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1 - h#2 5 sol anti-circé with lions
Caillaud, M.2022
white WLb8 Kc7 Sf6h4 Pg7d5
black BLf5 Re5h2 Pg6f3 Kg3 Qf1 Bg1
h#2 Anti-Circé 5sol.(6+8)🨴b8, 🨺f5: Lions
The capturing piece is reborn on its original square if it is free.
If the resurrection square is occupied, the capture is illegal.
piece moving on the Queen's lines with the help of a saltire.
The squares between the Lion and the saltire and between saltire and the arrival square must be free
1.Rh2-f2 g7-g8=R 2.Re5-e8 Rg8*e8[wRe8->h1] # {}
1.BLf5-f2 g7-g8=WL + 2.Re5-g5 WLg8-b3 # {}
1.Bg1-f2 g7-g8=S 2.Re5-e7 + Sg8*e7[wSe7->g1] # {}
1.Qf1-f2 g7-g8=B 2.Re5-e6 Bg8*e6[wBe6->f1] # {}
1.f3-f2 g7-g8=Q 2.Re5*d5[bRd5->a8] Qg8-b3 #
{Super AUW.
In each solution, the occupation of the g8-square unpins Re5 as it makes the move Lib8xg3(Lig8) illegal ;
and the essential control of the h3 square is ensured each time.
In the solutions 1...f2 & 1...Lif2, mate occurs by double check.
G. Foster points out that Rh2 could not be replaced by a Nh1,
as after} 1.Rh2-f2=S g7-g8=R 2.Re5-e8 Rg8*e8[wRe8->h1] +
{ there would be the parade} 3.Sf2*h1[bSh1->g8] {preventing Lixg3 because rebirth on g8 is impossible.}
2 - h=8 mirror circe
Bakcsi, G.2012
white Kh5 Rb7 Bd5
black Ka8 Pa3b2c3d2e3f2g3h2
h=8 Mirror Circe(3+9)
Mirror Circe a captured piece is reborn on the opponent's original square
1.a3-a2 Bd5*a2 {(No rebirth, a2 being busy.}
2.b2-b1=S Ba2*b1 {No rebirth, b1 being busy.}
3.c3-c2 Bb1*c2 {}
4.d2-d1=Q + Bc2*d1 {No rebirth, d1 being busy.}
5.e3-e2 Bd1*e2 {}
6.f2-f1=B Be2*f1 {No rebirth, f1 being busy.}
7.g3-g2 Bf1*g2 8.h2-h1=R + Bg2*h1 {Stalemate. No rebirth, h1 being busy.
The easiest fairy problem in history ?}
3 - 2# strictly growing chess b) ♝f8 --> h6 c) ♝f8 --> d7
strictly growing chess a piece must make a move of strictly greater length than its previous move
If no move of greater length is possible, then the piece is immobilised
♔ has played f1-g2 and is therefore immobile.
♚ has played e8-f7 and is therefore immobile.
♕ has played at best d1-e2-e4 and is therefore condemned to play for its next move at least 2 diagonal steps.
In (a) ♝ is free, in (b) it should make at least 3 diagonal steps, in (c) at least 2 diagonal steps.
white Royal ROb8
black Royal Gd2
black LIa3h1 Se1 Pd7d6
#2(1+6)b8: Royal Rose🨥d2: Royal Grasshopper🨺a3, h1: Lions
Rounded extended Knight
moves along the Queen's lines with the help of a saltire behind which she lands
It is necessary that the arrival square is free or occupied by an opponent piece
Piece with its "normal" walking but with prerogatives of King
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