1.Sb1-c3 {}
2.BGc1-f4 {(jumper g5)}
3.Rh4-h2 {}
4.Rh2-e2 {}
5.Na6-c1 {(via g7-e8)}
6.Sc3*d5 {}
7.g5*f6 {double stalemate.
Nc1 pins Bf7 via b7-a5-h3-g1, as well as the Grasshoppers d3 & d7.
It is itself pinned by Rc7, which is pinned by Gf4 (d6 jump).
This one is pinned by Ge4 (b4 jumper).
Gd3 pins Re2 (b5 jump), Bf7 pins Rb3.
Re2 pins Ge4 & Be1.
6-unit pinning cycle :
3 - PG in annan with ♔ mated a) with ♔d4 b) with ♝e5
Werner, G.2020
white Pa2b2c2d2e2f2g2h2 Ra1h1 Sb1g1 Bc1f1 Qd1 Ke1
black Ra8h8 Sb8g8 Bc8f8 Qd8 Ke8 Pa7b7c7d7e7f7g7h7
PCPJ Annan(16+16)a) ♔d4 b) ♝e5
Annan a unit acquires the march of the friendly unit below it
a) {}
1.d2-c3 ! {display-departure-square} d7-d5 {display-departure-square} {}
2.Ke1-d2 c7-f4 {(could not be played earlier because Pd7 would have prevented Kd2)}
3.Kd2-d4 Qd8-d6 #
{(Pd5 has become Queen).}
b) {}
1.d2-e3 ! {display-departure-square} d7-d3 {display-departure-square} {(wQ will have to be intercepted)}
2.Ke1-d2 Bc8-e6 3.Kd2-c3 Be6-e5 #
{wK, now as a pawn, cannot move to b4 ;
and c4 is controlled by Pf7 !
Without Pe3, we would parry by Pf2-d4!}
4 - 2# with bulgarian neutral Grasshopper
Petkov, P.2020
neutral Ge7
white Sh5h4 Qf8 Ke1 Pc2b2 Bb3 Ra1d2
black Ke5 Pd7f7h7b7b6 Rh6 Ba7d1
#2(9+9+1)🨫e7: bulgarian neutral Grasshopper
bulgarian Grasshopper Grasshopper who can only play if the jumper can make a grasshopper move without a capture.
When several movements of the jumper are possible, the choice belongs to the side of the neutral Grasshopper
(does it play as white or black ?)
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