white Pe6a4 Bf5 Rh1 Ka5
black Ka8 Rg3
neutral lnh3 lbg2
hs==5 (5+2+2)
2 solutionsKobul Kings
🨙h3: neutral Locust-Nightrider🨘g2: neutral Locust-Bishop
{} 1.Bf5-g6! Rg3*g6 [a5=rB] 2.rBa5-d2 Rg6*e6 [d2=K]
{} 3.Rh1-e1 Re6-e4! 4.nLBg2*e4-d5 [a8=rR] rRa8-d8
{} 5.nLNh3*d5-b6 [d8=rLB] rLBd8*b6-a5 [d2=rLN]
{Double stalemate : d2 has nothing to eat and Re1 is pinned . The royal Locust-Bishop a5 has nothing to eat either.
} 1.Bf5-g4! Rg3*g4 [a5=rB] 2.rBa5-c3 Rg4*a4 [c3=K]
{} 3.Rh1-b1 Ra4-f4! 4.nLNh3*f4-d5 [a8=rR] rRa8-a5
{} 5.nLBg2*d5-c6 [a5=rLN] rLNa5*c6-e7 [c3=rLB]
{ Double stalemate : c3 has nothing to stand on and Rb1 is pinned.
The royal Locust-Nightrider e7 has nothing to eat either.}
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