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1 - hs#3 5 solutions with locusts

Millour, RJ.

white Pg7g6f5 Sc8c6 Be3a4 Kd3 black Ba1 Kd5 Lf3 Pd7h3g2 Se8f8 Re7h2
hs#3 5sol.(8+10)
🨐f3: Locust
piece moving on the Queen's lines with the help of a sautoir which she swallows
. (of course, the sautoir must be an opposing unit and the square just behind it must be free)


2 - h#4 with andernach Mooses

Novomesky, D.

black Kc4 black HurdleColourChanging Mb1e3f3f5
🨐b1, e3, f3, f5: andernach mooses
b) 🨐b1-->f6
c) 🨐b1-->h7
playing like a Grasshopper following the path of a Queen, makes an angle of 45 degrees from the sautoir,
. in relation to the arrival box of a Grasshopper.
Moose b1 can go to g5 (sautoir f5) because the angle g6-f5-g5 is 45 degrees. The same applies to f6.
. makes the sautoir change colour (unless it is a King)
Andernach is a tribute to the congresses that popularised the colour change.
Thus, the move Eb1-g5 makes the Moose f5 white. In the same way, Moose f3 can move to e6 (or g6) because f6-f5-e6 = 45 degrees.
. And there again, Moose f5 becomes white ipso facto. For a very short ride, Moose's march is that of the Knight.


3 - h#2 breton b) ♝d8 --> c5

breton after each capture, a unit of the same nature must disappear (if possible) from the capturing side.

Bonavoglia, M.

white Rd1 Ka8 Bd4g2 Sf3 Pb2 black Pe7 Kd5 Bh1d8 Sc4
h#2 breton(6+5)
b) ♝d8-->c5



4 - 2# functionary chess

functionary chess one can only play (and a fortiori capture) on the condition of being observed by an enemy unit.

Ducak, J.

white Pd7g7 Sd6 Ra8c8 Kg3 Bb5 black Bf6h1b6a3 Ke7 Qg6 Pe6a7b2 Se8 Ra1
#2 functionary chess(7+11)


5 - 2# patrol

patrol it is necessary to be supported by a unit of one's side to capture or give check.
The b4-pawn does not check, being unsupported. And 1 Rxb5? is illegal.

Gockel, H.

white Pb4b3a2d4e2c6 Rh3d5 Be3f7 Kb7 black Qg8 Pd2f6e6b5c7 Sf3a8 Bd1 Ka5
#2 patrol(11+10)


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