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1 - 2# two-coloured chameleon
Lazard, F.1927
white Kh4 Pd5c5 Se4c3 Bb2b3 Qf2
black Ke5
#2 two-coloured Chameleon(8+1
: each unit (other than King) change nature after every move according to the natural cycle P-N-B-R-Q-P.
In two-coloured Chameleon, it changes also color.
1.a2-a1=R ? f7-f8=Q 2.Ra1-b1 Sb2-d3 + 3.c4*d3+ ! {legal because do not mate, c5 being capturable : ...Bd5}
1.a2-a1=Q f7-f8=Q 2.Qa1-a3 Sb2-d3 #
{It's really mate because...} 3.c4*d3 + {checkmate (so illegal) cause there is other checkmates} 3.Sb4*d3 # 3.Rd1*d3 #
{On the other hand} 3...Rc7*c5 + {is illegal because there is also Qxc5#}
3...Qf8*c5 + {idem} 4.Sb4-d5 # {(} 4.Bb3-d5 # {)
Black would have 2 replies with checkmate, therefore cannot play any.}
3 - h#2# 4 sol take & make rose giraffe
Pachl, F & Barth M2015
neutral rob2 GId1 CAd2 DQc1
white Kh5
black Pa2c5g2f3g5 Ba4 Re5 Sh1g1 Kh3
: after a capture (Take), you must pay tribute to captured unit
by doing a movement without capture with the movement of said unit
: unit moving according to its characteristics :
(1,2) for Knight, (1,3) for Camel, (1,4) Giraffe and (2,4) for bouncer (2,4)
: extended rounded Knight
1.Re5-e2 nDQc1-e5 2.Ba4-b3 nROb2*e5-c1 # {}
1.Re5-d5 nROb2-e5 2.Ba4-d7 nCAd2*e5-g6 # {}
1.Re5-e6 nCAd2-e5 2.Ba4-c6 nGId1*e5-d2 # {}
1.Re5-f5 nGId1-e5 2.Ba4-b5 nDQc1*e5-d1 # {
No mate is by double check, which is rare with neutral pieces.
But the mating unit cannot refuse check, because it is each time incarcerated by black Rook and Bishop.
AB-BC-CD-DA cycle.}
4 - s#8 with elephants
Caillaud, M.1997
white Pa3b4b5c5e2 Rd3 WEe8 Kf7
black BEa4 Pd5h6g5h4 Kh5
{ }
a) {}
1.Kg5-h5 Qf3*f4[wQf4->d1][+bPf7] 2.e2*d1=S[bSd1->g8][+wQd1] Qd1*g4[wQg4->d1][+bRa8] # {}
b) bQd6<-->bPf4 {d6 <--> f4}
1.Rg4-g1 Be3*g1[wBg1->c1] 2.d2*c1=B[bBc1->f8][+wBc1] Bc1*f4[wBf4->c1][+bQd8] #
{ AUW in black rebirth.}
6 - h#2 2 sol symmetry point
Ooms, A.2019
white Kd4 Rb2
black Ke6 Sg7g5
h#2 symetry point(3+3)2 solutions
symmetry point :
(a Japanese invention), two units placed symmetrically about the center of the board
(common point of d4, e4, e5 & d5 squares) exchange their march.
So, bNg7 walks like a Rook, the wRb2 like a Knight.
1.Sg7-g6 Rb2-e2 + {
(the Rook has recovered its usual march)}
2.Ke6-f5 Re2-e5 #
{It's really mate : Re5 walks as a King (therefore controls e6, f6, f5, f4 & e4),
white King as a Rook (so control g4). Knight g6 cannot capture this Rook,
because it would give the White King his march, so that the Black King would find himself in check.
Neither the Black King can capture the Rook: the two Kings would "exchange their steps", in this case would not change them !}
1.Sg7-e7 Rb2-b5 2.Sg5-f7 Rb5-e5 #
{Nf7 cannot capture the Rook, for the White King would then walk like a Knight.
And ...Kd7 is impossible, the said white King moving as a Rook.
Which walks like a King and therefore controls d6, e6, f5 & f6.
Echo mate... symmetrical !}
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