1 - h#2 circe with mirror twin
white Kb4 Pb7
black Bg1b3 Pg2f2e2d3 Qa8 Kf1
h#2 Circe(2+8) b) mirror
Circe The captured unit is reborn on its original square if it is free
a) {}
1.e2-e1=S b7*a8=Q[+bQd8] 2.Qd8*a8[+wQd1] Qd1*d3[+bPd7] # {Bb3 prevents 2 demolitions: checkmate by Qb5 or Qc1.}
b) mirror a1<-->h1 {mirror}
1.d2-d1=R g7*h8=B[+bQd8] 2.Qd8-d2 Bh8*b2[+bPb7] #
{AUWBg3 prevents 2 démolitions : checkmate by Qg5 or Qf1.}
2 - 2# with camel, zebra and nightriders
white Na8b4d3 Kb8 Pc7 Rg8 CAg2 Zf3
black Pb7d7e7h7g5g3a2 Qd6 Ke6
#2(8+9) 🨢a8, b4, d3: Nightriders🨍g2: Camel🨷f3: Zebra
camel bouncer(3,1) or (1,3)
zebra bouncer(3,2) or (2,3)
Nightrider Extended Knight
1.Rg8*g5 ? {(threatens} 2.CAg2-h5 # {)}
1...Qd6*c7 +
2.Na8*c7 # {}
1...Qd6*b4 {or} 1...Qd6-d5
2.c7-c8=Z # {recovering the f6 square}
2.c7-c8=CA # {But}
1...Qd6-e5 ! {}
1.Rg8-f8 ! {(same threatfor instance} 1...Qd6-e5 2.CAg2-h5 # {)}
2.c7-c8=CA # {}
2.c7-c8=Z # {}
1...Qd6*c7 +
2.Na8*c7 #
{AB-BA from try to real play.}
3 - h#5 4 solutions with grasshoppers
white Gb7g7h7a4f1
black Ke3
h#5 4sol.(5+1)
grasshopper moves along the Queen's lines with the help of a jumper behind which she lands
1.Ke3-f4 Ga4-g4 2.Kf4-f5 Gf1-f6 3.Kf5-g6 Gg7-a7 4.Kg6-g7 Gh7-f7 + 5.Kg7-h8 Gb7-g7 # {}
1.Ke3-d4 Ga4-e4 2.Kd4-e3 Gh7-f7 3.Ke3-f2 Gf1-f3 + 4.Kf2-g1 Gf7-f2 5.Kg1-h1 Ge4-g2 # {}
1.Ke3-d3 Gh7-c2 2.Kd3-c4 Gf1-b5 3.Kc4-c3 Ga4-d1 4.Kc3-b2 Gd1-b3 + 5.Kb2-a1 Gb5-b2 # {}
1.Ke3-e4 Gb7-f3 2.Ke4-d5 Gf1-f4 3.Kd5-c6 Ga4-d7 4.Kc6-b7 Gg7-c7 + 5.Kb7-a8 Gd7-b7 # {The four corners.}
4 - h#2 2 solutions take & make
white Ba7 Ra6 Ke8
black Ke5 Qe3 Bg1 Pd5c4c3 Rf6h6
h#2 T&M 2sol.(3+8)
Take&Make a capturing unit must, as a tribute to the captured unit,
immediately make a move using its walking way, from the capture square ;
this additional move should not itself be a capture.
1.Qe3-d3 Ra6*f6-b6 2.Ke5-d4 Rb6*h6-e6 # {}
1.Rf6-f5 Ba7*e3-b6 2.Ke5-e6 Bb6*g1-d4 # {Diagonal/orthogonal echo}
5 - h#2 2 solutions hunters
white Kh6 DSf4 WBf6
black BBa8 Kf5 Pg4 Se5
h#2 hunters 2sol.(3+4)
hunter In a8 & f6 are Bishop-Knight Hunters :
they play in front of them like a Bishop, behind them like a Knight.
In f4 is a Knight-Bishop Hunter : he plays in front of him as a Knight, behind him as a Bishop.
On e5 is a normal knight
{ }
1.BBa8-g2 DSf4-d5 2.BBg2-f4 WBf6-g7 # !
{Hunter BN g7 controls e6 & f5.
Hunter NB d5 controls f6 & e4.}
1.BBa8-e4 WBf6-d5 2.BBe4-f6 DSf4-g3 # !
{Hunter BN d5 controls e6 & f4 ;
Hunter NB g3 controls e4 & f5}
6 - serial h#4 3 solutions with Mooses
white Royal Be3
black Mc5f5
black Royal Mg4
ser-h#4 3sol.(1+3) ♗e3: Royal Bishop🨐c5, f5: Mooses🨐g4: Royal Moose
Moose plays as a Grasshopper along the Queen's line, makes a 45 degree angle from the sautoir,
in relation to the landing square of a Grasshopper.
1.rMg4-e5 2.Mf5-d6 3.Md6-c4 4.Mc5-d3 + rBe3-d4 # {}
1.rMg4-f6 2.Mc5-g4 3.Mf5-g3 4.Mg3-h5 rBe3-g5 # {}
1.Mf5-b4 2.rMg4-a5 3.Mb4-c6 4.Mc5-b7 rBe3-b6 # {Triple echo}
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