: As we have not yet discussed cardinals, a more detailed explanation is necessary
The Cardinal is a piece whose move is an B-move if it does not reach the board. If it does reach the board, then it can continue its move by sliding one square along the board (generally in the same direction) and then moving back like an B (still generally in the same direction)..
This may seem complicated, but it means that an Bc3 can go to d2, e1, f1, g2 or h3. It can also go to b2 or a1 but must then stop because any move by Rook (to a2 or b1) would be a reversal of its steps in at least one direction..
It can also go to b4, a5, a6 (not a4, which would be a backtrack) b7 (but not b5, which would also be a backtrack) and c8.
As the Cardinal's path is defined (c3-c8 for example), like any piece it can stop along the way..
A cardinal located on the edge begins its move by moving a square on the edge or directly by moving as a Bishop.
In the same movement, a Cardinal can only 'bounce' once. In other words, as soon as it reaches a second band, it stops..
(This limitation must be due to the advanced age required to become a Cardinal, and the change of colour after the 'slide' on the strip undoubtedly allows the election of a Pope! The archibishop, on the other hand, does not take part in this election, and so rebounds without changing colour.)
Gruber, H & Rehm, HP & Ellinghoven, B1992
white WCe8 Qa3 Pc2f5g5h5 Kg3 Rb6 Sd3
black Ka1 BCa2
1.Qa3-a8 ! BCa2-a3 2.WCe8-g7 + {(via f8)} Ka1-a2 3.Kg3-f4 ! {(he would be in check on f3)} BCa3-a4 {}
4.WCg7-h8 + {(check via g8)} Ka2-a3 5.Kf4-e4 ! BCa4-a5 6.WCh8-g8 + Ka3-a4 7.c2-c4 ! BCa5-a6 {}
8.WCg8-f8 + Ka4-a5 9.WCf8-e8 {(protecting the Rook)} BCa6-a7 10.Rb6-a6 + ! Ka5*a6 {}
11.WCe8-g6 ! {(the Cardinal controls a5 & b6 but not b5, hence 7 c4!)} BCa7*a8 # !
{The black squares of the royal field are watched over by a7 & b8.
Note that on} 11.WCe8-h6 ? {ou} 11.WCe8-c1 ? {, there would be no mate, with the Cardinal interposing on c6.} 11...BCa7*a8 + 12.WCc1-c6 {
The Cardinal controls 7 squares in the final mate !}
3 - 2# volage with roses and nightrider
Davaine, A.2005
white Bf8c4 Rg8h8e6 Ke7 Sd7f5 Qe3h3 Pg3e2 WRg1c2
black Rb8f6g5h7 Nf3 Be8h5 Pb7e4c3 Sg7 Kg6 BRe1
#2(14+13)g1, c2, e1: Rose 🨨f3: Nightrider
: a piece moving that changes colour of square also changes colour, but only once
: Extended Knight in several successive jumps
: rounded Nightrider
: can promote in a neutral unit
: moves on Queen's line with help of a hurdle
: Extended Knight in several successive jumps
: Camel (1,3) extended in several successive jumps
: Zebra (2,3) extended in several successive jumps
1.nPd2-d1=nNN WGf3-f5 {(so the neutral Nightrider will not check on h6)} 2.nNNd1-f2 nNNf2-h6 {}
3.CRh1-g4 {(preventing the neutral Nightrider from leaving)} WGf5-f3 # {(the switchback is to control c3)}
1.nPd2-d1=nNC WGc6-e4 {(so the neutral Cammelrider will not check on h5)} 2.nNCd1-b7 nNCb7-h5 {}
3.ZRb8-e6 {(preventing the neutral Camelrider from leaving)} WGe4-c6 # {the switchback is to control c4)}
1.nPd2-d1=nNZ Gc5-e5 {(so the neutral Zebrarider will not check on h7)} 2.nNZd1*f4 nNZf4-h7 {}
3.Ng2-f4 {(preventing the neutral Zebrarider from leaving)} WGe5-c5 # {(the switchback is to control a3 & c4)}
5 - helpmate 2,5# 2 solution back to back with maorider
Foster, G.2018
white Kf3 AOb7
black Pb6 Kh3
h#2.5 back to back(2+2)2 solutions🨍b7: Maorider
back to back : two opposing units back to back exchange their march
: Extended Mao in several step
A quick reminder: the Mao is a creeping Knight who first performs a Rook step.
{ }
1...Kf3-e3 {(Tempo)} 2.b6-d2 {(Pb6 adopts the Maorider march)} AOb7-h4 + {(checks because it has the King's walk)}
3.Kh3-g1 {(as a Mao)} AOh4-g2 # { Pd2 prevents bK, now Maorider, from passing the e2 square..}}
1...Kf3-e2 2.b6-c4 {(Pb6 adopts the Maorider march)} AOb7-f5 3.Kh3-g2 AOf5-g3 # {
Pc4 prevents bK, now Maorider, from passing the e3 square}
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