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1 - h#2 duplex circe
Grevlund, P.1973
white Pd7f7h5 Kf6
black Ke1 Pe2g2
h#2 duplex Circe(4+3)
the statement works regardless of who starts.
In other words: B-W-B-W# or W-B-W-B#
a captured piece is reborn on its original square if it is free, otherwise it disappears.
symetrical point two units placed symmetrically in relation to the centre of the board (the common point of squares d4, e4, e5 & d5)
exchange their way of moving.
Fayers, P.2022
white Pa2b2c2d2e3f2g2h2 Ra1h1 Sb1g1 Bc1f1 Kd1 Qe1
black Pa7b7c7d7e7f7g7h7 Sg8b8 Ra8h8 Bc8f8 Qd8 Ke8
Black's King is stalemated, because ...Kg1 or ...Kh2 would be a self-check by Ra8.}
1.Se4-c5 Rb5-a5 2.Ra8-a7 + {(via a1)} Kh1-h2 3.Ra7-a6 + {(via h1)} Kh2-h1 {}
4.a2-a4 ! Ra5-b5 5.Ra6-a8 {(5. Kf3 ? Rxa6!)} Rb5-a5 6.Ra8-a7 + {(as on 2nd move, but with Pa2 on a4)} Kh1-h2 {}
7.Ra7-a6 + Kh2-h1 8.Kg3-f3 ! Ra5-b5 9.Ra6-a8 {(9. Ke4 ? Rxa6!)} Rb5-a5 {}
10.Ra8-a7 + Kh1-h2 11.Ra7-a6 + Kh2-h1 12.Kf3-e4 ! Ra5-b5 {}
13.Ra6-a8 Rb5-a5 14.Ra8-a7 + Kh1-h2 15.Ra7-a6 + Kh2-h1 {(15... Kg3 ? : The square is controlled by Pf4)}
16.Ke4-d5 ! Ra5-b5 17.Ra6-a8 Rb5-a5 18.Ra8-a7 + Kh1-h2 {}
19.Ra7-a6 + Kh2-h1 20.Kd5-c6 ! Ra5-b5 21.Ra6-a8 Rb5-a5 {}
22.Ra8-a7 + Kh1-h2 23.Kc6-b7 {!!} Ra5-a6 {(23... Rb5 idem)} 24.Ra7-a8 + Kh2-h1 {}
25.Kb7-a7 ! Ra6-a5 26.Ra8-h8 + {(via a1)} Kh1-h2 27.b4-b5 Ra5-a6 + {(via a8)}
28.Rh8-a8 + {(counter-check via h1)} Kh2-h1 29.Sc5-b7 Ra6-a5 30.Ka7-a6 Ra5*a8 # !
{Already presented, but without explanation beyond the 4th move, on 26 November 2013.}
4 - 2# equihoppers
Lytton, C.1969
white WEa7 Kc3 Pc7e6 Qc8
black BEd7 Pa3a6c6h2g4g6 Sa8
black Royal BEa1
#2(5+9)🩈a7, 🩉d7: equihoppers🩉a1: Royal equihopper
Equihopper plays symmetrically with respect to any unit, provided he does not leave the board.
Thus, the Royal equihopper can go to e5 and could go to a5 if this square was not controlled by the a7 equihopper.
{ }
1.Qc8-h8 ! {blocus}
1...h2-h1=Q {(or other promotion)} 2.Qh8*h1 # {}
2.Kc3-d2 # {g3 is blocked for Eqr a1}
2.Kc3-d3 # {g5 is blocked}
2.Kc3-b2 # {}
2.Kc3-c2 # {as e3 is controlled ( } 2.Kc3-b3 ? {self-check)}
2.WEa7-e5 # {}
2.Kc3-b3 # {as c5 is controlled}
1...Sa8*c7 {(or} 1...BEd7-b7 {)}
2.Kc3-b4 # {}
1...BEd7-b5 {(or}} 1...BEd7-f5 {)} 2.Kc3-c4 #
{Here we see the only weakness of the problem :
it is an unnatural (so-called "English") Eq on a7, intercepted on the lines of a Queen ;
after} 1...BEd7-b5 {(or} 1...BEd7-f5 {), and only in this case, Eqa7 controls e7 and thus forbids Eqr a1 to go there, hence} 2.Kc3-c4 #
{Note : the author was called "Sells" when this issue appeared, he later chose the name "Lytton".}
5 - pat aidé 9= sentinels minimum double
Cefle, K.2022
white Pa3c5e3 Ke1
black Pa4a5e4h6 Kc6
h=9 Sentinels(4+5)minimum double
each move deflates a pawn on the starting square except for the 1st and 8th rows
the move played must be the shorter of the piece playing
Traditionally, only Black is involved, but in minimum double, both sides are involved
1.Kc6-c7[+bPc6] Ke1-f1 2.Kc7-c8[+bPc7] Kf1-g1 3.Kc8-d8 Kg1-h1 {}
4.Kd8-e8 Kh1-h2 5.Ke8-f8 Kh2-h3[+wPh2] 6.Kf8-g8 Kh3-h4[+wPh3] {}
7.Kg8-g7 {!!} Kh4-h5[+wPh4] 8.Kg7-g8[+bPg7] Kh5-g6[+wPh5] 9.Kg8-h8 Kg6-f7[+wPg6] {stalemate ;
Pg7 allows this move.
Another white route would have given rise to inappropriate sentinels, prohibiting the emergence of the sentinel g6}
6 - inv 7# masand
Bryukhanov, I.2022
white Bb6a4 Pc5 Sc4d3 Kc1
black Ka1
s#7 masand(6+1)
when a piece checks, all the units it "observes" change colour (except for Kings)
{Try : }
1.Qd4*b2 ? {(threatens} 2.Bc4-b3 # {)}
1...Ba6*c4 2.Be1*b4 # {}
1...d3-d2 ! {}
1.Bc4-b3 ! {
(menace} 2.Be1*b4 # {Ra4 being paralysed by Bb3 and bQ by Ra8, but not} 2.Qd4*b4 ? {ni} 2.Qd4*b2 ? {illégaux)}
1...Ba6-c4 {(parries the threat as wQ no longer controls b4, but deparalyzes it)} 2.Qd4*b2 # {
But not} 2.Ra8*a4 + ? Bc4-b5 ! {or} 2...Bc4*b3 ! {Djurasevic theme. ABC-BCA.
other variation}
1...Ba6-c8 2.Ra8*a4 # {: justification of Pd7}
8 - 2# breton
Loustau, JM.2021
white Ba2c3 Rc4e6g5f3 Pc6d6f6e3 Kf7 Sd2h5 Qh1
black Sb3 Rf4f2 Kd5 Pe7f5e5e4 Bf8
#2 breton(14+9)
breton after each capture, a unit of the same nature must disappear (if possible) from the capturing side.
If there is more than one, the choice lies with the capturing side.
1.Bc3-b4 ! {(menace} 2.Rc4-c5 # {)}
1...e7*d6[-e5] 2.Sh5*f4[-g5] # {(no Pe5)}
1...e7*d6[-f5] 2.Sh5*f4[-e6] # {(} 2...e5*f4[-b3] {is not possible)}
1...e7*d6[-d6] 2.Sh5*f4[-c4] # {(} 2...e5*f4[-b3] {is not possible)}
1...e7*d6[-e4] 2.Sh5*f4[-f3] # {(} 2...e5*f4[-b3] {is not possible)
In each variation, capture of Nf4 is not allowed :
Either Pe5 has disappeared, or it is pinned, or Ba2 is awake, or Qh1 !
The position is illegal (3 black captures for 2 missing units).
The author has corrected this, but at the cost of another promoted unit.
The judge prefers this version, where "the promotion pieces are all thematic"..}
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