: Leo (or chinese Queen) moves on the Queen's lines but needs a jumper to capture
: moves on the Queen's lines using a jumper.
The squares must be free between the starting square and the jumper as well as between the jumper and the arrival square which can be occupied by an opposing unit.
: moves on the Queen's lines using a jumper which is necessarily an opposing unit behind which it is placed.
the opposing jumper disappears at the end of the movement
: moves on the Queen's lines to capture and as a Lion for movement without capture
1.c6-c7 ? {stalemate because the black king comes from g8}
1.Kg6-f6 ! 1...Kh8-h7 2.c6-c7 {}
2...Kh7-g6 ? 3.Kf6*g6 {because white King left this square a little before.}
2...Kh7-g8 ? 3.c7-c8=Q # {}
2...Kh7-h6 3.c7-c8=Q Kh6-h5 4.Qc8-h3# {Mate is not a model one since 2 patterns prohibit 4...Kh6.}
3 - aidé 5# philophages
Bedoni, R.1979
white Ka7 Pc6
black Pf2 Ka6
h#5 philophages(2+2)
philophages : In Philophagic Chess, you can only capture units from your own side, including the King..
1.Ka6-b7 c6-c7 2.Kb7-a8 {}
c7-c8=S ? {would be a self-check}
2...Ka7-b7 3.f2-f1=B c7-c8=S 4.Bf1-g2 Sc8-a7 5.Bg2-h1 Kb7-b8 #
4 - serial h#75 pwc contra-hamster
Foster, G.2022
white Kf6 Bg3 Pf2 HAg4
black Kh8
ser-h#75 PWC(4+1)
🨴g4: contra-Hamster
: in PWC (Platzwechselcirce or exchange Circe) the captured piece is reborn on the starting square of the movement of the capturing piece
: moves on the Queen's lines by bouncing on a "stop" which is on a square adjacent to its starting square
: you can play your pieces or the opponent's pieces, provided you do not return immediately,
which would cancel a move played.
You can't play a self-check either..
{ }
1...Kd4-c4 {(White move !)} 2.Qf7-f4 + Qf4-d6 3.Kc4-b5 Kb5-c6 # ! {(cause 4.Kb5 is illegal)}
1...Kd4-e5 {(White move !)} 2.Qf7-f1+ Qf1-b5 3.Ke5-d6 Kd6-c6 # ! {(cause 4.Kd6 is illegal)}
1...Qf7-f4 + ? {: White can't play a self-check}
1...Qf7-f1 + ? {(same remark)
White has not played any of his units !}
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