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1 - 2#

Trillon, JM.

white Bb8b7 Kd5 Qb4 Pf5g6h7f2f3g3b5 Sf1d3 Rf4h6 black Pa7b6c5g7e5g2 Kh8
b) ♙f2-->g4


2 - h#4,5 avec camel & zebra

Pachl, F.

white Kf3 WCf1 black Bh8a8 BCa6f2 Qb7 Pc3d5b5c2 Sf5b1 Rh1h2 Zf6 Kb3
b) f1=🨍
🨓f6: Zebra
🨷f1, 🨽a6, f2: Camel
: hopper (3,1) (quick reminder: the Knight is a hopper (2,1))
: hopper (3,2)


3 - h#2 3 solution anti-circe

Tritten, P.

white Qb1 Kg7 Rd1 Sh1 black Be4h2 Kf5 Qc2 Pg5g4e6d2 Sd7 Rb7
h#2 anti-circe(4+10)
3 solutions
: after a capture, the capturing piece returns to its original square if it is free, otherwise the capture is illegal



4 - h=2 2 sol with princess

Bedoni, R & Kerhuel M

white Pd7e7f6 Kf3 black PRf8 Kd6
2 solutions
🨽f8: Princess
: piece with both the Knight and the Bishop's march


5 - 2# masand

Gockel, H.

white Bd5 Ka4 Qc1 Pd7b6h4h3 Se5f4 Rd6e1 black Pc6a6b3c3f6h7h5 Kf5 Rc7 Sd4 Bg8
#2 masand(11+11)
: all units attacked by the checking piece change colour. Except of course the King.


6 - 2# isardam

Gockel, H.

white Qc2 Pb7c5c4 Kb8 Rc7d5 Sc3e7 black Bg8 Ke6 Qg6 Pc6e3f5f6 Sf7 Rb6g7
#2 Isardam(9+10)
: two opposing units of the same nature cannot observe each other: both Qxf5 and ...cxd5 & ...Rxb7 are illegal.


7 - hs#3 eiffel

Petkov, P.

white Pd7g3 Be5 Rg7 Kh1 black Pe7d4e3e2c2h3 Kh6
hs#3 Eiffel(5+7)
b) +PNh5
the units paralyse according to the P-N-B-R-Q-P cycle.
The author of this problem is also the inventor of the Eiffel condition.
: the 2 sides collaborate until the penultimate move after which white plays and black is forced to mate


8 - 2# optional replacement

Beasley, J.

white Qe4 Pd7e6a2h7f5d4 Sb1 Rg2 Ka5 black Pc6g5 Sf8 Be2 Kc4
optional replacement
: a side that captures a unit can replace it wherever it wants (except for self-check) as in Super-Circe,
except for two differences:
Bishops must respawn on squares of the same colour, pawns cannot respawn on the 1st or 8th row.


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