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1 - maximum s#2 with grasshopper
Hofmann, R.1965
white Bg1 Gd5 Kd4 Pe5f7g7g6f3 Sh4d1 Ra6h2
black Pc4a2h3f2f4f5 Kb4
s#2 maximum(12+7)🨟d5: Grasshopper
: black is required to play the geometrically longest moves
: move on the Queen's lines with a sautoir
the space between the starting square and the sautoir must be free
and the square behind the sautoir must be free or occupied by an opponent's piece
1.g7-g8=G ! {}
1...f2*g1=Q +
2.Sd1-f2 ! {covers check and releases the first row while intercepting the second}
2...Qg1-a1 # {(} 2.Sd1-e3 ? {would not work : } 2...Qg1-a1 + 3.Rh2-b2 {)}
2.Sh4-g2 {limits Rg1 march and intercepts Rh2 and "deprotects" pf3}
2...Sg1*f3 #
2...Sg1-e2 # {}
2.Gd5-g2 {intercepts Rh2, limits the march of Rg1 and prevents Nd5-d3}
2...Rg1*d1 # {}
1...f2*g1=B +
2.Sd1-e3 {covers check while lengthening the march of Bg1}
2...Bg1*e3 # {(} 2.Sd1-f2 {would allow} 2...Bg1*h2 {)}
2.Gg8-e6 {intercepting Ra6 and blocking the Pe5}
2...BGg1-g7 #
{Task of the 5 promotions}
2 - 2# functionnaries
Rosner, E & Gockel H2016
white Bh1 Kd5 Qg8 Pb7b6c3 Sc5g7 Rd2f5
black Bb4e8 Kd8 Qb5 Pa4a3e7 Sh6 Rb8g4
#2 functionnaries(10+10)
: can only be played under the condition of being observed by an enemy unit.
Be8 is well pinned because of Nh6, all black units are immobilized.
In the position, only Bb4 can play, which will no longer be the case after the key
1.c3-c4 ! {Blocus which immobilizes Bb4 and allows Queen to play.}
1...Qb5*c5 +
2.Kd5-e5 # {by masking Rf5, one avoids activating bQ}
1...Qb5*c4 +
2.Kd5-e6 # {similarly by masking the Qg8(Note that : } 2.Kd5*c4 + {which "observes" the Bb4 and allows} Bb4*c5 {)}
1...Qb5-c6 +
2.Kd5-e4 # {similarly by masking Bh1}
1...Qb5-d7 +
2.Sc5-e6 #{display-departure-file} {d7 no longer needs to be controlled and e6 is observed by the bQ}
1...Qb5-a6 {or} 1...Qb5-a5
2.Qg8*e8 # {}
2.Sg7-e6 #{display-departure-file} {e6 is again observed by the bQ and the Knight captures control of c7}
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