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1 - 2#
Trillon, JM.1968
white Bb8b7 Kd5 Qb4 Pf5g6h7f2f3g3b5 Sf1d3 Rf4h6
black Pa7b6c5g7e5g2 Kh8
#2(15+7)b) ♙f2-->g4
1. f5*e6 ep.! g2*f1=Q 2.Rf4-f8# {The white pawn structure
requires 7 captures. Black's g2-pawn has captured, which requires the promotion
of White's "a" pawn to b8 after a6xb7, i.e. an 8th White capture.
white "a" pawn to b8 after a6xb7, i.e. an 8th white capture. But the last
move could not be ...h3xg2, which would force White to make two more
captures because a pawn comes from h2. The only remaining Black move is either .
...c7-c5, or ...e7-e5. Suppose it was ...c7-c5. Then the Fb8 comes
from promotion. The original Fc1 must have been captured by the pawn currently on
g2, which is impossible, the capture having been made on a white square (the Pg3
comes from g2). Remains ...e7-e5. This condemns the Ff8, but it is not annoying,
there remain 8 black units, including the "d" and "f" pawns captured on their file,
the Pg2 coming naturally from h7. The last move was therefore ...e7-e5.}
b) wPf2-->g4 {pf2-->g4}
1. b5*c6 ep. ! e5*f4 2.Qb4-f8# {In comparison with the
twin (see analysis), there is an extra white move (so in total
9 counting axb7), so that Bf8 had to participate. The last move
could not be ...e7-e5. On the other hand, ...c7-c5 could (and should) have been the last move, as the
Bb8 coming from promotion, because the original Bc1 could be captured by ...
h4xg3: the g3-pawn comes from f2 (f3 from e2, g4 from g2). So there was ...hxg3-g2
then f2xg3 and h3-h4-h7.}
2 - h#4,5 avec camel & zebra
Pachl, F.2010
white Kf3 WCf1
black Bh8a8 BCa6f2 Qb7 Pc3d5b5c2 Sf5b1 Rh1h2 Zf6 Kb3
b) f1=🨍🨓f6: Zebra🨷f1, 🨽a6, f2: Camel
a){Camel f1}
1...WCf1*c2 2.BCf2-c1 WCc2*b5 {clears the way for the Qb7} 3.Rh2-b2 WCb5-e6 4.Kb3-c2 Kf3-e2 5.Qb7-b3 WCe6-f3 # ! {}
b) +wZf1 {Zebra f1}
1...WZf1*c3 2.Zf6-c4 WZc3*f5 {frees the square e3 for the White King} 3.Bh8-b2 WZf5-h8 ! 4.Kb3-c3 Kf3-e3 5.BCa6-b3 WZh8-e6 # !
{Note the diagonal-orthogonal echo between Bb2 and Rb2
Of course, many of the units are only used for a twin, this classic flaw is glaring, but the problem is entertaining.
Kniest theme: a black piece is captured on the future mate square.}
3 - h#2 3 solution anti-circe
Tritten, P.2010
white Qb1 Kg7 Rd1 Sh1
black Be4h2 Kf5 Qc2 Pg5g4e6d2 Sd7 Rb7
h#2 anti-circe(4+10)3 solutions
1.Bh2-f4 Sh1-g3 {don't check because of Qb1} 2.Qc2*d1[bQd1->d8] Qb1-b5 # {by double check }
1.Be4*h1[bBh1->c8] Qb1-b5 2.Qc2-e4 Rd1-f1 # {by double check }
1.Rb7*b1[bRb1->a8] Rd1-f1 2.Sd7-e5 Sh1-g3 # {by double check cyclic Zilahi theme AB-BC-CA}
4 - h=2 2 sol with princess
Bedoni, R & Kerhuel M2014
white Pd7e7f6 Kf3
black PRf8 Kd6
h=2(4+2)2 solutions🨽f8: Princess
{ }
1.Kd6*d7 e7*f8=WP + 2.Kd7-e8 WPf8-e6 {semi-mirror stalemate}
1.PRf8*e7 Kf3-e4 2.PRe7-c8 d7*c8=Q {mirror stalemate}
5 - 2# masand
Gockel, H.2017
white Bd5 Ka4 Qc1 Pd7b6h4h3 Se5f4 Rd6e1
black Pc6a6b3c3f6h7h5 Kf5 Rc7 Sd4 Bg8
#2 masand(11+11)
} 1.Se5-c4 ? {threatens} 2.Bd5-e4[c6=w] # {} 1...Bg8*d5 2.Rd6*d5[d4=w][d7=b] # {} 1...Sd4-e2 2.Qc1-c2[e2=w][b3=w][c3=w] # {} 1...c6*d5 2.Rd6*d5[d4=w][d7=b] # {but} 1...Sd4-e6 ! 2.Bd5-e4+ Se6-c5[d7=b][b3=w][e4=b][a6=w] + {et} 2.Bd5*e6[g8=w][d7=b] d7*e6 ! {} 1.Se5-f3 ? {threatens} 2.Sf3*d4[b3=w][c6=w] # {} 1...Sd4-e2 2.Qc1-c2[e2=w][b3=w][c3=w] # {} 1...Sd4*f3 2.Bd5-e4[f3=w][c6=w] # {} 1...c6*d5 2.Rd6*d5[d4=w][d7=b] # {but} 1...c6-c5 ! {} 1.Se5*c6 ! {threatens} 2.Sc6-e7[d5=b][g8=w] # {} 1...Sd4-e2 2.Qc1-c2[e2=w][b3=w][c3=w] # {} 1...Sd4*c6 2.Bd5-e4[c6=w] # {} 1...Rc7*c6 2.Rd6*f6[c6=w] # {} 1...Rc7*d7 2.Sc6*d4[b3=w] # {as the rook has left the file, there is no longer the Rc4+ parry that would blacken the knight"Tertiary threat correction".}
} 1.Se5-c4 ? {threatens} 2.Bd5-e4[c6=w] # {} 1...Bg8*d5 2.Rd6*d5[d4=w][d7=b] # {} 1...Sd4-e2 2.Qc1-c2[e2=w][b3=w][c3=w] # {} 1...c6*d5 2.Rd6*d5[d4=w][d7=b] # {but} 1...Sd4-e6 ! 2.Bd5-e4+ Se6-c5[d7=b][b3=w][e4=b][a6=w] + {et} 2.Bd5*e6[g8=w][d7=b] d7*e6 ! {} 1.Se5-f3 ? {threatens} 2.Sf3*d4[b3=w][c6=w] # {} 1...Sd4-e2 2.Qc1-c2[e2=w][b3=w][c3=w] # {} 1...Sd4*f3 2.Bd5-e4[f3=w][c6=w] # {} 1...c6*d5 2.Rd6*d5[d4=w][d7=b] # {but} 1...c6-c5 ! {} 1.Se5*c6 ! {threatens} 2.Sc6-e7[d5=b][g8=w] # {} 1...Sd4-e2 2.Qc1-c2[e2=w][b3=w][c3=w] # {} 1...Sd4*c6 2.Bd5-e4[c6=w] # {} 1...Rc7*c6 2.Rd6*f6[c6=w] # {} 1...Rc7*d7 2.Sc6*d4[b3=w] # {as the rook has left the file, there is no longer the Rc4+ parry that would blacken the knight"Tertiary threat correction".}
6 - 2# isardam
Gockel, H.2017
white Qc2 Pb7c5c4 Kb8 Rc7d5 Sc3e7
black Bg8 Ke6 Qg6 Pc6e3f5f6 Sf7 Rb6g7
#2 Isardam(9+10)
{tries :}
1.Se7-c8 ? {threatens} 2.Rc7-e7 # {}
1...e3-e2 2.Qc2*e2 # {(Ne5 is illegal) but not} 2.Rc7-e7 + {because of} e2-e1=R {but the good défence is} 1...Qg6-g3 ! {}
1.Se7*c6 ? {threatens} 2.Sc6-d4 # {since ...Nd8 & ...Ng5 illegal but neither} 2.Rc7-e7 + ? Rb6*c6 ! {, nor} 2.Rd5-d6 + ? Ke6-e5! {
since the Nc6 is pinned)}}
1...Rb6-b1 2.Rc7-e7 # {but not} 2.Sc6-d4 + ? Rb1-d1 ! {the good défence is} 1...Qg6-g4 ! {}
1.Se7*f5 ! {threatens} 2.Qc2-e4 # {(Ne5 is illegal) "Tertiary threat correction".(note that } 2.Rc7-e7 {don't checkmate because } Ke6*e7 ! {}
1...Qg6-g3 2.Sf5-d4 # {(note that} 2.Qc2-e4 + {don't checkmate because } Qg3-d6 ! {)}
1...Qg6-g4 2.Rc7-e7 #
7 - hs#3 eiffel
Petkov, P.2004
white Pd7g3 Be5 Rg7 Kh1
black Pe7d4e3e2c2h3 Kh6
hs#3 Eiffel(5+7)b) +PNh5
a) {}
1.d7-d8=R e2-e1=B 2.Rd8*d4 c2-c1=Q 3.Rd4-h4 + Be1*g3 # {(Ici}
2...c2-c1=R 3.Rd4-h4 + Be1*g3 {would not checkmate because } 4.Be5-b2 {would paralyze the Rook)}
b) +bPh5 {+bPh5}
1.d7-d8=B e2-e1=S 2.Bd8*e7 c2-c1=R 3.Be7-g5 + Se1-f3 # {(and as in the a,}
2...c2-c1=Q 3.Be7-g5 + Se1-f3 {would not checkmate because } 4.Rg7-c7 {would paralyze the Queen)}
8 - 2# optional replacement
Beasley, J.1992
white Qe4 Pd7e6a2h7f5d4 Sb1 Rg2 Ka5
black Pc6g5 Sf8 Be2 Kc4
2#(10+5)optional replacement
1.Sb1-a3+ ? Kc4-c3 {}
1.Rg2*e2 ? {(bB ad libitum) does not threaten} 2.Re2-c2 {since ... } Sf8*h7[+wPc3] {}
1.Rg2*g5[+bPa3] ! {The threat is } 2.Sb1*a3[+bPc3] # {
Black parries it by placing a white pawn on c3 so that there can be no black pawn! But there will be a damage:
the control by the said pawn of the square d4.}
1...Sf8*d7[+wPc3] 2.Qe4*e2[+bBd5] # {}
1...Sf8*e6[+wPc3] 2.Qe4*e6[+bSd3] # {(A noter que} 2.Qe4*e2[+bBd5] ? {is not mat because of} Se6*g5[+wRd3] ! {and not} 2...Se6*d4
{because the wP cannot be moved back to d3}
1...Sf8*h7[+wPc3] 2.Qe4*c6[+bPd3] # {and here,} 2...Sh7*g5 {is impossible because one cannot replace wR on c5}
1...Be2-f1 2.Sb1*a3[+bPc3] #
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