B vs ppp
[Event "Les Blancs annulent"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2018.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Villeneuve, A."]
[Black "0010.03"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/3K4/1pp5/2kp4/8/8/8/5B2 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "11"]
[EventDate "2018.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2000.07.25"]
{"sea snake".} 1. Bd3 $3 (1. Be2 $2 b5 $8 2. Bd1 d4 $3 {[#]} (
2... Kc4 $2 3. Kxc6 $8 b4 4. Be2+ $1) (2... b4 $2 3. Bb3 $8 d4 4. Ke6 $8 d3 5.
Ke5 $8 d2 6. Ke4 $8 $11) 3. Be2 (3. Bc2 b4 $1) 3... b4 $8 4. Ke6 d3 $3 {[#](force
the King's entry)} (4... b3 $2 5. Ke5 $8) 5. Bxd3 Kd4 $8 6. Bg6 c5 $19) (1. Ke6
$2 b5 $8 2. Ke5 b4 $8 3. Be2 b3 $8 4. Bd3 b2 $8 {(obtaining passage to c4 or
d4)} (4... Kb4 $2 5. Kd4 $8 b2 {(here, Black to move will have ...Ka3!!)} 6.
Bc2 $8 {(Bb1? ...Kb3! ZZ)} Ka3 7. Kc5 $8 $11) 5. Bb1 Kc4 $1 6. Kf4 Kc3 7. Ke3
d4+ 8. Ke2 c5 $8 9. Be4 c4 10. Bb1 d3+ 11. Ke3 Kb3 12. Kd2 Kb4 $1 13. Ba2 Ka3
$8 14. Bb1 Kb3 $8 {Z} 15. Ke3 Kc3 $8 $19 {Z}) 1... b5 2. Bb1 $3 {[#]As far as possible
from the black king, but also from the pawns.} (2. Bc2 $2 Kc4 $3 (2... d4 $2 3.
Bd3 $8 b4 4. Ke6 $8) ({or symmetrically} 2... b4 $2 3. Bb3 $8 d4 4. Ke6 $8) 3.
Kxc6 b4 $1 (3... d4 $1) 4. Kb6 (4. Kd6 d4 $8 5. Ke5 d3 $8) 4... d4 $8 5. Ka5 b3
$8 $19 {gaining essential tempo on the Bishop: compare with the analysis of the 2nd
black move}) (2. Bg6 $2 b4 $8 3. Bb1 Kc4 $19) (2. Ke6 $2 Kd4 $1 (2... b4 $1 3.
Ke5 b3 $8 {et ...Rb4}) 3. Bb1 c5 $19) 2... b4 (2... Kc4 3. Kxc6 $1 (3. Ba2+ $1
Kc5 4. Bb1 $8) 3... b4 (3... d4 4. Kb6 $1 {idem}) 4. Kb6 $1 (4. Ba2+ $1 b3 5.
Bxb3+ $8) 4... d4 5. Ka5 $8 b3 6. Ka4 $8 b2 7. Ka3 $8 $11) 3. Ba2 $3 {[#]The
key square, preventing both ...b3 & ...Kc4.} (3. Bc2 $2 Kc4 $1) (3. Ke6 $2
Kc4 $1) 3... d4 {It would be lost if the pawn was still on b5, because of the
possibility ...Kb4.} 4. Ke6 $8 d3 5. Ke5 $8 d2 6. Bb3 $8 {Only the
sea snake defence works. Note: the small sea-snakes in the trials are not enough.} 1/2-1/2
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