a) {}
1.c2-c3 Bc4-b5 2.rWUd6-a3 {(Royal Joker plays as a Bishop)} Re3-h3 3.UUa1-e1 {(Joker plays as bR.)}
rBUg4-g3 {(as a Rook)} 4.c3-c4 rBUg3-g2 # {
A move by the Black Rook would be an auto-check as it would wake up the Royal Joker a3.
Similarly, a move by the Black Faith would awaken the e1 Joker. And the Royal Joker g3, having to play as a pawn,
must go to g2, checkmating his colleague a3 who has the same obligation.}}
b) wPc2-->b4 {c2-->b4}
1.b4-b5 Re3-e7 2.rWUd6-a6 {(as a Rook)} Bc4-f1 3.UUa1-b2 {(as a Bishop)} rBUg4-e2 {(idem)}
4.b5-b6 rBUe2-e1 # {(as a Pawn)
a black Bishop move would be an auto-check because it would awaken the royal joker a6; similarly, a move by the black Rook would awaken the joker b2;
and mate to the white king because he too must play as a pawn}
2 - 4# locustes et noctambule
Blondel, D & Loustau JM1991
white Ba8 Kg3 WLb4a6h4 Pc3a3 Se3g5 Ra2
black Bg8 Kc5 BLc7b1d1f1 Nf8 Pf3e4g6b5d6 Rd7e7
{Noter que } 1.La6*d6-e6 {is illegal as auto-check by the Locust c7. The important squares will be c4, d4 & e4,
controlled respectively by the Bg8, the Nighrider f8 and the Rook e7.The weakening of c4 will allow Loc a6xb5-c4+,
that of d4 will allow Lh4xe4-d4+, that of e4 will allow Nxe4+.Tries : }
1.Ra2-d2 ? {threatening} 2.Sg5-e6 + {, mais} 1...BLd1*d2-d3 ! {parry the threat}
1.Kg3-f2 ? {threatening} 2.WLa6*d6-e6 + {qui est contré par} 1...Nf8-e6 ! {}
1.Kg3-h2 ! {threatening } 2.WLa6*d6-e6 + 2...Rd7-d6 3.WLe6*d6-c6 # {}
1...Nf8-e6 {(Weakening of the e4 & c4 squares. And the appropriate response is not } 2.Ra2-c2 ? BLb1*c2-d3 3.WLa6*b5-c4 + BLd3*c4-b5 {as} 4.Sg5*e4 + {don't checkmate because the bK leaks in b6)}
2.Ra2-e2 ! {threatening} 3.WLa6*b5-c4 # 2...BLf1*e2-d3 3.Sg5*e4 + BLd3*e4-f5 4.WLa6*b5-c4 # {
Plachutta effect by the interception of Loc b1. The b6 square, abandoned by Loc a6, has been taken over by Loc b4.}
1...Re7-e6 {(weakening of squares c4 & d4)and here, if}
2.Ra2-e2 ? BLf1*e2-d3 3.WLh4*e4-d4 + BLd3*d4-d5 4.WLa6*b5-c4+ {there is the response} BLd5*c4-b3! {hence }
2.Ra2-d2 ! {which theatens} 3.WLh4*e4-d4 # {or} 3.Rd2-d5 #
3.WLa6*b5-c4 +
4.WLh4*e4-d4 # {(retaking square b6).
Plachutta effect by intercepting the Loc f1}
2...Re6-e5 3.Rd2*d6 {threatening } 4.Rd6-c6 # {or} 4.Rd6*d7 # {}
1...Bg8-e6 {(weakening of the d4 & e4 squares)and there, after}
2.Ra2-d2 ? BLd1*d2-d3 3.Sg5*e4 + {, there is} BLd3*e4-f5 { and the Locust h4 cannot go to d4}
2.Ra2-c2 ! {(threatening} 3.Sg5*e4 # {)} 2...BLb1*c2-d3 3.WLh4*e4-d4 + BLd3*d4-d5 4.Sg5-e4 # {
: Plachutta effect by intercepting the Loc d1}
2...Be6-a2 3.WLa6*d6-e6 + Rd7-d6 4.WLe6*d6-c6 # {}
1...Nf8-h7 ? 2.WLa6*d6-e6 + Nh7*b4 3.a3*b4 #
{ Cycle AB-BC-CA (3rd & 4th blank).}
3 - 2# toric chessboard vogtlander sentinels with Rook-Grasshoppers et Bishop-Grasshoppers (!!!)
: In Vogtlander, a side is mate if it cannot prevent itself from giving check.
: In Sentinels, each playing figure leaves a pawn on the starting square of the move
(except 1st or 8th row).
: the toric chessboard is cylindrical both horizontally and vertically,
e.g. BGe8 can go to h3, RGe1 can play a draw move (e9=e1). Mentally place 8 chessboards all around ours!}
: piece that needs a sautoir to move behind which it lands
the square behind the sautoir must be free or occupied by an opponent piece, otherwise the move is not possible
{Essais :}
1.Kd5-c4[+wPd5] ? { threatening} 2.Kc4-d4[+wPc4] # {and not} 2.Kc4-b4[+wPc4] + ? RHa4*c4! {
; wK is in check by RGa4 via h4 but also by BGg7 via h8-a1.}
1...BHg7-d2[+wPg7] ? {(via h6-a5)} 2.Kc4-b4[+wPc4] # {: wK is in check by RGa4 via h4 but also by BGd2.}
1...RHa4-d4[+bPa4] ? 2.Kc4-b3[+wPc4] # {: wK is in check by the pawn and by BGe8 (via h5-a4) and, in case of ...a3, it
will be by the RGc3 (via h3-a3).}
1...BHg7-d4[+wPg7] ? {(via a1) is illegal because it checks with RGa4 (via h4), as}
1...RHc3-c5[+bPc3] ? {which checks via c1 (sentinel c3) ;
but } 1...RHe1-e7 {!! (sautoir e8) } 2.Kc4-d4[+wPc4] + BHg7-b4[+bPg7] {!! via f8-e1, paring double check.)}
1.Kd5-c5[+wPd5] ! {(threatening} 2.Kc5-c4[+wPc5] # {: the wK is in check by the RGc3 (via c1-c8)).
but this one cannot escape, because after its only move} 2...RHc3*c5[+bPc3] {there would still be a check, via c8-c1.}
1...BHe8-h3 {(counter the threat by} 2...RHc3-a3[+bPc3] {(sautoir h3)} 2.Kc5-b5[+wPc5] #
{: the wK is checked by the BGh3 (sautoir a4)
and the said BG cannot escape.}
1...RHc3-c4[+bPc3] {(via c1-c8)} 2.Kc5-d4[+wPc5] #
{: the wK is in check via RGa4 (sautoir c4)
but also by BGg7 via h8-a1 (sautoir c3). But no} 2.Kc5-b5[+wPc5] + ? BHe8-b3 !
4 - 3# Mars Circe
Kotesovec, V.2006
white Pc7 Kf4 Bh1a1
black Ke1 Rf1
#3 Mars Circe(4+2)
: to capture, a piece virtually passes through its native square
{ Essai :}
1.c7-c8=Q + ?
1...Rf1*c8 ! {(via a8)}
1.Bh1-a8 ! {threatening} 2.c7-c8=Q # {(via d1)}
1...Rf1-f2 ! {(the bK cannot play without being checked by the wK via e1).
and here, the attempt } 2.c7-c8=Q + ? {is countered by } Rf2*c8 ! {via h8d'où }
2.Ba1-h8 ! {that threatens} 3.c7-c8=Q #
3.c7-c8=R # {(via h1)car sur } 3.c7-c8=Q + ? {there is defense } Rd2-d1 ! {}
2.Ba1-h8 {menace}
3.c7-c8=Q #
{4 corners and a sub-promotion.}
5 - pat aidé 3= masand
Luce, S.2018
white Ke4
black Ke8 Qd8 Sb8g8 Ra8h8 Bc8f8
h=3 Masand chess(1+8)
: any piece that checks causes the pieces it observes to change colour (except the king).
Author's comment:
"In Masand checkmate or stalemate can be achieved very quickly and often only with black pieces.
Here all the black officers are lined up in starting order!
The stalemate is going to be achieved in only 3 moves, thanks in particular to the whitewashing of the two black rooks which will pin the two knights
at the end."
{ }
1.Qd8-h4[h8=w] + Ke4-d5 2.Bc8-b7[a8=w] + Kd5-e6 3.Qh4-e7[b7=w][f8=w] + Bf8*e7 {=
The author dedicates this problem to Michael Jackson, but does he deserve it, notwithstanding this ambiguity about the colour ?}
6 - serial h#8 anti-circe
Laborczi, Z.2014
white Pc2h2 Sh7 Rb8 Ke1
black Pb2g7 Kh8 Rg8
ser-h#8 anti-circe(5+4)b) ♖b8-->c8
: the capturing piece is reborn on its native square
a) {}
1.b2-b1=B 2.Bb1*c2[bBc2->c8] 3.Kh8*h7[bKh7->e8] 4.Rg8-h8 5.Rh8*h2[bRh2->h8]
{(to "reset" the Rook, giving it the right to castling)} 6.0-0 7.Kg8-h8 8.Rf8-g8 Rb8*c8[wRc8->h1] #{}
b) wRb8-->c8{Rb8-->c8}
1.Rg8-d8 2.b2-b1=Q {(no check now that d8 is occupied)} 3.Qb1-b8 4.Rd8-g8
5.Qb8*h2[bQh2->d8] 6.Qd8-d3 7.Qd3*h7[bQh7->d8] 8.Qd8-e8 + Rc8*e8[wRe8->h1] #
{Same checkmate by different routes.}
7 - h#2 2 solutions disparate chess
Petkov, P.2010
neutral Pf2g2
black Qb7 Pc7a5 Kb6 Ba6
white Pd5a4 Kc2
h#2 disparates(2+1)2 solutions
: In "disparate chess", if one side plays a piece,
the opposite side cannot play a piece of the same kind in reply
1.f2-f1=nR nRf1-f2 {(Black cannot play this rook and therefore does not check)} 2.g2-g1=nB + ! {(checks by Rf2)} nRf2-f6 #
{Les Noirs ne peuvent replacer cette Tour en f2.
(the promotion} 2.g2-g1=nQ ? {would allow on } nRf2-f6 {the defense} 3.Qb7-c6 ! {.)}
1.f2-f1=nS nSf1-e3 {(Black cannot play this Knight and therefore does not check)}2.g2-g1=nQ + ! {(fait échec par le Ce3)} nSe3-c4 #
{Black cannot replace this knight on e3(the promotion} 2.g2-g1=nB
{would have allowed, after} nGe3-c4 {the defence} 3.Ba6*c4! {); neutral AUW.}
8 - h#2 4 solutions with neutral locust, wazir and equihopper, super circe (!!!)
: a captured piece is reborn at the convenience of the capturing side
: moves on the Queen's lines with the help of a sautoir ... which it swallows
(the sautoir is necessarily an opponent's piece and the square just behind is free).
: moves with 1 rook step
: the equihopper plays symmetrically with respect to any unit
1.Kc3*d3[+nEQd5] nLd6*d5-d4[+nEQg4] + 2.Kd3*d4[+nLa6] nLa6*b5-c4[+nWEe4] # ! {. It's indeed checkmate : the nWaz e4 checks the bK d4
(and controls e3 & e5), it cannot play (in e3, e5 nor f4), which would activate the nLoc c4, which is protected by the nEqg4,
finally ...Kd4xnWaz e4 is impossible, the neutral Wazir having to be placed in f4 or d4 to annihilate the neutral Locust c4,
but then defeating bKe4.}
1.nWEb5-b4 nLd6*b4-a3[+nWEb3] 2.Kc3*d3[+nEQg3] nLa3*b3-c3[+nWEe3] # ! {écho étagé}
1.nWEb5-b6 nLd6*b6-a6[+nWEd2] 2.nLa6*d3-e2[+nEQc6] nLe2*d2-c2 [+nWEc4] # ! {}
1.Kc3-c4 nLd6*d3-d2[+nEQb4] 2.nLd2*b4-a5[+nEQc1] nLa5*b5-c5 [+nWEc3] # !
{: two vertical checkmates after the two horizontal checkmates Double echo chameleon.}
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