october 21 2003

Selivanov's sefmate : the diagram had remained "pocket remaining" (sorry) but it takes much more to capture the phenomenal memory of Rémy, the grandmaster greffier. Even more phenomenal, I hope, will be the strength of character of the recipients, who will not look too quickly at the solution.

Three performances of the previously titled "grandmaster" against a heap of scrap metal (one will excuse the analyses made on the spot, in the style of the above, far from the quality of the Saint-Lazar's deepening).


Smyslov 4The most surprising of the three studies comes from the great Smyslov: hope in a desperate situation... Also attached is (another) testimony to the ignorance in the finals of certain great players, from another generation (and above all, from another intellectual background) than that of Smyslov, it is true.Sumbatyan

I couldn't verify the fairies, always having trouble getting into the "chess base" of the circus with semi-neutral Chinese nightriders with 27 locusts and a few nereids.





Master's diagrams

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