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1 - h#5 3 sol köko with marine Mao
Novomesky, D.2014
white Ke7 MSf6
black Ke4 Rd6
h#5 Köko(2+2)🨷f6: marine Mao
On arrival of a move, you must be in contact with another unit.
plays as a creeping knight but captures the unit located one orthogonal step away if its arrival square is free.
1.Ke4-e5 MSf6-e4 + {check again because of threat :} 2...MSe4*e5-f6 {.} 2.Ke5-f5 MSe4-g5 {(check again because of threat} 3...MSg5*f5-e6 {)}
3.Kf5-g4 {Pare the threat as we are in köko.} Ke7-e6 4.Kg4-h4 Ke6-f5 5. Rd6-f6 ! MSg5-h3 # !
{please note : } 5.Rd6-e6 ? MSg5-h3+ 6.Kh4-g5 !
{and } 5.Rd6-g6 ? MSg5-h3+ 6.Kh4-h5 !
1.Rd6-d8 Ke7-e8 2.Ke4-f5 Ke8-f7 3.Kf5-g5 Kf7-g7 4.Kg5-h6 + Kg7-f7 5.Rd8-f8 +
MSf6-h5 # {threatens} 6...MSh5*h6-g7 { ; on} 6.Kh6-g5 {suit} 7.MSh5*g5-f6 {(and not on f4)}
1.Ke4-f5 MSf6-d5 2.Rd6-d7 {(no check)} MSd5-f4 + 3.Kf5-g5 MSf4-g6 4.Kg5-h5 Ke7-f6 5.Rd7-f7 + MSg6-h4 # !
{ Triple stepped echo.}
2 - h#2 2 sol avec sparrow et nereide
Feather, Ch2010
white Pb5 Sg5b3 WSc8 Kf4
black Pe7 Kd6 BSe1f2 NDe8
h#2 2sol.(5+5)🨼e8: Nereïde🨊c8, 🨐e1, f2: Sparrows
is a kind of Grasshopper that retraces its steps at 45 degrees from the sautoir,
i.e. the angle of arrival of the Sparrow-sautoir square of arrival of the Grasshopper is 135 degrees.
in other words, the Sparrow's arrival square-jumpoir's arrival square angle is 135 degrees.
For example the Sparrow e1 could go to f6, because the angle f6-e7-e8 is 135 degrees.
Nereid it is a Sea Bishop, which normally plays but captures Locust-style in e8. It could be replaced by a Vao
1.NDe8-c6 {(Preinterception of Sparrow c8.)} Sb3-c5 {(Would check (by Sparrow c8) without the animal on c6 as d6-c5-c4 = 135 degrees.)}
2.SWf2-d5 + Sg5-e6 # {
The Sparrow c8 checks as d6-e6-f5 = 135 degrees.
The pinned c6 animal cannot parry the check by playing on d7.}
1.NDe8-d7 Sg5-e6! {(would check without the animal on d7 as d6-e6-f5 = 135 degrees)} 2.SWe1-d5 {(sautoir e6)} Sb3-c5 #
{it's mat because c4-c5-d6 = 135 degrees
Orthogonal-diagonal echo and reversal of white moves.}
3 - 2# anti-circe
Gockel, H.2012
white Bb7e1 Kh2 Qg1 Pd7b2c3e2g3 Sf2 Rb4g2
black Pf5g5 Sb1 Bb3 Ke3
#2 anti-circe(12+5)
After a capture, the capturing unit returns to its original square if it is free.
a distingo is made if the capture square and the original square are the same one :
Calvet type, the capture is allowed and Cheylan type, capture forbidden
The captured piece remains suspended over the capturing square and makes an equipollent move to the following move
Extended knight.
unit that can be played indifferently by either side
a) {}
1.d5*e4 nNg7-e6[+wPc3] + 2.nNe6-g5 Ke7-f6 3.Kc2*c3 Kf6*g5[+wPd2] # {}
b) wPe4-->d3 {pe4-->d3}
1.Kc2*d3 nNg7-e8[+wPb4] 2.Kd3-c3 nNe8-f6 3.Kc3*b4 Ke7*f6[+wPc3] #
{Each move of bK corresponds to a "parrain" rebirth of the Nightrider checking him.}
5 - 2# Lortap
Gockel, H.2008
white Qc2 Pd5f4d3c3 Sd2 Bc5b3 Kg2
black Qa2 Pf5e2 Ke4 Be1c4 Sc1
#2 Lortap(9+7)3 solutions
it is forbidden to be supported by a unit of its camp to capture or give check.
Thus, ...♚xf4 (...♚xd5) is never possible because of ♟f5.
♙d3 and ♘d2, supported by the white Queen, do not check.
In Bolero, capturing moves are played normally.
A non-capturing unit adopts the march of the one initially on the same column.
It therefore plays as a rook if it is on the "a" or "h" column, as a knight if it is on "b" or "g", etc. .
In "Kings included" Kings also adopt this way of doing things.
a) {}
1...nQd8-f6 + 2.Ke5-d5 nRh6-h7 3.Kd5-g8 {(the King plays as a Queen)} nQf6-h8 # {
On h8, the Queen moves as a Rook, but continues to be a Queen to capture, and if the King wants to escape he must make a knight step}
b) nRh6-->d7 {nRh6 --> d7}
1...nRd7-a7 2.Ke5-f4 nQd8-d5 3.Kf4-b8 {(King plays as a Bishop)} nQd5-a8 # {}
c) bKe5-->g7 {Ke5 --> g7}
1...nRh6-d6 2.Kg7-h5 {(from the "g" file the King played as a Knight)} nRd6-d3 3.Kh5-b5
{(from the "h" file, the King played as a Rook) }nQd8-b8 # {
on the "b" file, King and Queen move as knights.
The neutral Queen can only go to a6, c6 or d7 which will be followed by the capture of the King
On the other hand, the King's escape squares a3, c3, d4, d6, c7 and a7 are controlled}
d) nQd8-->f8 {nQd8 --> f8}
1...nRh6-e6 + 2.Ke5-d4 nQf8-c5 + 3.Kd4-g4 nQc5-g1 #
{Two pairs of mate echoes.
Note that the Black King played as Queen, Rook, Bishop and Knight, a kind of AUW !}}
7 - h#2 2 sol with neutral marine pieces
Parrinello, M.2015
neutral SIg3f6
black Sd6 Pe7e5g5f3c3 Ke4 Rb7 Bf2
white Pc2g4 Kb1 MSb3
move normally, but capture as Locust.
A special case is the Marine Knight. For example if the bB is on d4, the MKb3 (if not pinned) captures it and lands on f5.
1.Bf2-b6 MSb3-d2 {(not check, but creates a MN/Snf6 battery)} 2.nSIg3-g2 nSIf6*f3-f2 # {
by double check, the f6 square being released.}
1.Sd6-b5 MSb3-c5 {(not check, but creates a MN/Sng3 battery)} 2.nSIf6-e6 nSIg3*e5-d6 #
{by double check, as the g3 square is released}
8 - s#2 with lion family
Caillaud, M.2017
white WRb7 Pc4b5c6a7f4g4g7h7 RNe2 Ka8
black BRc8 Pc2c3c5 Ka1 NLb1 BLc1
A kind of grasshopper that can go further than the sautoir.
There must be a clear path from the sautoir to the landing square.
The rook and bishop move, of course, on the rook and bishop lines respectively
1.b2-b1=WN g7-g8=BH 2.WNb1-f3 BHg8-d5 # {(because 3.RGf3 impossible)}
1.b2-b1=WR g7-g8=NH 2.WRb1-e1 NHg8-c6 # {(because 3.BGe1 impossible)}
1.b2-b1=WB g7-g8=RH 2.WBb1-g6 RHg8-a8 # {(because 3.NGg6 impossible)
Cycle AB-BC-CA with promotions in NS, FS & TS.
The author preferred a Bd6 to a pawn, so that the position is "legal": each fairy unit can come from a promotion.}
10 - h#2 3 sol anti-circe Calvet Neutral bouncers
Smits, G.2008
neutral chd4b2 ZRd5 Nc5
black Bc3 Ke2 Qe5 Pf6f5f4d2c7b7a7a4 Sb4 Rd1e3
white Pd3 Sh2 Bh4 Kf7
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