
Click in the right part of the chessboard to move forward, left to move backward...
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1 - r#2 make & take

Laue, H.

white Pg5g2d2 Se7f8 Rb1 Kf7 black Qa1 Pa3b2 Ka2
r#2 Make&Take(7+4)
when one of the two camps proposes a checkmate to the other, the latter is obliged to play it
make&takeBefore capturing a piece, it is first necessary to pay homage to him during his lifetime by making a movement with his moving way


2 - maximum exact s#4

Petrovic, N.
(version Petkov)

white Qa5 Kd2 Bh6 Sd5 black Pa3b3a2e2a7d7f7h7 Kc4
s#4 maximum exact(4+9)
maximum exact In Maximum exact, Black must play the longest move (respecting the moving way of the pieces),
even if illegal. White's King can therefore ignore a check if black has a move longer than white's king's capture.
. white forces black to checkmate him


3 - hs#8 anti-circe

Tar, G.

white Pc2e2 Ka1 black Pe7 Ka3 Sa4g6
hs#8 anti-circe(3+4)
White begins and Black collaborate until the penultimate move
and then White forces Black to checkmate them in 1 move (inverse)
the captured piece is reborn on its original square if this one is free otherwise capture is illegal



4 - serial s#18 Mars Circe

Rothmann, B & Millour RJ

white Pb7c4g4 Ke8 Bf8 black Rg7d1 Ke1 Ba8e3 Pg6d7c6e4e2
ser-s#18 Mars Circe(5+10)
: White plays n moves in a row after which Black's only parry is to mate White in 1 move
: pieces normally move
but in order to capture, they virtually pass through their native square


5 - h#2 2 sol b) Mars Circe

Sabol, F.

white Pa2e4g5c7d6c4b5 Kb1 Sc8 black Qf2 Pa4b4b2e3f6b7 Ka3 Re2 Bg2h4
h#2 2sol.(9+11)
b) Mars Circe


6 - 2# anti-circe

Gockel, H.

white Bc1 Kd5 Qc5 Pg6g3d4e4b6d6 Sd2c3 Rf8 black Bg5b3 Ke3 Qc7 Pc2d3c4c6d7 Sf1 Ra4
#2 anti circé(12+11)


7 - h#4 parrain circe b) cameleon circe

Rice, J.

white Pf2 Sd2 Ke1 black Pe4e3e2 Ke5
h#4 parrain circe(2+3)
b) chameleon circe
In parrain Circé, the taken unit is reborn, if possible, immediately after another unit (the "parrain") has played,
arrying out an equipollent route to that of said "parrain".
In Circé chameleon, a captured figure rises in braid before being reborn,
according to the N-B-R-Q scheme. A pawn capture occurs as in normal Circe


8 - ah#2 take & make b) -♞

Kozhakin, V.

white Sb7 Re8 Kg7 black Pd4 Ke5 Rb4 Sf4 Be7
h#2 Take&Make(3+5)
b) -♞f4
after capture, capturing unit must pay tribute to captured one by making a move without capture with his way of moving


9 - h==2 toric chessboard

Kotesovec, V.

white Pe5d4 Kf5 Bg4c2 Rh4 black Pf4h5 Sc6 Re6d3 Kd5 Nd7
h==2 toric chessboard(8+5)
🨨d7: Nightrider
: The chessboard is twice cylindrical: horizontal & vertical
: Extended Knight (with toric chessboard, it's a headache!)


10 - h#2 2 sol take & make with Equihopper

De Haas, B.

white Kc2 Bc4 EQc8 black Pc5d7 Ka1 Se2
h#2 Take&Make(3+4)
2 solutions
🩈c8: Equihopper
: Piece moving symmetrically in relation to a sautoir within the limits of the chessboard


11 - h#2 4 sol super-circé rose & buffalo

Soulivy, K.

neutral Rd7 BIh4 black Kd4 white ROc1
h#2 super Circe(2+3)
4 solutions
󼎜c1: Rose
🩃h4: neutral buffalo
🨂d7: neutral Rook
replacement of captured unit is let to capturing side in limits of legality
Extended knight moving in a rounded shape
bouncer (1,3) or (2,3)


12 - h#2,5 2 sol Volcanic Circe and neutral pawns

Caillaud, M.

neutral Pc7d7 black Se7c1 Be4 Kf5 white Rc2 Bg5 Kb1
h#2,5 Volcanic Circe(8+8)
2 solutions
c7, d7: neutral pawns
if the reborn square is occupied, the reborn piece remains "under" the the occupying unit.


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