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1 - maximum selfmate 4# circé
Yzarn, X.1969
white Rc2c5 Ka5 Sf2 Ph3e4 Be6
black Pc6 Bc8 Ka3 Rg2
s#4 Maximum Circe(7+4)
Black is required to play the longest legal moves geometrically
White plays and forces Black to checkmate him
A captured unit is reborn on its home square if it is free
Lieutenant-colonel Antoine de la Vergne de Tressan (1910-1985), known as Xavier Yzarn
1.Sf2-h1 ! zugzwang.
2.Rc5-g5 {(ici,} 2...Rg8*g5[+wRa1] + ?
{would be illegal)}
{Justification of the key :} 4...Rd1*h1[+wSb1] {is of the same length as 4...Rd5 but is illegal because the Knight is reborn on b1.
And of course}
4...Rd1*d6[+wRa1] {is illegal as already seen.}
4...Rd1-d5 # {: none of the 4 white units can capture this Rook which would be reborn on a8.
"A spark of originality and spirit" (H. Kluver, which awards the first prize in a French magazine that used to be of high quality).}
2 - 2# circe
Petkov, P.1971
white Sh2b3 Bg3c4 Rf3e3 Pe2d4f4 Qb1 Kd5
black Qf2 Ke1 Pg2h3b4e4f5 Bd2d1 Sg1
Bulgarian grasshoppers Bulgarian pieces (invented -- of course -- by the super-genius P. A. Petkov)
are pieces that need a sautoir to express themselves, with a condition somewhat reminiscent of the "take & make".
When they jump, the said sautoir must, as a tribute, take a step (without capturing) in accordance with the walk of the jumper.
If this is not possible, the move is illegal. When more than one move is possible, the choice is up to the jumper's side.
This problem was awarded in the competition organised by PAP in memory of his mother Danka Petkova (1920-1993)
{ }
1.Gh7-e4[-f5][+wQf1] {(blocus, leaving the Black King with a complete rosace.
Note that the bGf2 must control d2, which it does very well because, on a possible} 1...Kd6*d2 {, she would play} 2.Gf2*d2[-e2][+wPh2] {(Pe2 on h2).}
1...Kd6-c7 2.Ga7-d7[-c7][+bKc1] # {}
1...Kd6-d7 2.Ga7-e7[-d7][+bKd1] # {}
1...Kd6-e7 2.Ge4-e8[-e7][+bKe1] # {}
1...Kd6-c6 2.Ge4-b7[-c6][+bKc1] # {}
1...Kd6-e6 2.Ge4-e7[-e6][+bKe1] # {}
1...Kd6-c5 2.Ga7-d4[-c5][+bKc1] # {(et non} 2.Gf2-b6[-c5][+bKc1] Kc1*d2! {)}
1...Kd6-d5 2.Ge4-c6[-d5][+bKd1] # {}
1...Kd6-e5 2.Ge4-e6[-e5][+bKe1] #
{Comment from G. Foster : "The key seems exceptionally generous, giving 5 escapes and exiling the Queen on f1.
But on the other hand, mates require that this Queen be on the first line, so that the key is, in the end, quite strong".}
5 - h#2 2 solutions with bulgarian lions
Gadjanski, B.2021
white LIa8 Kc6 Sd5
black Kg8 Ra4
h#2 2sol(3+2)🨴a8: bulgarian Lion
bulgarians lions as above, but instead of Grasshopper, it's a Lion
1.Ra4-a3 ! LIa8-h8[-g8][+bKa2] 2.Ka2-a1 Sd5-c3 # !
{It's a real checkmate, because after } 3...LIh8*a1 {, Knight can play on c7 or c8.}
1.Kg8-h8 ! LIa8-a1[-a4][+bRe8] 2.Re8-f8 Sd5-f6 # !
{It's checkmate, because after} 3...LIa1*h8 {, Knight can play on b6 or a6}
6 - 2# breton
Loustau, JM.2018
white Bc8h2 Qf7 Se6d2 Rc5f1 Pa4d4h3 Ka2
black Qa7 Bf6 Kf5 Rf4 Pe5 Sf2g3
#2 breton(11+7)
breton after each capture, a unit of the same nature must disappear (if possible) from the capturing side.
If there is more than one, the choice is up to the capturing side.
Thus, the move ...♛xa4+ is illegal, as it would have to remove ♟e5, leading to a self check.
a captured piece returns to its home square, even if that square is occupied, in which case the occupant disappears
moa extended in successive moa movements
As a reminder, the Moa is a creeping knight performing first a bishop step and then a rook step
a) {}
1.c2-c1=S Sa5*b3[+bPb7] 2.b2-b1=Q OAd5-e7 #
{It is well checkmate: the bK cannot go to b8} 3.Kc8-b8 {because of} Sb3*c1[+bSb8] {, neither on d8} 3.Kc8-d8 {because of} OAe7*b1[+bQd8] {
, nor on c7} 3.Kc8-c7 {because of} OAe7*c6[+bPc7] {, nor on d7} 3.Kc8-d7 {because of} Sb3*d2[+bPd7] {}
b) bKc8-->b8 {Kc8-->b8}
1.d2-d1=B OAd5-c3 2.b2-b1=R Sa5*c6[+bPc7] #
{bK cannot go to a8} 3.Kb8-a8 {because of} OAc3*b1[+bRa8] {forcing the revival on a8 which pulverizes the Black King,
on c8} 3.Kb8-c8 {because of} OAc3*d1[+bBc8] {nor on b7} 3.Kb8-b7 {because of} OAc3*b5[+bPb7]
{Noter that} 1...c6-c5 ? {does not work fine :} 2.Sa5-c6 + Kb8-a8 {and} 3.OAd5-c7 {is illegal, which explains the choice of this creature rather than a simple nightrider}
9 - h#2 set play sentinelles
Tura, W.2018
white Sc5 Bb8h5 Kc4
black Qb6 Ke7 Sf8
h#2 Sentinelles(5+5)Jeu Apparaent
each playing figure leaves a pawn on its starting square (except 1st or 8th row),
under the condition that the number of pawns of the same side does not exceed 8
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