ISC 2005 - 1st round

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International Solving Contest 2005

1st round - 120mn

R. Gevers


white Bc7f3 Kc8 Qb1 Pg2 Sb7a3 Rb3g7 black Pg3e3d3c3b2e6 Sb8h6 Ra4 Kd4
pb 1 : Give the key
E. Hassberg


white Qa8 Ka1 Rc3h8 Se5 Bh6c6 black Qg7 Pe4h4f6e7 Kf8 Bb8 Sg8a6
Pb 2 : give the key, threats and all variants up to and including the second white move
J. Berger


white Bf3 Kb3 Qd7 Pb6d6d5e4f5h4h3c2 Sf1 Rg1 black Ph5g5f6e5c6b4c3 Kd4 Rc4
Pb 3 : as before, give the key, threats and variations until the 3rd white move
C. Peronace


white Pg7h3 Kh4 Rd4 Se5 black Qe6 Pf3 Kh6 Bc1
Pb 4 : white plays and draws ... give all moves until an obvious draw
H. Rohr


white Ba6h4 Ke3 Qh3 Pf5c3 Sb2 Ra2 black Pb5a4f7f6 Bh1 Rg2g1 Kf1
Pb 5 : give the key, the possible threats, all the variations up to and including the fourth white move
(reminder: in reverse, white plays and forces black to checkmate him ... a bit masochistic, but good ...)
Ch. Feather


white Ka8 Rd6f5 Sb7 black Ba6c3 Ra5 Kd3 Qd5 Pa4c6c5f4e5d7e7 Sc4d4
Pb 6 : give all the moves of each solution
(reminder, in helpmate, it is Black to start and help White to checkmate ... isn't that nice? ... Ebony and Ivory ... )

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