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1 - 2# anti-circe
Cheylan, Y.1992
white Rg1c7 Bb1f4 Qc2 Pd2e3f2f7e6 Kf6 Se1
black Bg3a2 Re8a3 Pg2g6b2d5b7 Sh4f5 Qa7 Kd4
#2 anti circe(12+13)
: after a capture, the capturing piece returns to its native square.
If this square is not empty, the capture is impossible..
There is one exception, however, when the capture and rebirth squares are the same. :
Calvet type authorised capture and Cheylan type illegal capture
Here, the question doesn't arise
{set play :}
2.kSb5-c3 # {}
2.Sg2-f4 # {}
2.Rc2*c5 # {}
2.kSb5-c3 # {Real play :}
1.e3-e4 + ! {}
2.Sg2-e3 # {}
2.Sg2-f4 # {}
2.kSb5-c3 # {}
2.Rc2*c5 #
{ABC-CAB cycle between set play and real play .}
3 - h#3.5 chinese pieces
Rehm, HP & Widlert K2018
white VAa6 Ka1 WPd1
black Sc4g2 MAd3 Be2 Rf2 BPh1 Ph2b3 Kf1
🨼a6: Vao🨋d1, 🨑h1: Pao🨓d3: Mao
: move as a Rook but needs a hurdle to capture
: move as a Bishop but needs a hurdle to capture
: creeping Knight making first a Rook step.
If square of Rook step is not free, the Mao cannot then perform his bishop step.
1...WPd1-e1 2.Be2-d1 {}
WPe1-e2 {(unpinning Mao)} 3.MAd3-e1 {}
WPe2-d2 + 4.Bd1-e2 {(return)}
WPd2-d1 #
{(return)Mao can't move, d1 & e2 squares being busy.
And Be2 is pinned by Vao a6.
White Pao circuit.
The mate position is the diagram with Mao d3 on e1 .
Note that } 1...WPd1-d2 ? {is illegal : pin by Pao h1) } 2.BPh1*a1
Another under-rated problem .}
4 - serial h=8 anti-circe
Ersek, T.2018
white Rb8e3 Bc6e1 Pf6h6h2b4 Qg3 Sd1 Ka1
black Sf7e7 Bd8 Pg7h7g2c2d2e2 Kg1
1.c2*d1=S[-d1][+bSg8] 2.d2-d1=Q ! {(...d1R? would check)}
3.Qd1-d7 4.Kg1*h2[-h2][+bKe8]
5.g2-g1=R ! {(5...g1B? 6...Bf2 7...Bxe1 (bBf8) and we can't get rid of Pe2 )}
6.Rg1*e1[-e1][+bRh8] 7.e2-e1=B {}
8.Be1*b4[-b4][+bBf8] Qg3-g6 {stalemate.
stalemate by quadruple pinning .}
5 - 2# influencer
Gockel, H.2022
white Pc7d7c6e6c4 Re7d3 Kg7 Se5g4 Be3h1
black Ra7 Kf5 Bb3
#2 influencer(12+3)
Influencer : when an opposing unit occupies a square adjacent to mine, I become a pawn,
unless I'm in the first or last row, in which case I adopt the walk of the influencing unit.
Influence persists when the influencer has moved away.
Kings are neither influencers nor influenced.
{Tries : }
1.Rd3-d4 ? {(threatens} 2.Bh1-e4 # {)}
1...Bb3*c4[d4=P] ? 2.Sg4-h6 #
{but} 1...Bb3-c2 ! {}
1.Rd3-d5 ? {(threatens} 2.Sg4-h6 # {)}
1...Bb3*c4[d5=P] ? 2.Re7-f7 #
{but} 1...Bb3-d1 ! {and if } 2.Sg4-h6 + {, then} Bd1-h5[h6=P] ! {}
1.d7-d8=S ! {(threatens} 2.Re7-f7 # {)}
1...Bb3*c4[d3=P] 2.Bh1-e4 # {It's really mate because even if you take the neighbouring pawn}
2...Bc4*d3[e4=P] {you can't take back check
Note that} 2.Re7-f7 + {is not mate because of } 2...Bc4*e6[f7=P][e5=P] {}
1...Ra7*c7[c6=P][d8=R] 2.Rd8-f8 # {(2...Rxe7 does not prevent, Rf8 remains a Rook)}
{ AB-BC-CA cycle on threat and variation.}
6 - last move ? a)isardam b)vogtländer c)patrol d)mars circe
Loerinc, J.2007
white Sb4g1 Kc3 Qa8 Bg8 Pg2
black Sa5e1 Ka1 Pc5 Bh8 Qg5 Rh1
last move ?(11+10)
a)isardamb)vogtländerc)patrold)mars circe
: it is illegal for two opposing units of the same type to be in mutual ‘observation’
: a side is in check if he gives check in the traditional sense.
In other words, if he can't avoid giving check, he's mate! (Yes, I know, it's a bit of a brain teaser).
: A unit can only capture if it is ‘observed’ by a friendly unit.
: To capture, a unit virtually passes through its original square which must be free
black Pf2c5 Rh1 Ka1 Qg5 Sa5 Bh8
white Be1g8 Sg1b4 Pg2 Kc3 Qa8
the last move was} 1.f2*e1=S # {(the only way to parry the Bh8 check was a white bishop e1).
And Ce1 cannot come from c2, d3 or f3 because of the Isardam condition.}
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