a) {0-0-0 illegal. As the last white move arrived on a black square, the last black move was necessarily a king or rook move}
1.f7-f5 Rh6-f6 2.Ra8-d8 Rh2-e2 # {}
b) wKh4-->g4 {Kh4 --> g4
0-0-0 is legal, the last move could have been KxRg4(bRa8)}
1.0-0-0 Rh6-b6 2.f7-f6 {(tempo)} Rh2-c2 #
{Echo checkmates.}
2 - 2# anti-circé with lions
Loustau, JM.2008
white Qc5 Pe7e3d3c3c4 Ke4 Be8d6 Se6
black BLa7d2 RLd8f4 Kf6 Pd4e5f5b4
A capturing piece is reborn on its original square and the captured piece disappears.
When the rebirth square is occupied the capture is illegal unless the capture and rebirth squares are the same.
in which case a distinction is made between the Calvet type (take allowed) and Cheylan type (forbidden)
kind of Grasshopper that can go further beyond the sautoir.
There must be a clear path from the sautoir to the finishing square.
The Lion-Rook and the Lion-Bishop move, of course, on Rook and Bishop lines respectively
1.Qh5-h3 2.Qh3*c8[+bSg8] 3.Qc8-h3 4.Qh3*h7[+bBc8] 5.Qh7-h5 6.Sc7-e6 + Bc8*e6[+wSb1] # {
Of course 7 Kxe6 is impossible because of a rebirth in c8.} 7.Kf7*e6[+bBc8] {}
1.Re2-d2 2.Rd2*d8[+bRh8] 3.Rd8-d2 4.Rd2*c2[+bQd8] 5.Rc2-e2 6.Sc7-d5 + Qd8*d5[+wSb1] #
{A kind of AUW through the 4 black rebirths.}
4 - s#10 with rose
Widlert, K.1994
white Kc8 Qe5 Pd7h6g5 Sa8e7 Rh8 ROa5
black Ph7 Sd8 Kf7
{ }
1.Kh4-g5 d7-d8=Q + 2.Kg5-c5 d3-d4 # { : King move as a Pawn }
1.Kh4-g4 d7-d8=R 2.h5-h4 Rd8-g8 # { : King move as a Rook }
1.f2-f1=S Kf7-e8 2.Sf1-g3 d7-d8=B #
{ : King move as a Bishop Mixed AUW.}
make & Take the capturing unit first moves as the unit it wishes to capture
then makes that capture by moving normally. In the first phase, it is not allowed to capture.
A d2 pawn is very powerful, giving check to a king at b3, b4, c4, d3, d4, e4, f4 or f3.
But on the other hand it does not check if the King is in c3 or e3!
1.Bh5-f7 Ge3*e6 {via b3 for the pre-thume (or anthume) tribute to Re6 }
2.Sh4-g6 {(gives a sautoir to Gd1)} Gd1*f7 # {via h5
La Sf7 control e5 (via e7 ou e8) and she checks (via g8).
The black king cannot capture e6, having to perform a no-take Grasshopper step beforehand.
The white king controls c4, d4 and e4.}
b) wKd2-->g3 {Rd2 --> g3}
1.Rb4-b5 Ge3*c5 {via g5 for the prethumous (or anthumous) tribute to Bc5 }
2.Sc6-b4 {(gives a sautoir to Gd1)} Gd1*b5 # {via b1
the white king controls e4, e5 ;
Gb5 checks (via a5), controls d4 (via b6), c4 (via c6) and c6 (via c4) ;
and 3.Kxc5 is forbidden, as the bK must first make a Grasshopper step without a capture.
Echo diagonal-orthogonal.}
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