1.Ke5-e4 WGh4-d4 2.Ke4-d3 Kb1-a2 3.Kd3-c2 Ka2-a3 4.BGa6-a2 Ka3-b4 5.Kc2-b1 Kb4-c3 6.Na1-d7 Kc3-d2 {}
7.Kb1-a1 Kd2-c1 ! 8.Nd7-b6 WGd4-a7+ 9.Nb6-a4 WGa7-a3# !
{the Nightrider a4 prevents the defence 10.Ga4
Note that if we had played } 7...Kd2-c2 ? {on the same variation} 8.Nd7-b6 WGd4-a7+ 9.Nb6-a4 WGa7-a3 {would not mate because of 10.Gd2!}
1.Na1-g4 WGh4-f4 2.Ng4-e8 Kb1-c2 3.Ke5-f6 Kc2-d3 4.BGa6-g6 Kd3-e4 5.Kf6-g7 Ke4-f5 6.BGg6-g8 Kf5-g5 {}
7.Kg7-h8 Kg5-h6! 8.Ne8-c7 WGf4-b8+ 9.Nc7-e8 WGb8-f8#!
{le Ne8 empêche 10...Sg8-e8
"I like the contrast between the solution where the Kings trample to get to the nearest corner
and the one where they dash to the farthest" (J. Dupin).
This model echo from one corner to the other (without a twin!) would have greatly pleased Camil Seneca
and won the first prize in Themes/64 in 1956-60, at a time when "enchantment" was limited to Grasshoppers and Nightriders!
Except that no one would have believed his correction. And in any case, one would have suspected alien intervention.}
2a - h#4 Double Agent Circe
Rice, J.2017
white Pc3 Ke1 Bd1
black Pe2f3e3d3 Ke4
h#4 Double Agent Circe(3+5)b) ♗d1-->c2
: In Double Agent Circe, the captured unit changes colour before rebirth.
(not to be confused with Renegade Circe where it changes colour after rebirth)
a) {}
1.e2*d1=R[+bBc8] + Ke1*d1[+wRh1] 2.d3-d2 Rh1-e1 3.d2*e1=Q[+bRh8] + Kd1*e1[+wQd1] 4.Bc8-f5 Qd1-d4 #{}
b) wBd1-->c2 {Fb1-->c2}
1.Ke4-f4 Bc2*d3[+wPd2] 2.e3*d2[+bPd7] + Ke1*d2 3.e2-e1=Q + Kd2*e1[+wQd1] 4.Kf4-e3 Qd1-d2 #
{Pc3 is used in both twins: in this one, it would be useless in normal circulation but ...
Rxd4 would involve the rebirth of a double agent, a bQd8 !}
2b - h#4 Parrain Circe
Rice, J.2017
white Pc3 Ke1 Bd1
black Pe2d3e3f3g5 Ke4
h#4 parrain circe(3+6)b) ♙c3-->b2c) ♙c3-->g4
: a captured piece remains "under" the capturing square
and is reborn by making an equipollent move to the following move
white Pc7f5f4c4d2 Sf6h4 Rb3 Kd3
black Be8d4 Kh3 Qe3 Ph5b4 Sc6d6 Rb8e4
h#2 partial paralysis(9+10)2 solutions
: a unit observed by an opponent's unit cannot move like it.
For example, the white King is not in check, because the black Queen he observes is not allowed to play as a King.
A special case: if these two units are of the same nature, we find the Madrasi paralysis.
{ }
1.Bd4-b6? {would be a mistake because this move would forbid Pc7 to play as a bishop, thus to go to b8}
1.Bd4-a7! c7*b8=S 2.Qe3-c5 Kd3-d4# {
Nc6 is paralysed by Nb8, bQ & bR by wK himself.
Black's king cannot play as a rook, the squares h2 & h4 are forbidden to him.}
1.Re4-e7? {would forbid the Pc7 to play as a Rook, so to go to c8}
1.Re4-e6! c7-c8=S 2.Qe3-e5 Kd3-e4#
5 - h#2 2 sol partial paralysis
Rittirsch, M.2017
white Qg3 Pa7 Rc1 Bd3 Kd4
black Ba6e3 Kh3 Qd5 Pd7e5f2a2 Sf4 Rc6f3
1.Be3*c1 {unparalyse Rc6} a7-a8=B 2.Rc6-c4 {}
Bd3-f5# {Ba8, paralyzing the Bishop component of Qd5, forbids 3...Qf7! which would paralyze Bf5.
And the move ...Rc6-c4, which crippled Bd3, would not have been possible with a Queen promotion that would have crippled the Rook}
1.Sf4*d3 a7-a8=R 2.Ba6-c4 Rc1-h1# {The Ra8 forbids 3.a1Q (or R)! which would paralyse Rh1.
And the move ...Ba6-c4, which crippled Rc1, would not have been possible with a promotion to Queen which would have crippled the Bishop.}
{ Tries :}
1.NAe4-c3 ? {threatens} 2.NAd7-g1 # {display-departure-file} {but} 1...VAa7-g1 ! {}
1.NAd7-b6 ? {threatens} 2.NAe4-c8 # {display-departure-file} {but} 1...PAc2-c8 ! {}
1.NAd7-g1 ? {threatens} 2.NAe4-c3 # {display-departure-file} {but not} 2.Qb2-c3+ {that allow} Ka4-b5 {ni} 2.Kd2-c3+ {countered by } VAc2-e2 {
but the threat is countered by } 1...PAc2-c5 ! {controlling g1 by giving a sautoir to Vao a7}
1.NAe4-c5 ? {threatens} 2.Qb2-b3# {as well as} 1.Kd2-c3 {but} 1...Bb1-a2 ! {real play :}
1.NAe4-c8 ! {threatens} 2.NAd7-b6 # {display-departure-file} {}
1...VAa7-c5 {controlling c8 by giving a sautoir to Pao c2} 2.Qb2-b3 # {as the Vao also gave a sautoir to the Nao d7.
AB-BA & CD-DC (key-threat) in the 3 thematic trials and the real play.}
7 - serial s=11 anti-circe
Heinonen, U.2017
white Pc7d7f7g7 Kc6
black Sb1 Qh1 Pe7d4g3c2 Bg8b4 Rd8e5 Ka5
{The RB is not in check, the d8 square being occupied.}
1.f7*g8=B[wBg8->f1] 2.g7-g8=R 3.Rg8-f8 4.Kc6-d6! {now that f8 is busy and therefore ...Bxd6 impossible}
5.c7*d8=Q[wQd8->d1] {would have been a self check a move earlier} 6.Qd1-e2 {prepares the King switchback by cutting off Re5}
7.Kd6*e7[wKe7->e1] 8.d7-d8=S {would also have been a self check by the Pe7 when the wK was on d6}
9.Sd8-f7 10.Sf7-h8! {unpinning wQ by blocking the bR rebirth square } 11.Qe2-a6+!! Ka5*a6[bKa6->e8] {stalemate!. AUW.}
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