: it is totally illegal for 2 opposing units of the same type to observe each other
: Extended rider in successive jumps
: unit making two successive jumps of
There can be no nul moves and the first leap must not be a capture.
{ }
1.Ne2-c3 BGd4-b4 {Via d2 (null moves are presumed forbidden).} 2.Kf3-g3 BGb4-d4 {Idem.}
3.WGe1-d2 {(Via b4)} BGd4-e2 {(via b2)} 4.Nc3-d5 + Kf1-g1 {}
5.WGd2-h4 {(via f2)} BGe2-e6 {(via c4)} 6.Nd3-e5 + Kg1-h1 {}
7.Kg3-h3 BGe6-c6 {(via e4)} 8.Ne5-d7 {(seems to be a stalemate but ...)} Kh1-h2 # !
{This is really mate, as 9 Kxh2 or 9 Kg4 is impossible because the black DG c6 would be attacked by the white DG h4 via h1..}
2 - h#2 3 sol patrol with lions
Dragoun, M & Salai L2013
white Kc5 Pb4a5a2e2f2g3f3f4 LIb8h2b2
black Sd8 Kh8 Rf5a3 Pg5h3e4b7 Bh1 RLd4
h#2 patrol(12+10)🨴b8, h2, b2: Lion🨻d4: Rook-Lion
: to capture, you must be "observed" by a unit of your side at the start of the move
: moves along the Queen's lines using a sautoir.
The path from the start square to the jumping square and from the jumping square to the finish square must be clear.
No Lion checks the Black King and} 1.f4*g5 + {(double check) runs into} 1...Kh8-g7 ! {or} 1...Rf5-f4 {or} 1...RLd4-f4 {.}
1.Bh1-g2 LIb8-g8 2.Bg2*f3 e2*f3 # {}
1.Ra3-a4 LIh2-h7 2.Ra4*a5 b4*a5 # {}
1.Rf5-f7 LIb2-g7 2.Rf7*f4 g3*f4 # {
Mats by double check, 2 Lions supporting each other.
The 3rd Lion cannot be taken by the Black King, who has no support..}
3 - h#2 symetry point
Caillaud, M.2019
white Ph7b7 Kd4
black Bd8 Qe7 Kf8 Pa2c2e2 Rg1
symetry point : two units placed symmetrically in relation to the centre of the chessboard.
(the common point of squares d4, e4, e5 & d5) exchange their steps.
1.c2-c1=B {(The Bishop swaps his walk with Kf8) }
1...b7-b8=S {(The Knight exchanges its march with Rg1. A promotion to Bishop or Queen would be a self-check.)}
2.a2-a1=Q + {(there is no unit on h8 yet, so the Queen behaves like a Queen!)}
2...h7-h8=R # !
{quick recap :
The Black King has the Bc1 step and the g7 & h6 squares are controlled by Rh8, which has the Qa1 step..
Rg1 cannot parry, having the Nb8 step. bQa1 can play, but then Rh8 will continue to check.
(If we had done } 2...h7-h8=S ? {, the Queen could have played !). AUW.}
4 - h=4 with Equihoppers
Wenda, K.2019
white WEa3 Pg3h2 Kc8
black Bd5 Pg5b2 Kb1
black HurdleColourChanging BEf5
h=4(4+5)🩈a3: Equihopper🩉f5: Andernach Equ.
: a piece that plays symmetrically in relation to any unit, provided it does not leave the chessboard
: changes the colour of the unit that serves as its centre of symmetry in its movement
1.hccBEf5-h5[+wPg5] g5-g6 {}
2.hccBEh5-f1[+bPg3] g6-g7 {}
3.g3*h2 g7-g8=WE[+whccWEg8] {}
4.h2-h1=BE[+bhccBEh1] hccWEg8-a2[+wBd5] {stalemate !
Black cannot play 5...Eqand1 because Eqanf1 would be white, so it would be a self-check.}
5 - h=2 2 sol make & take
Luce, S.2020
white Pe7 Kd5
black Pe2 Kh1
h=2 Make&Take 2sol.(2+2)
Make&Take : tribute to the unit taken is done BEFORE the said capture :
the capturing unit first walks like the unit it wishes to capture, then carries out the capture by walking normally.
{ }
1.e2-e1=S e7-e8=R 2.Se1-f3 + Re8*f3 {stalemate
the Black King can no longer move an ear without coming within range of the Rook}
1.e2-e1=B e7-e8=Q 2.Be1-c3 + Qe8*c3 {stalemate
The Black King cannot go to h2 :} 3.Kh1-h2 Qc3*h2 {(via d2), nor on g2,
neither on g1 :} 3.Kh1-g1 Qc3*g1 {(via d4).}AUW.}
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