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1 - h#2 2 sol infra-fonctionaries
Capron, D & Sobrecases G2008
white Se3 Rf3c1 Kg3 Bb1
black Pc3 Ke2
h#2 infra-fonctionaries(5+2)2 solutions
1.Ke2-f1 Bb1-d3 2.c3-c2 Rc1-d1 #
{ Let us note that the 8 possible promotions continue to observe at least one of the 4 white figures aiming at the black King.
1.c3-c2 Rc1-d1 2.c2-c1=Q ! Bb1-d3 #
{Note that on } 2.c2-c1=R ? {we have not } Bb1-d3 # {because of } 3.Ke2*d1!
{Reversal of the 2 white moves.}
2 - aidé 7,5# infra-fonctionaries
Sobrecases, G.2008
white Kh6 Pe2
black Kg8 Ph5c3e3b2c2d2 Re4
h#7.5 infra-fonctionaries(2+8)
1...Kh6-g5 ! {(and not 1...Kg6 ?)} 2.d2-d1=Q Kg5-g6 3.Qd1-d3 e2*d3 4.c2-c1=S d3*e4 {}
5.b2-b1=B e4-e5 6.Bb1-c2 e5-e6 7.Bc2-a4 e6-e7 8.Sc1-b3 {(pour empêcher 9...Fc2 ou Fd1)} e7-e8=R # !
{(of course not} 8...e7-e8=Q + ? 9.Ba4*e8 !{ ).
AUW bicolore.}
3 - serial h#13 make & take
Sick, O.2019
white Pb7b3c2 Kg3
black Sh8 Ka2
ser-h#13 Make&Take(4+2)
1.Sh8-f7 2.Sf7-d6 {(2.Ne5 ? would check via f5 ou e4)}
3.Sd6-c4 4.Sc4-b2 5.Ka2-a3 {(Which before was illegal because of b3-b2xa3.)}
6.Ka3-a4 {(not in check because Pb3 must start with a king move)}
7.Sb2-c4! {(return)} 8.Sc4-a5 ! {(the only route to b4, as you cannot go through d1, d3 or d5 which would check)}
9.Sa5-c6 10.Sc6-b4 11.Ka4-a5 {(no more b3-b4xa5)}
12.Ka5-b6 13.Sb4-c6 !! c2-c4 #
{ The b5 square is controlled, not by Pc4, but by Pb3 via a4!
And Pb7 controls a7 & c7 (via b6).
Two false leads :}
13.Sb4-a2 ? c2-c4 + 14.Sa2*c4! {}
13.Sb4-a6 ? c2-c4 + 14.Sa6-c5!
4 - PG 6,5 make & take
Sick, O.2019
white Kd6 Pb3a2c2d2e2f2h2 Ra1h1 Sb1g1 Bc1f1
black Ra8 Sb8 Bc8 Qd8 Ke8 Pa7b7c7d7e7f7h7
PG 6.5 Make&Take(13+14)
white Bc1f1 Ke1 Qd1 Pa2b2c2d2e2f2g2h2 Sb1g1 Ra1h1
black Bc8f8 Ke8 Qd8 Pa7b7c7d7e7f7g7h7 Sb8g8 Ra8h8
} 1.b2-b3 g7*c1=S {(via b2, in homage to Bc1)
} 2.g2*h8=B {(via g7, in homage to Rh8)} Sc1*d1 {(via b2, in homage to Qd1)} 3.Bh8-b2 Sg8-f6 {} 4.Bb2-c1 {(Pronkin)} Sd1-c3 + {} 5.Ke1*c3 Sf6-e4 + {(double check by Bf8 via g7 and Knight via d5, in homage to Kc3)} 6.Kc3*f8 {(via g7, in homage to Bf8. We notice that neither King is attacked by the other)} Se4-d6+ 7.Kf8*d6 {(via e6, in homage to Nd6) The reversal 3...Nc3+ 4 Kd3xc3 is impossible, the white king being then in check by the Bf8 via g7.}
} 1.b2-b3 g7*c1=S {(via b2, in homage to Bc1)
} 2.g2*h8=B {(via g7, in homage to Rh8)} Sc1*d1 {(via b2, in homage to Qd1)} 3.Bh8-b2 Sg8-f6 {} 4.Bb2-c1 {(Pronkin)} Sd1-c3 + {} 5.Ke1*c3 Sf6-e4 + {(double check by Bf8 via g7 and Knight via d5, in homage to Kc3)} 6.Kc3*f8 {(via g7, in homage to Bf8. We notice that neither King is attacked by the other)} Se4-d6+ 7.Kf8*d6 {(via e6, in homage to Nd6) The reversal 3...Nc3+ 4 Kd3xc3 is impossible, the white king being then in check by the Bf8 via g7.}
5 - 2# extinction
Rosner, E & Gockel H2017
white Kc8 Pd7f6c5g5e3h3f2 Ra1 Bd1
black Ka7 Pc6e6d5a4h4d3 Sf5 Rc4
#2 Extinction chess(10+9)
Tries : } 1.d7-d8=B ? {(thematic try ; threatens} 2.Bd1-g4 # {dominating the bN ; and} 2...Rc4*g4 {does not extinguish white Bishop species since it remains the Bd8 and therefore is illegal since} 3.h3*g4 {extinct black Rook species)} 1...Rc4*c5 2.Ra1*a4 # { and not} 2.Bd1-g4 + ? Sf5-d6 ! {but black parry with} 1...d3-d2 ! 2.Bd1-g4 + d2-d1=S ! {} 1.d7-d8=Q ? {(threatens} 2.Qd8-a5 # {and not } 2.Qd8-b6 + Ka7*b6 # ! {) without Pd5, there would be } 2.Qd8*d3 # {extinguishing either of the black Rook or Knight species. without the Pe6, } 2.Qd8-d7 {would mate, dominating the bN} 1...Rc4*c5 2.Ra1*a4 # {or} 2.Bd1-g4 # {but} 1...Ka7-a6 ! {simply counter the threat} 1.d7-d8=R ! {(threatens} 2.Ra1*a4 # {by double check.} 2...Rc4*a4 {does not extinguish the white Rook species since it remains the Rd8 and therefore is illegal since} 3.Bd1*a4 {extinct black Rook species.)} 1...a4-a3 2.Ra1*a3 # {} 1...Rc4*c5 2.Bd1-g4 # {The threat in the try becomes variation mate (on 1...Rxc5) in the real game and vice versa Two-coloured AUW between the tries and the solution}
Tries : } 1.d7-d8=B ? {(thematic try ; threatens} 2.Bd1-g4 # {dominating the bN ; and} 2...Rc4*g4 {does not extinguish white Bishop species since it remains the Bd8 and therefore is illegal since} 3.h3*g4 {extinct black Rook species)} 1...Rc4*c5 2.Ra1*a4 # { and not} 2.Bd1-g4 + ? Sf5-d6 ! {but black parry with} 1...d3-d2 ! 2.Bd1-g4 + d2-d1=S ! {} 1.d7-d8=Q ? {(threatens} 2.Qd8-a5 # {and not } 2.Qd8-b6 + Ka7*b6 # ! {) without Pd5, there would be } 2.Qd8*d3 # {extinguishing either of the black Rook or Knight species. without the Pe6, } 2.Qd8-d7 {would mate, dominating the bN} 1...Rc4*c5 2.Ra1*a4 # {or} 2.Bd1-g4 # {but} 1...Ka7-a6 ! {simply counter the threat} 1.d7-d8=R ! {(threatens} 2.Ra1*a4 # {by double check.} 2...Rc4*a4 {does not extinguish the white Rook species since it remains the Rd8 and therefore is illegal since} 3.Bd1*a4 {extinct black Rook species.)} 1...a4-a3 2.Ra1*a3 # {} 1...Rc4*c5 2.Bd1-g4 # {The threat in the try becomes variation mate (on 1...Rxc5) in the real game and vice versa Two-coloured AUW between the tries and the solution}
6 - aidé 5# Chameleon Circe b) ♔e1
Rice, J.2017
white Sf4 Kg2
black Ke5 Pf5g4
h#5 Chameleon Circe(2+3)b) ♔g2 ---> e1
a) {}
1.Ke5-f6 Sf4-g6 2.Kf6*g6[+wBf1] Bf1-e2 3.Kg6-h6 Be2*g4[+bPg7] {}
4.g7-g6 Kg2-h3 5.f5*g4[+wRh1] + Kh3*g4[+bPg7] # {}
b) wKg2-->e1 {Kg2 --> e1}
1.Ke5-e4 Sf4-h3 2.g4*h3[+wBf1] Bf1-g2 + 3.h3*g2[+wRh1] Ke1-d2 {}
4.g2*h1=B[+wQd1] Kd2-c3 5.Bh1-f3 Qd1-d4 #
7 - h#5# with Moose and Grasshopper
Taylor, St2018
white WMf1 Kh4
black BMf2 Gh2 Ke1
h#5(2+3)🨴f1, 🨺f2: Mooses🨥h2: Grasshopper
1.Ke1-e2 Kh4-g3 2.BMf2-h3 WMf1-h4 3.Ke2-f1 WMh4-g2 4.Gh2-f2 WMg2-h4 5.BMh3-e1 Kg3-h2 #
8 - 7# with set play köko
Widlert, K.2018
white Kd8 Rg4 Ph3 Ba1
black Bg8 Kh7 Pa6
#7 Köko(4+3)
{Set play}
1...Bg8-a2 2.Ba1-h8 Ba2-g8 3.Rg4-h4 #
{note that} 2.Rg4-h4 {fait pat
Real play}
1.Rg4-g3 ! {(threatens} 2.Rg3-g4 Bg8-a2 3.Ba1-h8 Ba2-g8 4.Rg4-h4 # {)}
1...Bg8-a2 2.Rg3-b3 Ba2-b1 3.Rb3-b7 Bb1-a2 4.Kd8-c8 Ba2-b1 {}
5.Ba1-h8 + Kh7-g8 6.Rb7-d7 Bb1-h7 7.Rd7-d8 #
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