High class with low resources
The last study is a firework display that will delight the player
3 - White to play and win

W.: Ka5, Qf1, Ne7 and f3, pb7 and h7
B.: Kg4, Qd4, Rb3 and g1, Nb8 and e1, pa2, g2 and g7
No time to lose, it's getting hot, so we have to send some gear, but to good effect.
The game of the day has several entries. The one that will be studied is a fight between the Wizard of Riga and the Tiger of Armenia
(it could be wrestling but it's not).
4 - game of the day
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 0-0 9. h3 Na5 (old-fashioned) 10. Bc2 c5 11. d4 Qc7 12. Nbd2 Be6 (other entry: Karpov - the Tiger of Armenia 12. ... Bd7 13. Nf1 Nc4 14. Ne3 NxN 15. fxe3 Rfc8 (with a small threat) 16. Rc1 Bc6 17. Nd2 cd 18. cd Qb7 19. d5 Be8! 20. Qe2 Bd8! and the draw was concluded some moves later) 13. Nf1 Nc4 14. d5 Bc8 15. g4 h5 16. gh Bxh3 (16. ... Nxh5 17. b3! and Nxe5) 17. Nfh2 g6 (17. ... Bxf1 18. Nxf1 Qd7 19. Ng3 Qh3 20. Qf3 g6 21 Bd1 (threatens Nf5) Re8 22. a4 Nb6 23. ab ab 24. Rxa8 Rxa8 25. Nf5 QxQ 26. Nxe7+ Kf8 27. Nxg6+ fg 28. BxQ gh 29. Kh2 Ra2 30. Kh3 Na4 31. Kh4 b4 32. cb cb 33. Kg5 Kg7 34. Kf5 with white advantage) 18. Ng3 Kg7 19. Kh1 (19. a4) Rh8 20. Rg1 Kf8 21. a4 Nb6 (21. ... Rb8 22. ab ab 23. b3 Nb6 24. Qf3 gh 25. Nf5 Ng4 (25. ... Bxf5 26. Qxf5 Qd7 27. Qg5 Ng4 28. Qd2 Bh4 29. Rg2 Rg8 30. Nxg4 Bg5 31. Qxg5 (Ne3 Qh3+ Kg1 Bf4 33. RxR+ KxR 34. f3 Kh8 35. Kf2 Rg8 36. Bd3 Rg3) Rxg5 32. Bxg5 hg 33. Bf6) 26. Bd1 (26. Rg3 Nxh2!) Ra8 27. Rxa89 Nxa8 28. Bd2 Bf6 29. Be1 Nxh2 Qxh3) 22. ab ab 23. Rxa8 Nxa8 24 hg hg 25. Ngf1 Kf7 26. Qf3 Qc8 27. Bg5 Bxf1 28. Rxf1 Qg4 29. Qg2 Nb6 30 Bxf6 Qxg2 31. Kxg2 Bxf6 and the draw came fairly quickly
The third half, as indicated at the beginning of the report, was very wet and rather poor in sobrecasian material for the reasons mentioned.
The Master made us dry on a selfmate 19 moves, it took us a while, despite his help!
5 - s#19 with ROses
selfmate : white plays and forces black to checkmate
ROse : Extended knight in an arc (see example after the statement)

W.: Kc2 Qh2, Rh7, Bc1, ROc4
B.: Ke1, Rb8 and g8, pc6, c7, e7 and g4, ROa7 and a8
Here are some ROse petals:
ROc4 controls f1 via d2 or e3
ROa7 controls e7
To help you a bit, if the pc7 was not there, we could have the following mate:
1. Qg3+ Ke2 2. Rxe7+ ROxe7# (note that the path to ROa7 is unique thanks to the pc6)
because of the disappearance of the c7-pawn, ROa8 controls c3 by c7 and d5
It is thus necessary to arrive in the position of the statement without the c7-pawn. It just captures 17 moves! Only chess so it should
be simple.
There will undoubtedly be a few hairs sticking out of the report given the pitiful state of the clerk, but the
Master is there watching.
Thank you in advance for your indulgence.
Have a good read.
Yours sincerely
Le greffier
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