Still the same concern of censorship for the clerk deprived of many things for this last session of the season.
Let's hope that the switch to Blizz ( will solve the problems at the beginning of the school year.
Below, the Master's verbose report.
Master's words
"Good people often find an excuse for their qualities, others are always looking for pretexts for their defects".
Alcibiades once asked Socrates why he did not drive away such a troublesome woman. "Because," Socrates replied, "by tolerating her difficult character at home, I get used to and practice putting up with general arrogance and injustice more easily outside."

Quote of the day. "The philosophical spirit consists in preferring to the lies that make you live the truths that make you die" (G. Thibon). When I read (too quickly) this sentence, I first understood the opposite of what it said. But, a little later, I realised that the opposite would probably be true if we replaced "the philosophical spirit consists in" with "philosophers choose to".
Saint-Simon called an archbishop "seminary excrement", I am a bit like him in malice, if not in talent. Didn't I once, hesitating to call a socialite a "false c...", a "licker" or, (I was angry), a "troud... I finally decided that all three qualities were appropriate, and kept all three terms. What is more serious: I am no longer angry now, but the terms in question have never seemed so justified to me. I won't tell you who it is, you might find out.
Two non-materialist pawn endgames, making the Q / Pc2 areas revise.

A study by Gorgiev that is generally misunderstood, with the reciprocal zugzwang often forgotten, as well as the attempt reaching the wrong side. Bishops of different colours are not a drawing factor!
The complete file on Rook and Knight versus Rook, showing the lack of culture of a world champion... of chatter.
An artistic duel of rooks, despite two black knights, the aim being to force one of them to sacrifice himself against the last pawn.
The 43rd move of the day's game is a "problem move", as generally say those, grandmasters included, who ignore everything about artistic chess. But there are other surprising moves.

Amongst the fairy tales, an Italian masterpiece from... 1940, already presented at the course more than 20 years ago, showing a Nightrider unleashed on a cylindrical chessboard, where he goes so far as to make... seven knight steps in one move.
A harvest of problems for the summer, non-trivial 2#, 3# of very variable difficulty, 4# from different periods, then a "kilometre" for which I leave the solution, although it is clearly easier than one of the 3#. But which one? Finally, four helpmates and one selfmate.
Good luck and see you in about three months. Have a good summer and may God keep you.
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