2019 French Championship

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Touw Hian Bwee
MH 1
idee&form 1986

white Qb5 Pc2f2c5d4 Kg5 Rf5e2 Sd5 black Ba1f1 Ke4 Qc1 Pg7g4e3b7 Sb3 Rd2
Give the key.

C. Sammelius, 1 Prix
Schweizerische Arbeiter-
Schachzeitung 1968

white Bh4b7 Ka1 Qf7 Pf2 Sb2f3 Rc6d5 black Bb1e3 Ke4 Qh7 Ph6g7g4 Sf8f4 Re2
Give the key.

A. Dombrovskis
3 Place
SSSR Championship 1975 (miroir)

white Bb8c8 Kf1 Qg3 Pf4d2a3c4 Se3b3 Ra5 black Pg4b7d4 Sf2b2 Rg5d8 Kd3 Bb1f8
Give key, threats and variations up to
white move preceeding checkmate.

S. Levman
4HM Shakhmatny
2nd semester 1925

white Qc7 Pg6e5d4 Kh7 Bd1 Sf6c2 black Pa6b4c3d2f4h5 Sb8 Kd3
Give key, threats and variations up to
white move preceeding checkmate.

V. Rudenko & M. Marandiuk
1-3 Prize
Ekaterinburg-275 JT, 1999

white Rb6 Ke8 Bb8d3 Sc7d1 Pc6e2g5f5 black Pa5b5c5b3d4g4f7 Kd6 Ra4h7 Sg2 Bh8
Give solution up to white move preceeding checkmate.

A. Rusz
Unpublished for 2019 french
solving championship

white Pd5 Ka1 Ba2h2 Sg1 black Pg4h3 Kc1 Be5 Sd4
Give main variation.

V. Krizhanivski
4 Prix
Fedorov 85-MT 2012

white Pe5f4f3d2c3c4b3 Rg6 Bd7 Kg3 black Qe8 Pe6c5a5 Kd3 Bg8g5
Give complete solutions.

M. Olariu
1 Prix
Revista Română de Şah 1990-92

white Kh7 Rd4 black Bc5 Kc2 Qg5 Pd7a5d5f5g2 Sc3a3 Rc7e4
b) f5-->b4
Give complete solutions.

M. Erenburg
Mat Plus 1995

white Ba5 Kf1 Qf6 Pg2c3b3e7 Sc4 Rg8 black Sd1 Pc2d2e4h2 Rc1f7 Bb1g3 Kd3
Give key, threats and variations up to
white move preceeding checkmate.

Y. Gordian & A. Selivanov
, 1 Prix,
Zadachi y etudy 2007

white Bf7h8 Kh6 Qc1 Pb5b4c3d7h4 Sg3 Ra6e1 black Se2 Rg7 Ke5
Give key, threats and variations up to
white move preceeding checkmate.

A. Bottacchi
2-3 Prize
De Barbieri MT, 1943-46

white Kg1 Pb3h2 Sa1b5 Rc5g4 Be5 black Pb7a5a3c3g5e7 Kb4 Ba6f4
Give complete solution.

E. Huber
Unpublished for 2019 french
solving championship

neutral Pd7b7 black Kg5 white Ke3
Give the key.

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