Extensible Jumper: Extensible Jumper (1,1) on a7. With each move, its 2nd coordinate increases by one.
It thus becomes successively a Knight ( Jumper 1,2), a Camel (Jumper 1,3), a Giraffe (Jumper 1,4), and a Jumper 1,5.
♝a1:a1: deflatable jumper (7,7)♝a1,♙b5 : royal pieces
deflating Jumper : in a1 is a deflating bonder (7,7) : with each move
its 2 coordinates decrease by one. Not to be confused with the Retractable Jumper where only one coordinate decreases.
balloon jumper : in g2 is a royal balloon jumper (1,6) .
with each move, its 2 coordinates can decrease by one unit until one is zero,
after which they increase by one until one is 7, the maximum.
It can choose to increase first, then decrease as soon as one coordinate is 7.
{ }
1.Ng2-h8 {It chooses to deflate, so it becomes (0,5)}
2.Nh8-h3 {Now he's re-inflating : (1,6)}
3.Nh3-b4 4.c2-c3 # {Having become (2.7), it no longer has a move.}
1.Ng2-a3 {it chooses to inflate, so it becomes (2,7)}
2.Na3-h5 {it redeflates : (1,6)}
3.Nh5-b4 4.c2-c3 # {become (0.5) it can only go to g4, which is controlled}
6 - aidé 2# isardam circe
Rittirsch, M.2003
white Pf4 Ka8 Ba1h3 Rb7
black Bh6a4 Kd6 Qc6 Pf3g7 Se7 Rh4f2
h#2 Isardam circe(5+9)b) ♟f3 --> f6
: It is illegal for 2 opposing pieces of the same kind to observe each other.
: a captured piece is reborn on its native square if it is free
otherwise it disappears
a) {}
1.Qc6-c1 Rb7-c7 2.Se7-d5 Ba1-e5 # ! {car sur} 3.Kd6*e5 f4*e5 # {is possible, the
bQ forbidding a rebirth of the wB in c1 which would lead to the paralysis of Pf4 because of bBh6.}
b) bPf3-->f6 {pf3-->f6}
1.Qc6-h1 Ba1-d4 2.Se7-c6 Rb7-d7 # {as on } 3.Kd6*d7 Bh3*d7 # {is possible, as the bQ prohibits a rebirth of bR in h1 which would
would lead to paralysis of Bh3 due to bRh4. And the solution of (a) (} 1.Qc6-c1 Rb7-c7 2.Se7-d5 Ba1-e5 + {) is faced with } 3.Kd6*e5
{(4 fxKe5 illegal because of Pf6).}
7 - 2# vogtländer sentinels
Loerinc, J.1999
white Kd6
black Pc3d3 KAc2h3g4c8 BHa5b5g5 Kh8 RHe2
(Vogtländer chess): a side is checkmated if it can't help giving check.
(example: Ke1, Pc2 / Ke8, Pc3: 1 Kd2#; without the Pc2, 1 Kd2+ c2!)
: a piece defecates a pawn at each of its moves (within the limit of the box contents!)
small restriction: no defecation on the 1st and 8th and the pawns do not defecate
: moves on the lines of the Bishop (or the rook) with the help of a sautoir behind which it lands
the finishing square must be free or occupied by an opposing piece.
: moves on the Queen's lines using 2 sautoirs and she lands behind the second one
{ Tries}
1.Kd6-c6[+wPd6] ? {threatens} 2.Kc6-d7[+wPc6] # {}
1...BHb5-d7[+bPb5] 2.Kc6*b5[+wPc6] # {but}
1...d3-d2 ! 2.Kc6-d7[+wPc6] + BHb5-f1[+bPb5] {}
1.Kd6-c7[+wPd6] ? {threatens} 2.Kc7*c8[+wPc7] # {}
1...d3-d2 2.Kc7-d8[+wPc7] # {but}
1...BHa5-d2[+bPa5] ! {}
1.Kd6-e7[+wPd6] ? {threatens} 2.Ke7-d8[+wPe7] # {}
1...d3-d2 2.Ke7-e8[+wPe7] # {}
1...BHa5-d2[+bPa5] 2.Ke7-e8[+wPe7] # {}
1...BHg5-d8[+bPg5] 2.Ke7-f6[+wPe7] # {but}
1...Kh8-g7 ! 2.Ke7-d8[+wPe7] + Kg7-f6[+bPg7] ! {}
1.Kd6-d7[+wPd6] ! {threatens} 2.Kd7-e8[+wPd7] # {}
1...d3-d2 2.Kd7*c8[+wPd7] # {}
1...BHb5-e8[+bPb5] 2.Kd7-c6[+wPd7] # {(}
1...RHe2-b2[+bPe2] {does not counteract the threat, since it leaves a sentry in e2).
"Ukrainian" cycle: AB-BC-CA considering the threat and the 1...d2 variant. Composed during a solar eclipse,
which the author comments as follows: "Such a combination of fairy elements makes one think of an eclipse of the human brain !".}
8 - h=7,5 mirror circe with poseidon, rose and Grasshopper
Gandev, K.2014
white Pa3a2 Sd5 ROf1
black Ph7f7d7b7a5 POe6 Ga8c8e8g8
🨹e6: Poseidon🨥a8, c8, e8, g8: Grasshoppersf1: Rose
: a captured piece is reborn on its original square, but on the opponent's side,.
: piece moving like a King but capturing like a Locust
: moving on the Queen's lines with help of a sautoir and the landing square is just behind it.
the landing square must be free or occupied by an opponent's unit.
: Extended knight in rounding (e.g. Rof1 can go to g3 f5 d6 b5, but there are other routes !)
1.ROf1*f7[+bPf2] f2-f1=G 2.ROf7*b7[+bPb2] b2-b1=G 3.ROb7*h7[+bPh2] h2-h1=G 4.ROh7*d7[+bPd2] d2-d1=G 5.ROd7*d1[+bGd8] POe6-c4[-d5] 6.ROd1*h1[+bGh8] POc4-b5 7.ROh1*b1[+bGb8] + POb5-a4 8.ROb1*f1[+bGf8]
{stalematemodel stalemate with the 8 Grasshoppers on the last row.
The Poseidon could not play earlier due to tempo.}
9 - aidé 11# changeants
Regniers, G & Sobrecases G2009
white Ph3g4 Kd3
black Pg6h4f4 Kd5
h#11 changing(3+4)
: In Changing Chess, all units, except Kings, playing on rows 1,2,7 & 8 change
(including colour) into the unit on that square at the start of a chess game.
white Ba7f1 Ka5 Qg2 Pf6g3d2d4d5 Sf7f2 Rh4b2
black Kc4 Pd6e6h3d3 Sb6a8 Rg8 Ba1
#2 MAFF(13+9)
: with MAFF (Mate [with] A Free Field), you can only checkmate if the King in question has a free square,
and exactly one. A traditional mate is illegal.
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