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1 - hs#2 Mars circe with lion
Kohring, R.2018
white Rh5 Ka8 Be3
black Sg1 Rc2 Bd7 Kc1 LIe7
hs#2 2sol.(3+5)🨺e7: Lion
moves on the Queen's lines with the help of a sautoir.
the path between the start square and the sautoir must be free, as well as between the sautoir and the finish square.
which, for its part, must be free or occupied by an opposing piece.
The pieces are moving normally but to capture,.
they virtually move through their original square.
Thus, if there was no Ng1, the Black King would be in check by Rh5 from h1
1.Be3-f2 Bd7-c6 2.Rh5-h4 + LIe7*h4 #
{(forced, because the black King is "pinned" by the white Bishop (...Kb2 & ...Kd2 impossible).
The Lion captures the white rook from his presumed promotion square, e1. And then, he watches from h1.
The White King is "pinned" by Rc2 (Kb8 & Ka7 impossible).
As for b7, it is doubly controlled: by the Bc6 --since c8-- and the Lion h4. }
1.Be3-d2 Bd7-a4 2.Rh5-a5 + LIe7*a5 # {
The Lion captures from e1 and mate from a1.
This time it is a7 which is doubly controlled.}
2 - h=1,5 4 sol anti-circe
Millour, RJ.1995
white Bf3e5 Kf7 Qg6 Pc7 Sf1 Rc3
black Pe2 Kf2 Sb8
h=1,5 anti-circe 4sol.(7+3)
the movement of the pieces is normal, except for the capture after which the capturing piece returns to
its original square if this one is free.
If not, the capture is not legal.
1...c7*b8=Q[wQb8->d1] 2.e2*f1=Q[bQf1->d8] Qd1*d8[wQd8->d1] {pat (}
2.e2*f1=S[wSf1->g8] ? {and here, Qxg8 is impossible because there is no rebirth in d1 ;.
and 2 Kxg8 forbidden by the Black King who can capture in e1 and be reborn in e8)}
1...c7*b8=R[wRb8->a1] 2.e2*f1=R[bRf1->a8] Ra1*a8[wRa8->h1] {stalemate (}
2.e2*f1=S[wSf1->g8] ? Qg6*g8[wQg8->d1] + 3.Kf2-e3 ! {: 3 Rxe3 impossible because no rebirth in a1)}
1...c7*b8=B[wBb8->c1] 2.e2*f1=B[bBf1->c8] Rc3*c8[wRc8->h1] {pat (}
2.e2*f1=S[wSf1->g8] ? Qg6*g8[wQg8->d1] 3.Kf2-g3 ! {: 3 Bxg3 impossible because no rebirth in c1)}
1...c7*b8=S[wSb8->g1] 2.e2*f1=S[bSf1->g8] Qg6*g8[wQg8->d1] {stalemate Babson task.}
3 - 2# with double Grasshopper
Rehm, HP & Wenda K2018
neutral DGa8f8f3
black Ph6g7b7a4b4b3b2 Sh1 Ka3 DKe8
white Pg2f4h2 Kb1
Grasshoppers making 2 successive movements
It is admitted that the null move is illegal (example: DGh4-f6-h4).
same type of movement as above but only on the lines of the rook
1.h2-h4 ? g7-g5 ! {}
1.g2-g4 ? Sh1-g3 ! {}
1.h2-h3 ! {}
1...g7-g6 {(same move would follow} 1...DKe8-g6 {.)} 2.nDGa8*h6 # {via c6
(Mate by double check: DGh6-e3-a3 & DGf3-a8-a3 ;
mat by the DG initially in a8 and f3. Thematic variant 1.}
1...Sh1-f2 {or g3} 2.nDGf3-a1 # {via h1
( mate by double check: DGa1-c3-a3 & DGf8-f3-a3 ;
mast by the DG initially in f3 and f8; thematic variant 2 ;.
the check is even tripled because the DGa1 can also go through c1)}
1...b7-b5 2.nDGf3-a5 # {via f5
(mate by double check similar to the previous one : DGa5-c3-a3 & DGf8-f3-a3 ;
even triple failure because the DGa5 can also go through c5)}
1...h6-h5 2.nDGf8-e3 # {via h6
mate by double check : DGf3-d3-a3 & DGa8-f8-a3 ;
(please note that there is no dual with } 2.nDGf8-h4 + {via h6 because of } 2...nDGh4-f8 {)}
1...b7-b6 2.nDGf8-a5 # {via d8
(mate by double check : DGa5-c3-a3 & DGa8-f8-a3 ;
mast by DG initially in f8 and a8; thematic variant 3)}
1...g7-g5 2.nDGf8-h4 # {via d8
(this mate is not by double check, but a simple DGa8-f8-a3 discovery, because the DRGe8 is immobilized !
and which cannot be parried by} 2...nDGa8-d8 {via f8, because of } 3.nDGd8*a3 {always via f8
Cycle AB-BC-CA : a8-f3, f3-f8 & f8-a8.}
4 - s#7 maximum with pao
Dietrich, St2019
white Pb2 Kb1 Ba2
black Kd1 PAf8
s#7 maximum(3+2)
🨻f8: Pao
Black is required to play the geometrically longest moves.
moves like a Rook but needs a sautoir to capture
{if it was Black to move, he would play} 1...PAf8-f1 #
{, il faut donc leur rendre la main}
1.Ba2-c4 ! 1...PAf8-f1 + {}
2.Kb1-a2 2...PAf1-f8 {}
3.Bc4-f1 3...PAf8-f2 + {}
4.Ka2-a1 4...PAf2-f8 {}
5.Ka1-b1 5...PAf8-f2 {}
6.Bf1-c4 6...PAf2-f8 {}
7...PAf8-f1 #
{Switching moving manoeuvre using White King triangulation}
5 - h#5 with Friends
Friends A Friend observed by a unit of his side takes his moving way.
The observer can also be an Observed Friend.
Brown, DL.2020
white Pe2 Ka1 WFc7b5f4g1
black Pg2h3e7a5b4a4b3 Ka3 Rh1 BFf1h2
{ }
1.e7-e5 e2-e4 {} 2.e5*f4 e4-e5 {} 3.f4-f3 e5-e6 {} 4.f3-f2 e6-e7 {} 5.f2*g1=S e7-e8=S #
{Knight e8 entrusts his moving way to Friend c7, who entrusts it to Friend b5..
Please note : }
5.f2*g1=B ? e7-e8=S + 6.Fh2*c7 !
{et également} 5.f2*g1=R ? {which checks the White King who has entrusted his moving way to the Friend f1.
The famous "100$" theme: double Excelsior with Knight Echo promotions.}
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