: Extended Knight in successive jumps in the same direction
: When you take a unit, you remove a second unit of the same type from the same side (if any).
1.PSg4*f2 ! {}
1...Sb2-c4 2.PSf2-f4 + {
(the threat, the Hunter plays forward like a pawn and attacks backwards e2, so it's a double check !)}
2...Ke2-e3 3.PSf4-f5 # {
(plays backwards as a knight and therefore controls e3)}
1...Re1-f1 2.PSf2*d1 + {(double check)} Ke2-e1 {(or Ke3)} 3.Qg2-e2 # {
d1 hunter, playing as a pawn, controls e2 square}
1...Bd1-c2 2.PSf2*g3 + Ke2-e3 3.PSg3-g4 # {
he has played as a pawn but is attacking the Black King as a Knight}
1...Bc1-f4 2.PSf2-f3 + Ke2-e3 3.PSf3-d2 # {
he has played as a Knight but is attacking the Black King as a pawn}
1...Re1-g1 2.PSf2*d1 + Ke2-e1 3.Qg2*g1 #
{Albino's three quarters.}
3 - h#2 a) take & make b) anti-circe couscous
Tritten, P.2015
white Ka7 Rd6d4 Sc2
black Sa8 Re6c4 Ke5 Pb3b2
h#2(4+6)a) Take&Makeb)Anti-Circe couscous
: after a capture, the capturing unit moves with the march of the captured piece
: After a capture, the capturing unit is moved to the original square of the captured one.
a) {Take&Make}
1.Rc4*c2-a3 + Ka7*a8-b6 2.Ke5*d4-a4 Rd6*e6-e4 # {}
b) {AntiCirce Couscous}
1.Rc4*c2[bRc2->b1] Ka7*a8[wKa8->g8] 2.Ke5*d4[bKd4->a1] Rd6*e6[wRe6->a8] #
{The first phase of the moves is the same in both twins, but everything else differs!
Echoes of Mates.}
4 - h#3 with Equihoppers b) bKe7
Jelliss, G.2024
white Se5 Ke3 EQf3d2g8a3
black Ka4
h#3(6+1)b) Ka4-->e7
🩈f3, d2, g8, a3: Equihoppers
: plays symmetrically in relation to any unit, as long as it stays on the board.
a) {}
1.Ka4-b3 Se5-c4 2.Kb3-c2 EQa3-e5 + 3.Kc2-d1 EQf3-d3 # {
Eqg8 guards c2. The Knight is not used
to checkmate (it is used in b) but has been used in the play.}
b) bKa4-->e7 {Ka4-->e7}
1.Ke7-f6 EQg8-e4 + 2.Kf6-e7 EQa3-g1 3.Ke7-d6 EQd2-f4 # {
Note that Eqg1 keeps 4 squares of the royal field, c7, e7, c5 & e5}
5 - 2# madrasi
Shankar Ram, N.1986
white Kd6 Qb5 Bc4c3 Sb1d4 Pa4h7e2 Rg1
black Qe8 Se6 Kb3 Bd5
#2 madrasi(10+4)
: opposing units of the same type that are observing each other are paralysed
{ }
1.f2-f1=S a7*b8=B[+bBf8] 2.e2-e1=R d7*e8=Q[+bBc8] #
{It's really mate :
the Queen will take one of the Rooks (even on} 3.Rd8*e8[+wQd1] {and the rebirth on h8 will explode the Black King.
Who can't come to g8 (} 3.Kh8-g8 Bg2*f1[+bSg8] {), neither h7 (} 3.Kh8-h7 Bg2*h3[+bPh7] {)
nor g7 (} 3.Kh8-g7 Bb8*g3[+bPg7] {).
Note that } 1...a7*b8=Q ? {would check threatening Qxd8
bicoloured AUW.}
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