
Click in the right part of the chessboard to move forward, left to move backward...
or directly on the move in the solution

1 - 2# with pao, vao & naos

Loustau, JM.

white Be5 Rg4 Ke2 PAg1 WNf2 black VAb1 Pb2b5 Kh1 BNa3
🨵g1: Pao
🨷f2, 🨽a3: Nao
🨼b1: Vao
: chinese Rook move as a Rook but needs a hurdle to capture
: chinese Bishop move as a Bishop but needs a hurdle to capture
: move as a Nightrider but needs a hurdle to capture


2 - h#2,5 3 solutions neutral chinese pieces

Caillaud, M.

neutral PAg1 NAa4 Pd2e2 Bd1 Rf3 Sg6 white Ka2 Pg5 black Kf7 Ba1g8 VAe8 Pe6e5f4
🩁g1: neutral Pao
🩃a4: neutral Nao
🨅d2, e2: neutral Pawns
🨃d1: neutral Bishop
🨂f3: neutral Rook
🨄g6: neutral Knight
🨼e8: Vao
: normally move but with the help of a hurdle to capture
: can be moved by one side or the other


3 - 5# all-in chess

Ravishankar, SN.

white Rg8 Ph7 Ka1 black Bb8d7 Rb7d6 Kh1
#5 échecs complets(3+5)
: you can play your units or the opponent's units, as long as you do not return immediately,
which would cancel a move made.


4 - 10# half-in-chess

Tylor, Ch & Ravishankar SN

white Kh8 Ph7h5g3c4 black Ke5
#10 half-in-chess(5+1)
half-in-chess : you can move only opponent's units


5 - helpmate 2# 2 sol mainly-in-chess

Tylor, Ch

white Pc3d2 Kd8 black Re4 Kf3
h#2 mainly-in-chess(4+2)
2 solutions
mainly-in-chess you can play your units or opponent's one,
provided that the same unit is not played twice in a row.
To help you read the solution, the side playing will be indicated: (W)hite or (B)lack.


6 - 2# annan

Gockel, H.

white Pc7f3a4c6 Bg7g4 Qg6 Se3a6 Re2b2 Kh1 black Qa8 Rb8b3 Sc8b7 Ba7g8 Pf4a3a5 Kb6
#2 annan(12+11)
: a unit gets the walking way of the friendly unit ‘below’ it (to the south)


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