[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1497.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Lucena, J."]
[Black "0400.10"]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1K6/1P1k4/8/8/8/8/r7/2R5 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "13"]
[EventDate "1497.??.??"]
{One or more files further to the right, White would win more
simply by Ra1-a8-b8 (c8, d8...). In good books, like the one by
Kérès (or another one you will guess), the Lucena win is well presented
with a Knight-pawn.} 1. Rd1+ {We want to build a rampart on the
fourth row. But first we have to move the black king away.} ({We can,
however, start by} 1. Rc4 {giving Black opportunity for a trap} Rb2 (
1... Ra1 2. Rd4+ Ke7 {goes into the text}) 2. Ra4 $3 {[#](Only good
continuation)} ({and not} 2. Ka7 $6 Ra2+ 3. Kb6 Rb2+ 4. Ka6 Ra2+ 5. Kb5 Rb2+ 6.
Rb4 $2 {(Ka6!)} Rxb4+ $8 7. Kxb4 Kc7 $8 $11 {on which we look good !}) ({and}
2. Rd4+ $6 Kc6 3. Kc8 $2 {(Rc4+!)} Rxb7 $8 4. Rc4+ Kd5 $1 $11 {is really
depressing}) 2... Kc6 3. Ra6+ Kd7 4. Ka8 $1 (4. Ra1 $1) 4... Kc7 5. Ra1 $1 (5.
Ra7 $1) 5... Rxb7 6. Rc1+ $8 Kb6 7. Rb1+ $8) 1... Ke7 (1... Kc6 2. Kc8 $8 {is
conclusive}) ({ON} 1... Ke6 {we sneak in through d8, building the dam in
7th :} 2. Kc8 $1 (2. Rd4 {is not justified here}) 2... Rc2+ 3. Kd8 $1 Rb2
4. Rd7 $1 {[#]} Rh2 {(on ...Rb1 follow same move)} 5. Kc8 $1 {(we can thus
cover both on c7 and on d8)} Rb2 (5... Rc2+ 6. Rc7 $8) (5... Rh8+ 6. Rd8
$8) 6. Rc7 $1) 2. Rd4 $3 {[#]The key move.} (2. Rd5 {(has the disadvantage of
allow the endgame "Queen against Rook", where it is still necessary to work)} Ke6 3.
Kc8 (3. Rd4 $1) 3... Rc2+ (3... Kxd5 4. b8=Q $8 Rd2 5. Qg3 $1) 4. Kd8 $8 Kxd5 (
4... Rb2 5. Rd7 $8) 5. b8=Q $8 Rd2 6. Ke7 $1) 2... Ra1 (2... Rc2 3. Ra4 $1 Kd7
4. Ka8 $18) 3. Kc7 $8 {The field is ready.} Rc1+ 4. Kb6 $8 Rb1+ (4... Rc2 5.
Rb4 $1) 5. Kc6 $8 Rc1+ (5... Rb2 6. Rd5 $1 {[#]} Rb1 7. Rb5 $1) ({Black can
create a small problem by} 5... Ke6 6. Rd6+ $1 {[#]} (6. Rd5 $2 Rxb7 $8 $11) (6.
Rd8 $6 {(waste of time)} Rc1+ $1 7. Kb5 $6 Rb1+ 8. Ka6 Ra1+ {fails with a
Knight-pawn, the King cannot go further left}) (6. Re4+ $1 Kf6 7. Rc4 {
for Kc7}) (6. Ra4 $1 Rb2 {(...Rc1+ Kb5)} 7. Ra5 $1) {(after this small check
the "thematic tries" are carried out)} 6... Ke5 (6... Ke7 7. Rd5
$3) 7. Rd8 $1 ({or} 7. Rd5+ Ke6 8. Rb5) 7... Rc1+ 8. Kd7 $1 $18) 6. Kb5 $3 Rb1+
7. Rb4 $3 {[#]And here it is... the bridge! Historical controversy: it is claimed that,
in the famous document of 1497, published in Salamanca and dedicated to the royal couple
Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, this famous endgame does not appear
! The manuscript not being in our possession, we will be careful not to decide .} 1-0
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