6. Rg3) 3. Rg6 $8
Ke4 4. Rg3 $3 {[#]} (4. Rxg2 $2 Kxe3 $8 $11) 4... Kd3 (4... g1=Q 5. Rxg1 $8 Kxe3 6.
Re1+ $3 {[#]} Kd3 (6... Kf2 7. Re5 $1 f4 8. Kc5 $8 f3 9. Kd4 $8) 7. Rf1 $8 Ke4 8. Kc5
$1 f4 9. Kc4 Ke3 (9... f3 10. Re1+) 10. Kc3 f3 11. Re1+ $8) 5. Kc5 $8 Ke2 6.
Rxg2+ $8 Kxe3 7. Rg3+ $3 {[#]Return, and the check echo of 6 Re1+!! in the variation
of the 4th black move.} (7. Kd5 $2 f4 $8 $11) (7. Kc4 $2 f4 $8 $11) 7... Ke4 (7...
Ke2 8. Kd4 $1 f4 9. Ra3 f3 10. Ra2+) (7... Kf2 8. Ra3 f4 9. Kd4 f3 10. Ke4) 8.
Kc4 $1 (8. Rg8 $1 f4 9. Kc4 $8 Ke3 10. Kc3 f3 11. Re8+ $8) 8... f4 9. Rg8 $1 f3
(9... Ke3 10. Kc3 $1 f3 11. Re8+ $8) 10. Re8+ $8 {Horizontal / vertical echo.
Distancing key.} 1-0
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