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1 - h#5 3 sol köko with marine Mao

Novomesky, D.

white Ke7 MSf6 black Ke4 Rd6
h#5 Köko(2+2)
🨷f6: marine Mao
On arrival of a move, you must be in contact with another unit
. plays as a creeping knight but captures the unit located one orthogonal step away if its arrival square is free.


2 - h#2 2 sol avec sparrow et nereide

Feather, Ch

white Pb5 Sg5b3 WSc8 Kf4 black Pe7 Kd6 BSe1f2 NDe8
h#2 2sol.(5+5)
🨼e8: Nereïde
🨊c8, 🨐e1, f2: Sparrows
is a kind of Grasshopper that retraces its steps at 45 degrees from the sautoir,
i.e. the angle of arrival of the Sparrow-sautoir square of arrival of the Grasshopper is 135 degrees.
in other words, the Sparrow's arrival square-jumpoir's arrival square angle is 135 degrees.
For example the Sparrow e1 could go to f6, because the angle f6-e7-e8 is 135 degrees.
Nereid it is a Sea Bishop, which normally plays but captures Locust-style in e8. It could be replaced by a Vao


3 - 2# anti-circe

Gockel, H.

white Bb7e1 Kh2 Qg1 Pd7b2c3e2g3 Sf2 Rb4g2 black Pf5g5 Sb1 Bb3 Ke3
#2 anti-circe(12+5)
After a capture, the capturing unit returns to its original square if it is free.
a distingo is made if the capture square and the original square are the same one :
Calvet type, the capture is allowed and Cheylan type, capture forbidden



4 - h#3 parrain Circe with neutral nightrider

Huber, E.

neutral Ng7 black Pd5 Kc2 white Pe4 Ke7
🨮g7: neutral Nightridere
b) ♙e4-->d3
The captured piece remains suspended over the capturing square and makes an equipollent move to the following move
Extended knight
. unit that can be played indifferently by either side


5 - 2# Lortap

Gockel, H.

white Qc2 Pd5f4d3c3 Sd2 Bc5b3 Kg2 black Qa2 Pf5e2 Ke4 Be1c4 Sc1
#2 Lortap(9+7)
3 solutions
it is forbidden to be supported by a unit of its camp to capture or give check.
Thus, ...♚xf4 (...♚xd5) is never possible because of ♟f5.
♙d3 and ♘d2, supported by the white Queen, do not check.


6 - h#2,5 bolero Rex inclusiv with neutral pieces

Petkov, P.

neutral Qd8 Rh6 black Ke5
h#2.5 Boléro R.I.(0+1+2)
b) 🨂h6 --> d7
c) ♚e5 --> g7
d) 🨁d8 --> f8
In Bolero, capturing moves are played normally.
A non-capturing unit adopts the march of the one initially on the same column.
It therefore plays as a rook if it is on the "a" or "h" column, as a knight if it is on "b" or "g", etc.
. In "Kings included" Kings also adopt this way of doing things.


7 - h#2 2 sol with neutral marine pieces

Parrinello, M.

neutral SIg3f6 black Sd6 Pe7e5g5f3c3 Ke4 Rb7 Bf2 white Pc2g4 Kb1 MSb3
h#2 2sol.(4+9+2)
🨷b3: marine Knight
🩀g3, f6: neutral Sirens
move normally, but capture as Locust
. A special case is the Marine Knight. For example if the bB is on d4, the MKb3 (if not pinned) captures it and lands on f5.


8 - s#2 with lion family

Caillaud, M.

white WRb7 Pc4b5c6a7f4g4g7h7 RNe2 Ka8 black BRc8 Pc2c3c5 Ka1 NLb1 BLc1
🨼c1: Bishop-Lion
󼎜e2: Rose-Lion
🨽b1: Nightrider Lion
🨵b7, 🨻c8: Rook-Lion
A kind of grasshopper that can go further than the sautoir.
There must be a clear path from the sautoir to the landing square
. The rook and bishop move, of course, on the rook and bishop lines respectively


9 - h#2 3 sol rga, bga & nga

Kotesovec, V.

white Pg7e3 Kb8 Be5f5 black NHa3 Bd6d1 Ka2 BHb4 Pc7e7b5b2d2 Se6 RHb3
h#2 3sol.(5+12)
🨦b3: Rook Grasshopper
🨧b4: Bishop Grasshopper
🨼a3: Nightrider Grasshopper
Pieces moving with the help of a sautoir,
on the rook line for the Rook, the bishop line for the Rook, and the extended knight line for the Nightrider



10 - h#2 3 sol anti-circe Calvet Neutral bouncers

Smits, G.

neutral chd4b2 ZRd5 Nc5 black Bc3 Ke2 Qe5 Pf6f5f4d2c7b7a7a4 Sb4 Rd1e3 white Pd3 Sh2 Bh4 Kf7
h#2 Anti-Circe Calvet 3sol.(4+14+4)
🨮c5: neutral Nightrider
🩃d4, b2: neutral Camelrider
🨙d5: neutral Zebrarider
hopper (1,2) ( Knight ) extended
. hopper (1,3) extended
hopper (2,3) extended


11 - aidé 2# 3 sol kobul Kings

Tritten, P.

white Sd6 Bg3 Rg4 Kg2 black Pc7d7e6f5h4b2a4 Ka3 Ra2
h#2 Kobul Kings(4+9)
3 solutions
When a figure is captured, the king of the side of the figure acquires its march.
It becomes a normal King again if a pawn is captured.


12 - h=2,5 2 sol anti-circe clone

Balasubramanian, SK & Tritten P

white Pa6b5f5 Sc4 Ka2 black Be6 Rc6 Kg2
h=2.5 anti-circe clone(5+3)
2 solutions
the capturing unit takes the nature of the captured unit and is reborn accordingly.


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