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1 - 2# two-coloured chameleon

Lazard, F.

white Kh4 Pd5c5 Se4c3 Bb2b3 Qf2 black Ke5
#2 two-coloured Chameleon(8+1
: each unit (other than King) change nature after every move according to the natural cycle P-N-B-R-Q-P.
In two-coloured Chameleon, it changes also color.


2 - h#2 exclusive chess

Cheylan, Y.

white Pf7g5 Rc7 Sb2 Kc3 Bg2 black Bh8b3 Sg8b4 Rc5d1 Pb5c4a2f4e6 Qa5 Ke5
h#2 exclusive chess(6+13)
: checkmate must be unique.


3 - h#2# 4 sol take & make rose giraffe

Pachl, F & Barth M

neutral rob2 GId1 CAd2 DQc1 white Kh5 black Pa2c5g2f3g5 Ba4 Re5 Sh1g1 Kh3
h#2 T&M 4sol.(1+10+4)
󼎞b2: neutral Rose
🨙d1: neutral giraffe
🩃d2: neutral Camel
🨮c1: neutral bouncer (2,4)
: after a capture (Take), you must pay tribute to captured unit
by doing a movement without capture with the movement of said unit
: unit moving according to its characteristics :
(1,2) for Knight, (1,3) for Camel, (1,4) Giraffe and (2,4) for bouncer (2,4)
: extended rounded Knight


4 - s#8 with elephants

Caillaud, M.

white Pa3b4b5c5e2 Rd3 WEe8 Kf7 black BEa4 Pd5h6g5h4 Kh5
🨍e8, 🨓a4: Elephant
: Combines the powers of the Queen and the


5 - h#2 double circe

Ott, M.

white Kh8 Qf3 Be3 black Pg7f4h4c6d2e2 Bg6a1 Kg5 Rg4 Qd6
h#2 double circe(3+11)
b) ♛d6 <--> ♟f4
double circe : (sometimes oddly called "Circe Kamikaze"), the capturing unit is reborn as well as the captured unit.


6 - h#2 2 sol symmetry point

Ooms, A.

white Kd4 Rb2 black Ke6 Sg7g5
h#2 symetry point(3+3)
2 solutions
symmetry point : (a Japanese invention), two units placed symmetrically about the center of the board
(common point of d4, e4, e5 & d5 squares) exchange their march.
So, bNg7 walks like a Rook, the wRb2 like a Knight.


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