1.Qe7-d7 ! {(threatening} 2.Sd6-f5 # {but not Nxb5 illegal because bR is reborn in a8. In visual form :} 2.Sd6*b5[+bRa8] {)
Creates a white battery, but also a black battery.}
1...Sf6*d7[+wQd1] +
2.Sd2*e4[+bPe7] # {display-departure-rank} {}
1...Sf6*e8[+wBf1] +
2.Re3*e4[+bPe7] # {display-departure-rank} {}
1...Sf6-g4 + {(or g8, h7, h5)}
2.Sd6*e4[+bPe7] # {display-departure-rank} {}
1...Sf6-d5 +
2.Re5*e4[+bPe7] # {display-departure-rank} {}
2.Sg1-e2 #
{Quadruple capture on the same square.}
3 - serial h#3 10 solutions with Grasshopper
Gandev, K.1978
white Be1c8 Ga4 Kh7 Qa6 Pd4g5c7b6d2c2 Se3f7 Re2
black Pf2 Kc6
ser-h#3 10sol.(!)(14+2)🨟a4: Grasshopper
Black plays n series moves after which he is checkmated in 1 move.
piece moving on the Queen's lines with the help of a sautoir.
the square just behind the sautoir must be free or occupied by an opponent's unit
{ }
1.Be8-d7 {"patrolling" the Pf5, which prevents it from giving check in g4.}
Kf3-g4 + {unpatrolling Locust e2, so that it gives check.}
2.Rb8-b5 Kg4-h5 # {The Locuste f4 is unpatrolled. But the King could not capture h3 nor h4, being supported by the Locust e2 .
(which could "capture" in g4 a black unit). }
1.c2-c1=B {("patrolling" the Pe3, which prevents it from giving check in f2)}
Kf3-f2 + {(unpatrolling Locust f4, so that it gives check)}
2.Rb8-b4 Kf2-g1 # {: Locuste e2 is unpatrolled}
7 - s#6 royal dynasty
Marlo, T.2018
white Qc1 Pf5 Kg2h2 Rd8h1 Ba5
black Pe6 Ke2
s#6(7+2)royal dynasty
a side can possess multiple "Kings", who do not have royal prerogatives,
can be left in check and captured, unless... there is only one of them left !
{ }
1...b2-b1=Q # !
{The White King was able to reach e8, following a sequence like ...Ne8-f6+ (at the "discovery" by the bK via e8)
Kd8-e8 but this was much earlier, otherwise there would be a Knight on the chessboard..
Or ...Be8-c6 + Kd8-e8 but ...Bc6-a8 is prevented by Pb7. Black to move, the last
move was b6-b7, following ...Ba8. There was previously axb3 or cxb3.}
1...b7-b8=Q # ? {illegal, as it is Black to move :
because if it was White's, the last black move could only have been ...b3-b2, following b6-b7 ;.
but this position is illegal, the white b6 pawn cannot have a black b3 pawn in the back,.
as one of the captures ...axb6, ...cxb6, axb3 & cxb3 was necessary}
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