1.Sa8-c7 Ra6-a7 2.Sc7-b5 Ra7-b7 3.Sb5-d6 Rb7-b4 4.Bh4-e1 Rb4-e4 {}
5.Be1-g3 Re4-d4 6.Sd6-f5 Rd4-d5 7.Sf5-e3 Rd5-e5 8.Se3-g2 Re5-e3 {}
9.Bg3-h2 Re3-e1 #
{The solvers had a hard time, because of the other mate board with Rh4 and Bg1.}
moves on the Queen's lines with two sautoirs on the same line
The arrival square must be free or occupied by an opponent's piece
It is necessary to neutralize 3 animals (♜f5, ♝Fc4 & 🨨b5) likely to intercept the 6th row.
One of these animals will be hidden on the 8th and then intercepted on the f7 square by another, while the 3rd will be taken.
{ }
1.Rf5-f8 d3*c4 2.Nb5-f7 Qf4-d6 # {(to the "covered" by the Kga6, and } 3.Nf7*d6 {or} 3.Rd1*d6 {doesn't change anything)
Ng6 is pinned by the Queen, h7 is controlled by Kge7. }
1.Bc4-g8 Ka4*b5 2.Rf5-f7 Qf4-f6 # {(} 3.Rf7*f6 {ou} 3.g7*f6 {doesn't change anything)}
1.Nb5-h8 Qf4*f5 2.Bc4-f7 Qf5-e6 # {(} 3.Bf7*e6 {doesn't change anything)
This problem was quaified strangely. "Cheney-Loyd"? It is true that the hidden unit is no longer in use, but the King is not concerned !
"cyclic Grimshaw" ?
There is certainly an ABC-BCA-CAB cycle (stashed piece, captured piece, intercepting piece) but Grimshaw ?
I wonder what Uncle Walter would have thought.}
5 - s#8 imitating pieces
Caillaud, M.2020
white Ka5 Ra6f5 Pb6e3e2a4 Bc7 Se7
white Royal Sd6
black Kc5
black Royal Bd5
s#8 (10+2)d6, d5: imitating pieces
an imitating piece acquires the walk (in addition to its own) of the pieces (friendly or opponent) it "observes"
1.Ra6-a8 rBd5-e5 {(IBxf5 would be a self-check by INd6)} 2.Ra8-h8 ! {(2.Rg8 ? would stalemate)}
2...rBe5-d5 3.Rh8-h1 rBd5-e5 4.Rh1-a1 rBe5-d5 5.Ra1-a2 rBd5-e5 {}
6.Ra2-b2 rBe5-d5 7.rSd6-e4 + Kc5-c4 8.Rb2-b4 + rBd5*b4 # ! {, a6 being controlled by the black IB (which threatens Ne7).}
6 - h#2 take & make >anti take & make >neutres
Foster, G.2013
neutral Pe2e7
white Kg3
black Kh1
h#2 T&M anti T&M(1+1+2)
After a capture the capturing piece pays posthumous homage to the captured piece by making a movement
without capturing the march of the captured piece
In anti Take & Make, the captured piece pays homage to itself
Can be played by either side
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