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1 - serial direct #4 adhésifs


Bedoni, R.

white Pb7c7 Kd7 black Sc8a5 Ba7 Ka6
ser-d#4 adhesive chess(3+4)
adhesive In Adhesive Chess, enemy pieces of the same kind that touch (but do not attack) each other become paralysed,
retaining only the power to paralyse, as in madrasi.
This concerns rooks located at a diagonal step, bishops of different colours, knights and pawns.


2 - maximum =6 Incapacitating

Bedoni, R.

white Pa7d7e7f6b4 Kd5 Sa5 black Qb2 Kh1 Rb8c1 Sa8c7 Bc3
=6 maximum Incapacitating(7+7)
Incapacitating enemy pieces of the same nature separated by a single square (without attacking each other) paralyse,
retaining only the power to paralyse, as in madrasi. This intermediate square may be occupied.
Thus, bNc7 does not check the white king, because paralysed by wNa5.


3 - h#2 with twins : b) circe c) madrasi d) Both

Heinonen, U.

white Pf7e2e4d5a3 Kg8 Bd3 black Bh6 Kd4 Qa4 Pd6e6f5d2 Sf2b3 Rd7
d)Circe Madrasi
a captured piece is reborn on its original square if it is free
. 2 opposing pieces of the same kind that observe each other are paralyzed



4 - 2# sentinels

Caillaud, M.

white Pg3g4g5f5e6d5d3b6 Kc3 Rc4d8 Bd7 black Pe7 Ke5
#2 sentinels(12+2)
each piece move (not a pawn) defecates a pawn on the starting square of the move
. (within the limit of 8 when nothing is specified)


5 - h#2 4 sol transmuted Kings

Caillaud, M.

white Kh7 Pb7c7b2a3h3 Rb8d5 Ba8 Sh5 black Pa6e3d2h4 Sc8 Ra7 Ke4
h#2 transmuted Kings 4sol.(10+7)
the King takes the moving way of the piece that checks him




6 - h#2 3 sol anti-Kings circé

Parrinello, M.

white Qc8 Pb6h7c5d6 Ke2 Rh8 black Qe1 Pa7a6b5d7e7g6 Ka8 Bd3 Sd4
h#2 Anti-Kings circe 3sol.(7+10)
each King must always be in check, otherwise it is mate.


7 - h#2 2 solutions take & make anti take & make

Huber, E.

white Bd7 Rb4 black Sd5e7 Kg5
h#2 2sol.(2+3)
After a capture piece, the capturing piece pays homage to the captured piece by making a move (without a take) with that piece's march
anti Take&make In "anti take and make", the captured piece also makes a move (without capture) in accordance with its nature, in homage to...


8 - serial s=7 bicolores

Tylor, Ch

white Pa7b7c7d7e7e5d4b4 Kc6 black Pa4 Ke6 Rc8 Se8 Bd8
ser-=7 bicolores(9+5)
a King is also in check by the units of his own side.

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