1 - 2# b) 2# circe
white Kh6 Pg6g5d2 Qh5 Sf1b5 Rb1
black Se4f3 Rd4 Bc3 Pb2c4d3f2 Ke2
#2(8+9) b) Circe
Circe a captured piece is reborn on its original square if it is free.
a) {}
1.Qh5-g4 ! {}
2.Sb5*d4 #
{(would be illegal in Circe :} 2.Sb5*d4[+bRh8] {)}
2.Qg4*e4 #
{(same remark :} 2.Qg4*e4[+bSg8] {)}
2.Sb5*c3 #
{(same :} 2.Sb5*c3[+bBf8] {)}
b) {circe}
1.Qh5-g4 ! {}
2.Sb5-c3 # {}
2.Sb5-d4 # {}
2.Qg4-e4 # {ABC-BCA cycle.}
2 - 24# with Locusts and Grasshoppers
white Kf8 Sb4 WLb6 BHc5 Gh3h2 LBg1
black BLd7e8g8h8g7 Ka8 Ph4
🨊b6, 🨐d7, e8, g8, h8, g7: Locusts🨡c5: Bishop-grasshopper
🨟h3, h2: Grasshoppers🨌g1: Bishop-Locust
Locust The Locust is a curious animal, which can only move by eating!
It plays like a
Grasshopper but swallows the sautoir, necessarily of the opposite colour.
It is a Bishop-Grasshopper on c5 and a Bishop-Locust on g1.
{Set play :}
1... Ka8-b8 2.Sb4-a6 + Kb8-a8 3.Sa6-c7 + ? BLd7-b7[-c7] {but} 3.Gh3-h1 ! h4-h3 4.Sa6-c7 # {because now,} 4...BLd7-b7[-c7]
{would be a self-check thanks to Gh1; it will need 21 moves (more precisely 20.5) to transmit the moveEssai :}
1.Sb4-a6 ? {stalemate!}
1.Sb4-d3 ? BLd7-d2[-d3] ! {}
1.Sb4-c2! Ka8-b8 {(here} 2.Sc2-e3 ? {would be a mistake because of } 2...BLe8-e2[-e3] ! {)}
2.Sc2-e1 ! Kb8-a8 3.Se1-g2 {(BLg1 prevents Lg7xg2-g1)} Ka8-b8 4.Gh2-f2 Kb8-a8 {}
5.Sg2-e1 Ka8-b8 6.Se1-f3 Kb8-a8 7.Gf2-f4 Ka8-b8 8.Sf3-e1 Kb8-a8 9.Se1-c2 Ka8-b8 {}
10.Sc2-b4 Kb8-a8 11.Gf4-a4 Ka8-b8 12.Sb4-c2 Kb8-a8 13.Sc2-a3 Ka8-b8 14.Ga4-a2 Kb8-a8 {}
15.Sa3-c2 Ka8-b8 16.Sc2-e1 Kb8-a8 17.Se1-g2 Ka8-b8 18.Ga2-h2 {:
Grasshopper has played an odd number of moves (5), which will change who moves.} Kb8-a8 19.Sg2-e1 Ka8-b8 {}
20.Se1-c2 Kb8-a8 21.Sc2-b4 {Diagram, changed move.} Ka8-b8 22.Sb4-a6 + Kb8-a8 23.Gh3-h1! h4-h3 24.Sa6-c7 #
3 - selfmate 19# circe
white Sa1 Pa2c7c5g4 Rb6d2 Kc6 Bh3c1 Qg2
black Pa3e2 Sh8 Bh1 Ke1
1.Rb6-b1 ! {
(} 1...Sh8-g6 ? 2.Rd2*e2[+bPe7] + Ke1-d1 3.Bc1-f4 + Sg6*f4[+wBc1] 4.Qg2*h1[+bBc8] + Sf4*h3[+wBf1] {: text with 2 moves ahead)}
1...Sh8-f7 2.Rd2*e2[+bPe7] + Ke1-d1 3.Bc1-g5 + Sf7*g5[+wBc1] 4.Re2-d2 + Kd1-e1 {}
5.Qg2*h1[+bBc8] + Sg5*h3[+wBf1] 6.Rd2-e2 + Ke1-d1 7.Bc1-f4 + Sh3*f4[+wBc1] 8.Re2-d2 + Kd1-e1 {}
9.Bf1-g2 + Sf4*g2[+wBf1] 10.Rd2-e2 + Ke1-d1 11.Bc1-e3 + Sg2*e3[+wBc1] 12.Re2-d2+ Kd1-e1 {}
13.Sa1-c2 + Se3*c2 {(no rebirth on b1)} 14.Rd2-e2 + Ke1-d1 15.Bc1*a3[+bPa7] + Sc2*a3[+wBc1] 16.Re2-d2 + Kd1-e1 {}
17.Bf1-b5 + Sa3*b5[+wBf1] 18.Rd2-e2+ Ke1-d1 19.Qh1-d5 + Sb5-d4 # !
{This Knight is uncapturable because of the rebirth on b8.
In picture : } 20.Qd5*d4[+bSb8]
{Beautiful route of the Black Knight.}
4 - 2# with Empress
white EMa4 Bb5h8 Sb7 Kf7 Pd6g3c2
black Sa6c8 Pg5f5e3c5 Bd2 Kd5
#2(8+8) 🨍a4: Empress
Empress Accumulates the Rook and Knight's march
1.EMa4-e4 ! {}
1...Sc8*d6 +
2.EMe4*d6 # {}
2.EMe4*c5 # {}
2.EMe4*g5 # {}
2.EMe4-f4 # {}
2.EMe4-d4 # {}
2.EMe4*e3 # {}
2.EMe4-e7 # {}
2.EMe4*d2 # {}
2.EMe4-c3 # {}
2.Bb5-c6 # {}
2.c2-c4 #
5 - h#2,5 3 solutions with Empress and Princess
white Pa7 Bh6 Kd4
black EMa5 Pa6e6e4d2f2g2 Kh4 PRh7
h#2.5 3sol(3+9) 🨓a5: Empress🨓h7: Princess
Princess Accumulates the Bishop's and Knight's walk
{ }
1...a7-a8=WE 2.f2-f1=S WEa8-f8 3.Sf1-g3 WEf8-f4 # { }
1...a7-a8=WP 2.d2-d1=B WPa8*e4 3.Bd1-h5 WPe4*f2 # { }
1...a7-a8=Q 2.g2-g1=R Qa8-b8 3.Rg1-g4 Qb8-h2 # { Super AUW.}
6 - 2# Argentine chess
white WSd5e6f2 Qh6 Kh8
black BSh1 Ra6f6 Ph7f5e4 Kb1 Bg8 FAh2
#2 argentine chess(5+9) 🨊d5, e6, f2, 🨐h1: Señora🨑h2: Faro
Argentine chess a piece plays normally when it captures
but needs a sautoir to play a move that is not a capture (which can go well beyond the square following the sautoir).
{Set play :}
1...Ra6-b6 2.WSe6-a2 # {}
1...Ra6-a2 2.WSd5*a2 # {Try : }
1.WSe6-e2 ? {(threatens} 2.WSf2-b2 # {)}
1...Ra6-b6 {display-departure-file} 2.WSf2-a2 # {}
1...Ra6-a2 2.WSe2*a2 # {but} 1...Rf6-b6 ! {display-departure-file}
{Real play :}
1.WSd5-g2 ! {(threatens} 2.WSg2-b2 # {)}
1...Ra6-b6 2.WSg2-a2 # {}
1...Ra6-a2 2.WSf2*a2 # {}
1...BSh1-a1 2.WSg2-c2 # {}
1...BSh1*g2 2.WSe6-e1 # {}
1...FAh2*g2 2.Qh6*h1 #
{Cyclic Zago, with the particularity that all the mates are administered on the same square,
it is the starting squares that differ !}
7 - s#3 maximum
white Rb6 Pe7f7d3 Kh4 Se1
black Ka5 Bc5 Pg7h5g4f4f2d2 Sg8 Rh7f1 Qh6
s#3 Maximum(9+7)
Maximum black is required to play the geometrically longest legal moves
1.Rb6-f6 ! {}
1...Bc5*e7 2.f7*g8=Q Be7-a3 3.Qg8-a2 Qh6*f6 # {ou} 3...Rf1-h1 # {ou} 3...g7-g5 # {}
1...Bc5-e3 2.f7*g8=R Be3-a7 3.Rg8-a8 {
Q promotion would not have worked :} 2.f7*g8=Q Be3-a7 3.Qg8-a8 Rf1-h1 + {}
1...Bc5-a7 2.f7*g8=B Ba7-e3 3.d3-d4 {
Promotion in Rook would allow : } 2.f7*g8=R Ba7-e3 3.d3-d4 g7-g5 + {
Promotion in Knight would allow : } 2.f7*g8=S Ba7-e3 3.d3-d4 Qh6*f6 + {}
1...Bc5-a3 2.f7*g8=S Ba3*e7 3.Sg8*e7
{AUW & Bishop star.}
8 - h#2 2 sol back-to-back
white Pf2
black Kd4 Se5 Qc2
h#2 back-to-back 2sol.(1+3)
back-to-back two opposites "back-to-back" units swap ways of moving
1.Se5-d3 f2-f3 2.Qc2-f2 f3-d5 # {
the f3-pawn has acquired the march of a Queen to go to d5; now the Black King has the march of a pawn and the Pd5 that of a King.}
1.Qc2-d3 f2-f4 2.Se5-f3 f4-d5 # {
the f4-pawn has acquired the Knight's march to d5 and now plays as a King.}
9 - h#4 masand b) ♝e2 on f3
white Kd2
black Kd4 Be2f2 Rg2
h#4 Masand(1+4) b) ♝e2-->f3
Masand A unit that checks causes all units it observes to change colour (except kings)
a) {}
1.Rg2-g5 Kd2-c1 2.Bf2-e3[g5=w] + Kc1-b2 3.Be3-g1 Rg5-g4[g1=w] + 4.Kd4-d3 Rg4-d4 # {}
b) bBe2-->f3 {Be2-->f3}
1.Kd4-e5 Kd2-d3 2.Bf3-e4[g2=w] + Kd3-e2 3.Bf2-g1 Rg2-g5[g1=w] + 4.Ke5-f4 Bg1-e3 #
10 - h#4 take & make
white Pa4a3a2c2 Kb1 Ra1
black Bc1 Pc3 Ka5
h#4 Take&Make(6+3) b) ♗a1
Take&Make After a capture, the capturing piece must pay tribute to the captured piece
by immediately making a non-capture move with the march of the captured piece
a) {}
1.Ka5*a4-a5 a3-a4 2.Ka5*a4-a5 a2-a4 3.Bc1-a3 Kb1-a2 4.Ka5*a4-a5 Ka2*a3-c5 # {}
b) +wBa1 {Ba1}
1.Bc1-e3 Ba1-b2 2.c3*b2-a1=B c2-c3 3.Be3-d4 c3*d4-h8=Q 4.Ba1-d4 Qh8*d4-a7 #
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