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1 - #2

Trillon, JM.

white Pc7b6e4g5g3e2g2c2 Se5 Ra1h1 Ke1 black Pb7b5e3e6e7g7 Kc8 Bh4 Sa3
b) ♙c2-->b2


2 - 2# rook-lions bishop-lions and neutral pawn

Rook/Bishop: piece moving with the march of the rook or bishop using a sautoir
neutral pawn : The appellation of "neutral pawns" is questionable: these pawns are not "neutral", they are not "neither white nor black", they are alternatively white and black, in other words they flip-flop, like French politicians and others do. They are not neutral pawns, but pawns-swirlers. But don't let that stop us from enjoying this beautiful problem.

neutral Pawn

Caillaud, M.

neutral Pg7 black BBc8e5 Ph7h6b4 Ke8 BRe1 white WBa2 Ph5 Kb3 Ra7 WRh8
C; #2(5+7+1)
🨶a2, 🨼c8, e5: Bishop-Lion
🨵h8, 🨻e1: Rook-Lion
🨅g7: neutral Pawn


3 - 2# Eiffel

Gockel, H.

white Ba3d3 Kh3 Qc2 Pe6b5a4b3c3d2 Sc8e1 Ra7g5 black Bh1c1 Kc5 Qd7 Pd5e4a2a5 Sb1 Rb6
: In Eiffel (invented by Petkov), the units paralyze according to the P-N-B-R-Q-P cycle.
The bK is not in check, the Ba3 being paralysed by the Nb1.
. The Qd7 is paralysed by the Ra7



4 - 8# avec équistopper, leo & paos

Rehm, HP.

white LEd5 Ka8 NEf1 Ph5g4h3c4b4 Sd3 WPd7 black Pd2d4b3b7 Kf3 BPb6
🨊d5: Leo
🨋d7, 🨑b6: Pao
🩈f1: Equistopper
: controls the middle of a segment of which one end is itself and the other an occupied square.
Thus Eq f1 controls e3 (thanks to Leo d5), g3 (thanks to Ph5), e4 (thanks to Pao d7), e2 & g2 (thanks to Cd3 & Ph3).
The only condition is that the said middle is itself... the centre of a square!
: Leo is a Chinese Queen, Pao a Chinese rook (need for a sautoir to capture)

5 - 2# Transmuted Kings

Murarasu, I.

white Pa7d7e7f7h7g5 Sa6f3 Kg8 Ge4g2 Na1 black Pd6d4b5a4 Kd5 Bd3
#2 Transmuted Kings(12+6)
🨟e4, g2: Grasshoppers
🨢a1: Nightrider
: When a King is in check, it catches, for the time of the check, the moving way of the piece that threatens it
: a piece moving along the Queen's lines with the help of a sautoir behind which it lands
: extended knight


6 - h#4 with Grasshoppers & kangourous

Foster, G.

white Kd3 WGa7f2 black Kd1 BGa6a3
🨟a7, f2, 🨥a6, a3: Grasshoppers
b) Grasshoppers --> Kangourous
: a piece moving along the Queen's lines with the help of a sautoir behind which it lands
: Grasshopper with double sautoir. It lands just behind the second sautoir

7 - 1# duplex complete chess shrinking

Ravishankar, S.

white Kc7 Rb6 black Ka8
#1 duplex(2+1)
complete chess
Shrinking Men
: The statement is valid with the move to White or Black
. : one can play one of its own pieces or one of the opponent's pieces
shrinking: a piece cannot play a move geometrically longer than its previous move
Note that a move is considered legal in the absence of a demonstration that it is not.
Thus, the two Kings are assumed to be "unshrunken" because each is on the colour of its initial square, thus assumed to have played only diagonal moves.


8 - h#2,5 super-circé with camel, pao

Crisan, V.

white VAd8 Sc8 PAb7 Ka8 black Qc7 CAe5 Kd5
h#2.5 super-circe(4+3)
b) 🨽e5 --> d4
🨵b7: Pao
🨶d8: Vao
🨽e5: Camel
: a captured piece is reborn at the whim of the side making the capture
: leaper (3,1) (Knight is a leaper (2,1))


9 - h#2 madrasi

Madrasi : 2 opposing pieces of the same kind that observe each other are paralysed

Zidek, A.

white Qg8 Pd7f7h7 Ke3 Bc6 Rc2 black Be8e7 Kh1 Qh8 Pf5g2e2 Sd6d3 Rc8c7
h#2 madrasi(7+11)
b) -Qg8 -Qh8


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