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1 - hs#4 2 solutions Chinese pieces

Predrag, N.

white WVh1e5 LEg1 WNf4 Kc8 Pg4c7 WPe1 black BVe8f6d8 Kh2 BPb8h8 BNg8 Pg3e7g7b3
hs#4 2sol.(8+11)
🨵e1, 🨻h8, b8: Paos
🨴g1: Leos
🨶e5, h1, 🨼d8, f6, e8: Vaos
🨢f4, 🨨g8: Naos
move normally, but capture with a sautoir
. A particular case is the Nao which is a Chinese Nightrider represented below by Knights with the head down
. The Nightrider is an extended Knight, that is to say that he can make several successive jumps


2 - h#3 with locustes and rose

Mlynka, K.

white Kf5 ROa3 WLg3 black Pf2 Kh5 LBd4 BLg7
󼎜a3: Rose
🨊g3, 🨐g7: Locusts
🨒d4: Bishop-Locust
b) 󼎜a3-->a5
c) 󼎜a3-->a7
moves on the Queen's lines with the help of a sautoir which she swallows and which must therefore be an opposing unit
. Same thing but on the lines of Bishop
Extended knight in curved shape


3 - 2# marine pieces

Boyer, JP.

white Bh4 Kf6 WTa4 Pd2f2h3e6 Se7f3 Re3 black NDc4c6 Kf4 Ba2 BTd1g6 SIg2
#2 marine piece(10+7)
move normally, but capture like locusts



4 - 2# annan

Gockel, H.

white Bd7f7 Kb4 Qg4 Pc3d3c6 Sb5g5 Rf5d8 black Ba7f8 Kd6 Qh8 Pa3c4e5h4 Sb6b3 Ra1
#2 annan(11+11)
a unit acquires the moving way of the friendly unit located "under" it (to the south).
For example Nb5, marching momentarily like a King, does not check the black King d6.
And Ng5-e4 is illegal, this one moving like a Queen.
Let us add that squares c7 and e7 are unavailable to the Black King, Td8 having the march of a Bishop.


5 - h#2 6 solutions(!) Grasshoppers giraffe

Gandev, K. & Rehm HP.

white Pe7 Sc6 Kf8 black Ba3 Gh8d3c3 Ke6 Pd7c7 Sb5e4 Rd5g4 GIf6
h#2 6sol.(3+12)
🨓f6: Giraffe
🨥h8, d3, c3: Grasshoppers
bondisseur (1,4)


6 - 2# exclusive chess

Trommler, S.

white Kd4 Ph4e2d2c4g3 Rg5 Ba1d5 Sc8 black Pg4d6g6g7 Kf6 Bh3h6
#2 exclusive chess(10+6)
No dual in the checkmate is allowed.


7 - h#2 lortap with locustes

Petkov, P.

white Kf3 Rh4e8 WLa1h2c8 Bc3 black Pe3d3f7 Kh8 BLf8
h#2 lortap(2+3)
b) 🨐f8-->d4
c) 🨐f8-->h6
In Lortap (Anti-patrol), a unit can only capture if it is NOT observed by her own's side unit.
The Black King is thus not in check, the Bc3 being observed by the Loc c8 (if it was Black, Loc c8XBc3-c2 would be possible) and the Rh4 by the Loc h2.


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