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1 - maximum selfmate 2# circe

Ostruh, B & Klasinc M

white Rf1 Sb1 Bd1h4 Pd2 Qf6 Kc6 black Qf5 Kf4 Pd5e5c5b5b3c3c2g4 Rc1e1 Be3 Sf2
s#2 maximum Circe(7+14)
: Black is obliged to play the geometrically longest legal moves
: White plays, forcing Black to checkmate him
: a captured unit is reborn on its native square if it is free


2 - reflex 3#

Morice, J.

white Pd5h5g3a3 Sf7e7 Rg7b1 Bf6 Kh4 Qg1 black Ba6 Ra4 Pb6g2f3e4 Kc5 Sf2e1d2
: when a checkmate is presented, it must be played
Published in 1973, but corrected much later, so that the correct version can be found in the album... 1980-82 !


3 - 2# with leos and rose

Cheylan, Y.

white WLg8 Bg7c6 Ke7 Pb7g4h5h4f2 ROd1 black BLh8 Ph7h6h3c7e3b2 Kf4
🨴g8, 🨺h8: Léo
󼎜d1: Rose
: moves on Queen's lines but needs a sautoir to capture
: Extended Knight moving in a rounding movement


4 - h#1 2 solutions anti-circe b) superguards

Rotenberg, J.

white Kf7 Rg1 black Re8 Be7a1 Pe6h6 Kh7
h#1 anti-circe 2sol.(2+6)
b) Superguards 2sol.
: capturing unit is reborn on its native square if free
: a unit supported by a unit of its side is safe, including Kings


5 - h#2 b) superguards

Rittirsch, M.

white Rd5 Pf7 Bf1 Ke1 black Pg2 Sg4 Kh4
b) Superguards


6 - h#2,5 superguards b) antiguards

Balasubramanian, SK & Crisan V

white Pg6 Sg5 Kh4 black Bf6 Kg7 Ph2
h#2.5 superguards(3+3)
b) anti-guards
anti-guards : a unit can only be captured if it is "observed" by a friendly unit


7 - 2# with neutral locust

Goodare, KJ.

neutral Lh2 white Rc1e8 Ke3 Bd6 Sc8 Pa6h5g3e2 black Kd5 Pa7b6f6
🨖h2: neutral Locust
: kind of Grasshopper that swallows its jumper, which is therefore necessarily an enemy unit


8 - serial h#10 3 solutions with eagles

Kotesovec, V.

white WAd2 black BAe3a3f7g7 Rg4 Kd3
ser-h#10 3 sol.(1+6)
🨴d2, 🨺e3, a3, f7, g7: Eagle
: like a Grasshopper, but at a 90° angle to the jumper


9 - serial h#8 3 solutions with mooses

Kotesovec, V.

white WMb2 black BMb1d8e6f3 Kd4
ser-h#8 3sol.(1+5)
🨊b2, 🨐b1, d8, e6, f3: Moose
: Like a Grasshopper, but with a 45° angle to the jumper.


10 - h#3 2 solutions with naos et pao

Sizonenko, V.

white Sd6 NAf2g4 PAd4 Kg6 black Kc7
h#3 2sol.(5+1)
🨷f2, g4: Nao
🨵d4: Pao
: Extended Knight who needs a jumper to capture
: Rook that needs a jumper to capture



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