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1 - h=3 4 solutions chinese chess

Caillaud, M.

> white Kd4 Pb4b6f6h3h2 WLc1 WPe3 WVg1 WMg3 black Pc3c2g7e2d5 Kh4 BMf8
h=3 échecs chinois(10+7)
🨴c1: Leo
🨵e3: Pao
🨶g1: Vao
🨍g3, 🨓f8: Mao
: you can only promote in one Chinese piece


2 - 6# with sparrow

Dietrich, St

white SWd6d3g4 Se4 Ke7 black Kd5
#6 (5+1)
🨊d6, d3, g4: Sparrows
: The Sparrow is a Grasshopper at 135 degrees or - 45 degrees.
Clearly, the Sparrow d3 can, using the jump d5, go to c4 (d6-d5-c4= 135 degrees, d3-d5-c4= 45 degrees)..
The d6 Sparrow can, using the d5 jump, go to c6 or e6 (d4-d5-c6= 135 degrees, d6-d5-c6= 45 degrees)..
Zoological summary :
With an animal on d3 and a jump on d6, here's where the animal can go: -- grasshopper: d7 -- moose: c7, e7 -- eagle: c6, e6 -- sparrow: c5, e5 -- hamster: d5
Complete rosette around the jump.


3 - 2# with roses

Boyer, JP.

white Ba8 Ra2h1 Qg8 Kh8 Pe6 Sh2 WRg7d6d1 black Kg2 Ph3h4h5c5f7 Ra7a3 Qc4 Bb2 Sb1 BRb7
󼎜g7, d6, d1, 󼎝b7: Rose
: Extended rounded Knight
Rose d1 protects Rh1 via f2.
"Two lines of the chessboard can intersect at two points" (JPB).
In fact, the Rose g7, although pinned by Bb2, can be unpinned on d4 (via f5) or c3 (via e8-c7-b5),
by a path other than the diagonal.
Similarly, the Rose b7, pinned by the Ba8, can go to f3 (via a5-b3-d2) or,
after the Rod6's departure, on e4, which it will not fail to do.


4 - h#6,5 infra-functionary

Sobrecases, G.

white Bc8 Pe6a5 black Ke8 Pe7f5a7g5g3
h#6.5 infra-functionary(3+6)
: you can only capture if you are being "observed" by an opposing unit


5 - 2# with mantis

Bedoni, R.

white Kh2 Bd1 Ph6f6 SWa5d8 black Kh4 Ph7g7
#2(2+2)🨷a5, d8: Mantis
: Knight + Locust


6 - direct serial stalemate 14= with mantis

Luce, S.

white Kg3 SWb1 black Pa6b6c6d6e6f6g6h6 Ra5h5 Sb5g5 Bc5f5 Qd5 Ke5


7 - h=2,5 2 sol mante

Luce, S.

white swa1 Ke3 black Be7b1 Sf7 Ke6



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