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1 - #2 kamikaze avec Equishoppers
Loustau, JM.2008
white Kamikaze WEb2g5g6 Qh7 Bh6g2 Re2 Pf6 Kd2
black Kamikaze BEc7e6 Rc8e8 Ph4 Sd8 Kg1
#2(9+7)🩈b2, g5, g6, 🩉c7, e6: Equishoppers
After a capture, the 2 pieces disappear.
makes an equipollent move relative to any sautoir,
within the limits of the board, of course, and also of the legality of the position obtained
1.kWEg5-e7 ? {(threatens } 2.kBh6-e3 # { )} 1...kBEc7-g5 ! {(sautoir e6)}
1.kWEg6-c6 ? {(sautoir e6. threatens } 2.kQh7-b1 # {)} 1...kBEe6-g6 !
{ Thematic try : } 1.kWEg5-g7 ? {(threatens} 2.kBh6-e3 # {)} 1...kBEe6-a8! {(unmasking the Rook) ;}
1...kBEc7-g5 ? 2.kWEg6-g4 # {(moving thanks to the g5 sautoir, mate by the Eg7 thanks to the sautoir g4) ;}
1...kBEe6*g6[-g6] ? {(with the good taste of disappearing after capturing)} 2.kQh7-b1 # {}
1.kWEg6-g4 ! {(threatens } 2.kQh7-b1 # {) ;}
1...kBEc7*g5[-g5] {(disappearing in the same way)} 2.kBh6-e3 # {}
1...kBEe6-g6 2.kWEg5-g7#
{(moving through g6 sautoir, mate through g4 sautoir).
Djurasevic theme: in the trial, key A + threat B + 1st variant C + 2nd variant D.
In the real game, key C + threat D + 1st variant B + 2nd variant A.
Intellectual, no? In any case, understandable !}
2 - aidé 3# 3 solutions Parrain Circe
Popovski, Al2003
white Sb4 Be3 Kg3
black Pd4 Qc3 Ke4
h#3 Parrain Circe 3sol.(3+3)
a captured piece remains suspended on the capture square and makes an equipollent movement to the following half move
1...Kd1*d2 2.Kg4-h4[+bPe2] Qd3-f3=b 3.e2-e1=S=w Se1*f3[+wSf3] # {
bK moves other than ...Kg5 (forbidden by the knight) are impossible because they revive a bQ with check.
In image for example on } 4.Kh4-g4[+bQe3] {which checks but not mate, therefore illegal}
1...Qd3*d2 2.Kg4-h3[+bPe1=S] Qd2-f2=b 3.Se1-d3=w Sd3*f2[+wSf2] # {
bK moves other than ...Kg4 (forbidden by the Knight) are impossible as they resurrect a bQ that checks.
4 - #2 exclusive b) masand
Gockel, H.2016
white Pb6c6g6g5g4e4 Sf7d3 Bf8h5 Kh4
black Pb7 Ke6 Bf5
#2 Exclusive(11+3)b) Masand
A mat must be unique
a unit giving check causes the pieces it oberves (except Kings) to change colour
a) {exclusive.
there are several mates based on gxf5, Nf4, Nc5, Nd8.
it is therefore necessary to arrange to make a neutral move which forces Black to weaken}
1.Kh4-g3 ? Bf5*g4 ! {and here, there are several mats left so no one}
1.Kh4-h3 ! {(blocus)}
1...Bf5*e4 2.Sd3-f4 # {}
1...Bf5*g4 + 2.Bh5*g4 # {}
1...Bf5*g6 2.Sf7-d8 # {}
1...b7*c6 2.Sd3-c5 # {}
b) {Masand}
1.Kh4-h3 ? Bf5*g4[h5=b] + ! {}
1.Kh4-g3 ! {(blocus)}
1...Bf5*e4 2.Sd3-c5[e4=w][b7=w] # {}
1...Bf5*g4 2.Bh5*g4 # {}
1...Bf5*g6 2.Sd3-f4[h5=b][g6=w] # {}
1...b7*c6 2.Sf7-d8[c6=w] #
{ABC-BCA cycle, called "Lacny".}
5 - #3 strict Growing Men
Bissicks, P.2017
white Bf1 Ke2
black Rc7 Kg8
#3 strict Growing Men(2+2)
strict Growing Mena unit must play a move geometrically of strictly greater length than the move it played before
to the move it played before.
Thus, the black king is immobilized, its position necessarily being the result of a castling short.
On the other hand, the rook comes (at best for her) from a8 via a7 and must therefore play moves of length greater than 2
{ Tries : }
1.Ke2-f3 ? Rc7-f7 # {}
1.Bf1-h3 ? Rc7-c3 ! 2.Bh3-e6 {(pas échec)} Rc3-h3 !
3.Be6-a2 + Rh3-b3 ! {}
1.Ke2-d1 ! 1...Rc7-f7 !
{(1...Re7 is illegal, otherwise it would allow 2.Bc4 # similarly 1...Rd7+ illegal 1...Rc1? does not check :
it is better, because the wK cannot move! And so 2.Bc4#}
2.Bf1-e2 ! {(2.Bc4 ? stalemate)}
2...Rf7-f3 {(2...Rb7 idem)} 3.Be2-c4 # {
The bK is immobile, having castled!
And of course 3...Rf7 is illegal.}
6 - h#2 3 solutions Mars Circe Zebrarider Nightrider and Grasshoppers
Smits, G.2012
white WGg6 Ne6 Pg5h5 Kh1 WZe7
black BGg7 Pa7d6e4 Bb1 Ra8 Kh4 BZa6
To capture, a unit virtually passes through its original square.
In the particular case of fairy pieces, the supposed original square is the promotion square of the column it is on
Knight that can make several successive jumps in the same direction
Zebra (leaper (2,3)) which, like the Nightrider, can make several successive leaps
1.BGg7*g6 {(via g1)} WZe7-b5 2.BGg6-g4 Ne6-f4 # {
by double check, with NIf4 checking from its assumed initial square, so f8 and ZRb5 checking from its assumed initial square,
so b8 (via e6).
Pg5 checks h3 and Ph5 checks g3.
Note that} 2...Ne6-f8 {would be parried by } 3.Kh4*f8 ! {via e8}
1.BZa6*e7 Ne6-f4 2.BZe7-g4 WGg6-d3 # {
by double check, with Gd3 checking from d8 and NIf4 from f8.}
1.Bb1*e6 Gg6-d3 2.Be6-g4 WZe7-b5 # {
by double check, with ZRb5 checking from b8 and Gd3 from d8.
AB-BC-CA cycle. Martian batteries.}
7 - aidé 2,5# 2 sol antipodean anti-circe (see antipodean circe applying rebirth rule to the capturing piece)
Tritten, P.2015
white Kb4 Pb2h3
black Rh2 Sd6 Be6 Ke7 Pb6
h#2.5 2sol.(3+5)antipodean anti-circe
A unit that captures, is reborn according to the following modality
decrease or increase by 4 of its 2 coordinates.
if the square so determined is occupied or off the board, the capture is illegal
1...Kb4-a3 ? {will allow 3...Nxe8-a4 at the end of the first solution}
1...Kb4-a4 2.Be6-g4 h3*g4[wPg4->c8=Q] {(is reborn as c8 and promoted to Queen)}
3.Rh2*b2[bRb2->f6] Qc8-e8 # {the move 3...Nxe8-a4 is no longer possible, as is 3...Kxe8-a4}
1...b2-b3 2.Sd6-c4 b3*c4[wPc4->g8=Q] {(Reborn on g8 and promoted to Queen.)} 3.Rh2*h3[bRh3->d7] Qg8-f8 #
8 - 2# super-circe neutral pieces
Petkov, P.2003
neutral Bh7 Rh1
white Kh8 Ph5f3 Qg2
black Bc8 Pa5a4a3h4h2f4c4 Ka1 Rb1
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