{ }
1.b2-b1=BH h7-h8=WH 2.BHb1-h4 {!! (via e1)}
2...WHa8-c3 # {(via h8)
Winged Bishop h8 checkmates with the c3 jumper, check d1 & e2 with the h5 jumper.
Move} 3.BHh4*c3 {(via e1) does not counter mate,
no more than} 3.BHh4-d2 {(via e1).
And } 3.BHh5-g7 {(via h8} does not parry either, with WBh8 using the h4 jumper.
Placing the WBb1 on f2 also fails for another reason: 3...WBf2-g1-d4}
1.d2-d1=MG 2.MGd1-d5 {}
3.Kd6-c6 d7-d8=WG #
{Marguerite d8 gives check and control b7, b6, d7 & d6 using the jumper c7,
it gives check and control c5 & d6 using jumper d5. Double check is required, or a jumper will run away.}
3 - h#2 with winged camel
Bedoni, R.1989
white Ph7 Kb7
black BCd4 Pe5e2 Ke8
h#2(2+4)🨽d4: winged Camel
: plays like a Queen until the jumper, then like a camel (1,3) after
1.nSc2-e3 Ra3-a1 2.nSe3-g4 Ra1-g1 # {
The white part of the neutral king supports the white rook, which then attacks the black part of the same neutral king (!)
while supporting the neutral knight and thus preventing the neutral king from escaping to h2.
If it is not supported by a black unit, it cannot take the Rook..}
1.nSc2-d4 Ra3-h3 2.nSd4-e2 Rh3-h2 # {
Symmetrical echo.}
7 - serial h#11 2 variations with Moose
Feather, Ch2008
black mg8d1 Kh8
white Bb8 Kh6 Ph3
ser-h#11(3+3)🨺d1,g8: Elan
: Moves on the Queen's lines before the hurdle,
then deviates by 45° and lands just after it
1.e2-e1=Q {(Paralyse wR & wB.)} Se3-g2 2.Ke6-d6 Sg2*e1 # {
by a double check, bK can't play either as a Bishop or as a Rook.}
1.e2-e1=R Se3-c2 2.Ke6-d5 {(leads to paralysis of the 2 Kings)} Bg3*e1 # {(by R, bN being paralysed)}
1.e2-e1=B {(paralysing wB)} Se3-d5 {(unparalysing wR)} 2.Ke6-e5 Rd1*e1 #
{3 mates on the same square given by different units.}
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