Move normaly, but need a hurdle to capture
Mao is a particular case of Chinese piece, it is a Crawling Knight
with first a Rook step and then a Bishop step
{Essais :}
1.Qa7-g7 + ? BVd4*g7 ! {}
1.Qa7-c7 ? {(threatens} 2.Qc7-e5 # {)} 1...BVd4-e5 ! {(d4 square having been released, the Vao e5 is protected by the Mao c4)}
1.Sd3-e5 ? {(threatens} 2.Qa7-g7 # {)} 1...BVd4*a7 ! 2.WVc5-d4 + Kf6-e7 {}
1.Sd3-f2 + ? MAh2*f1 {(and e4 square is controlled by the Mao c3)}
1.Rg5-e5 ! {(threatens} 2.Qa7-g7 #{
and in order to avoid this, it is necessary, apart from the grip of the threatening pieces, to interpose in the 7th or on the column g)}
1...MAb8-d7 2.Qa7-b6 # {}
1...MAd8-b7 2.d5-d6 # {}
1...MAh2-g4 2.WVe3-f2 # {}
1...MAh4-g2 2.WVh6-f4 # {display-departure-file} {}
1...BVd4*a7 2.WVc5-d4 # {display-departure-file} {}
1...BVd4*g1 2.WVe3-d4 # {display-departure-file} {}
1...Sg8-e7 2.Qa7*e7 #
2 - reflex 2# anti-circe
Rehm, HP & Millour RJ1996
white Ba6c3 Ke5 Qf7 Pc5d7e6f6g6g3 Sa5g2 Rh2a3
black Be8 Kf3 Qb5 Pf2 Sg7e2 Rb6d3
r#2 Anti-Circe(14+8)
When a mat is submitted to one of the two sides, he is forced to play it.
A capturing piece reborn on its original square and the captured piece disappears.
When the renaissance square is not free the capture is illegal unless the capture and renaissance square are the same
in which case a distinction is made between the Calvet type ( authorised capture) and the Cheylan type (prohibited).
Witch is either an Orphan and a Friend
adopts the moving way of the opposing units attacking it.
adopts the moving way of it's side units protecting it
Witches who receive such a power transmit it in turn.
1.BOe3-d5 {(Witche adopt way of moving of Ng2.)} Sg2-f4 2.Kc4-d4 WOc6*d5 # ! {
Witch c6 took the march of Witch d5 who also had the march of a King.
And the said Witch, always having the walk of a King, also has the walk of Nf4 and controls c3 & e3.
Note that this Witch finally controls 7 squares ! }
b) wSg2-->g1 {Cg2-->g1}
1.Kc4-d3 Sg1-f3 2.BOe3-d4 {(King's walk)} WOc6*d4 # ! {(Witch walks as a Knight, then as a Knight + King)
Chameleon Echo.}
5 - 4# circe with nightrider b) -♟f5
Werner, D.2002
white Sa3 Pd4 Kf6 Rc4 Bf3c1
black Pf5a4g2 Sf7 Bd7 Kd3 Nb7
#4 circe(6+7)b) -♟f5🨨b7: Nightrider
A captured piece reborn on its original square.
Knight extended in successive jumps
{ }
a) {Try :}
1.d4-d5 ? {(threating} 2.Bf3-e2 # {)}
1...g2-g1=N 2.Bf3-e2 + 2...Ng1*e2[+wBf1] 3.Bf1*e2[+bNe1] #
{but} 1...g2-g1=S ! {protect against the threat because the capture of the Knight would be illegal.:}
2.Bf3-e2 + 2...Sg1*e2[+wBf1] 3.Bf1*e2[+bSg8] {}
1.Bc1-d2 ! {(threating} 2.Rc4-c3 + 2...Kd3*d4 3.Sa3-c2 # {)}
1...g2-g1=N {(contrôle c3)} 2.d4-d5 {(menace} 3.Bf3-e2 + 3...Ng1*e2[+wBf1] 4.Bf1*e2[+bNe1] # {}
b) -bPf5 {without pf5Try :}
1.Bc1-d2 ? {(threating} 2.Rc4-c3 + 2...Kd3*d4 3.Sa3-c2 # {) but} 1...g2-g1=N ! {protect against the threat by c3 control } 2.d4-d5 {(threating Be2+)} Bd7-g4 ! {}
1.d4-d5 ! {(threating} 2.Bf3-e2 # {)}
1...g2-g1=S 2.Bc1-d2 {threating} 3.Rc4-c3 + 3...Kd3-d4 4.Sa3-c2 # {, et sur } 2...Sg1-e2 3.Bf3-e4 # {mating}
1...g2-g1=N 2.Bf3-e2 + 2...Ng1*e2[+wBf1] 3.Bf1*e2[+bNe1] # {}
1...Bd7-g4 2.Bf3-e2 + 2...Bg4*e2[+wBf1] 3.Bf1*e2[+bBc8] #
{Try of (a) become solution of (b) and vice versa.
Switching the 1st & 2nd moves from one twin to the other.}
6 - h#2 volage with lions b) doubles Grasshoppers
Basic, B.2017
white Pa6b5d3a4b2 Kd7 LIa2
black Pc4e5c5 Kb6 LIc7
h#2 volage(7+5)
a) 🨴a2, 🨺c7: Lionb) 🨊a2, 🨐c7: Double Grasshopper
Any unit that changes its square colour also changes its colour. But only once!
piece playing on the Queen's lines with the help of a hurdle
makes two grasshopper movements
moves on the Queen's lines with the help of a hurdle behind which she lands.
a) {a2, c7: Lions
1.Lia5? Lif2 would be mate if we weren't in volage rule !En image :}
1.BLc7-a5 WLa2-f2=b ! {it is therefore necessary to switch pieces}
1.BLc7-h2 WLa2-a5[+bBLa5] 2.BLh2-a2[+wWLa2] WLa2-f2 # {}
b) +wDGa2 +bDGc7 {a2, c7: Double Grasshoppers}
1.BGc7-d6 {(via f4)} WGa2-a7[+bBGa7] {(via a5)} 2.BGd6-a2[+wWGa2] {(via d2)} WGa2-d2 # {
Mate via d4, control of a5 via a2.}
1.Bf3-a8 2.Qc3-c6 3.Bb2-e5 4.Kc1-b2 5.Kb2-a3 6.b3-b2 7.Qc6-e8 + {(WK takes BQ march)}
Kg8-b3 #
{White King cannot be captured, neither by the BK (renaissance e8), nor by the BR (renaissance a8).
And it mates because no black unit can occupy e1.}
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