{ }
1.nPd2-d1=nQ {}
2.nQd1-h5 {"One of the most surprising moves I've seen" (K. Widlert).
Indeed, it is the only move which allows Ka1 and the continuation, i.e. the return of the neutral Queen on tiptoe}
3.Kb2-a1 {}
4.nQh5-e2 {}
5.nQe2-c2 {}
6.nQc2-b3 EQc3-e3 {stalemate !!
The neutral Queen cannot play on b4, c4, c2 and no pawn can play under threat of self check.}
5 - h#2 2 solutions isardam anti-circe
Isardam it is unlawful to place in mutual observation two opposite pieces of the same nature
Anti-circe After a capture, the capturing piece returns to its original square if it is free.
If the resurrection square is not free, then capture is illegal
The g1 square will have to be vacated for Nb3 to check.
But it is necessary to forbid the defences ...b1R & ...d1B paralysing the Knight b3 by the isardam condition.
Note that ...Kxa4 is impossible : rebirth on e8 runs into Nxe8 reborn on b1.
And ...cxb3 is also impossible (no rebirth on b7).
Rittirsch, M.2010
white Sb3c7 Ba4 Kg1 Qd3 Pf2g2 Rb7
black Pb2c3c4c5c6h4g6d2 Ka5 Be1 Re3 Qf3
h#2 Isardam Anti-Circe(8+14)
it is unlawful to place in mutual observation two opposite pieces of the same nature
After a capture, the capturing piece returns to its original square if it is free.
If the resurrection square is not free, then capture is illegal
The g1 square will have to be vacated for ♘b3 to check.
But it is necessary to forbid the defences ...b1♜ & ...d1♝ paralysing the ♘b3 by the isardam condition.
Note that ...♚xa4 is impossible : rebirth on e8 runs into ♘xe8 reborn on b1.
And ...♟cxb3 is also impossible (no rebirth on b7).
1.d2-d1=R Qd3-b1 2.Rd1*b1-a8 Kg1-h1 #!
{Now 3.b1R does not paralyze Nb3 anymore, because after 3...Nxa5 the Rooks are not in real observation :
neither ...Rxb7 (no rebirth on a8) nor Rxb1 (no rebirth on h1) are possible.}
1.b2-b1=B Qd3-c2 2.Bb1*c2-c8 Kg1-f1 # !
{Now 3.d1B does not paralyze Nb3 anymore, because after 3...Nxa5 the Bishops are not in real observation :
neither ...Bxa4 (no rebirth on c8) nor Bxd1 (no rebirth on f1) are possible.
Note that it would be enough for White to play a waiting move on his 1st move so that after 2...Bxd3 or Rxd3, Nb3 is released.
But they don't: 1...fxe3 (Pe2) would put Queens in observation, 1...gxf3 is illegal (impossible rebirth on f2),
1...Rb8 woukd allow 2.cxb3(Pb7).}
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