: moves with help of a sautoir.
the squares between the start square and the sautoir must be free, as well as between the sautoir and the landing square .
The Lion Rose c6 controls g6 & e7 with the sautoir c2 (c6-b4-c2-e1-g2-h4-g6-e7)
1.WRc6-e7? {via c2 as already mentioned, threats} 2.Rc8-f8# {having provided a sautoir to BLa3}
1...BRg1-c5? {sautoir g5} 2.WTc2-c7# {this time, ...Kg6 is prevented by the Lion-Rose e7, with the bK itself as a sautoir,
the Lion-Rose making a full round clockwise, or two rounds the other way !}
1...Sh8-g6? 2.WTh2-h7# {Bishop-Lion b1 interception}
1...h5-h4! {g6 is no longer controled}
1.WTc2-c7! {menace} 2.WTh2-h7# {that the Bishop-Lion b1 no longer controls}
1...BRg1-c5 {controls h7, via e4, sautoir g5} 2.Rc8-f8# {defended by Bishop-Lion a3}
1...Sh8-g6 2.WRc6-e7# {sautoir g6. Cycle (key + threat + mats) ABCD-CDBA.}
a) {}
1.Ke8-d8 Kc5-d6 2.LIh2-b8 GNb5-e4 3.LIb8-e8 GNe4-f7 # {controlling both d8 & c8.
To be noted : } 2...Kd6-c6 3.Kd8-c8? GNb5-a7# {but bK put himself in check by playing Kc8 !}
b) wGNb5-->e2 {b5-->e2}
1.LIh2-c2 GNe2-f4 2.LIc2-c8 Kc5-d6 3.Ke8-d8 GNf4-g7 # {controlling both d8 & e8
Echo, but not really echo-chameleon, as only the Gnu is chameleon !}
3 - h#2 3 sol with dabbabas
Gurov, V & Evseev2008
white Kf1 Rg3c7 Bh8 DAc4d4d3
black Pf2b5 Bh1 Rb6f8 Kc3
: the rebirth of a captured piece is left to the discretion of the taker.
if a pawn is replaced on a promotion rank, the nature of the promotion is also left to the discretion of the taker.
Of course, and in all the cases, the position after rebirth of the piece must be legal
{ It should be noted that if the capture on a rebirth square was allowed, one could play : }
1.Bc4*f1[+wBf1] ! {and the only legal move would be } 1...b6-b5 {which would be followed by} 2.Sb3-c5 # {
It should also be noted that the "corporal" opposition to the Black King comes up against a capture by the latter and rebirth in e8
Example : } 1.Rg3-e3 + ? {and here, not} 1...Sf1*e3[bSe3->b8] 2.Sh5-g3 # {but rather} 1...Ke4*e3[bKe3->e8] ! {}
1.Qb7-c6 ? {or} 1.Rf6-f8 ? {both come up against} 1...Sf1-e3 ! {}
1.Bd2-c1 ? {blocus}
1...Sf1*h2[bSh2->b8] 2.Sb3-d2 # {}
1...Sf1*g3[bSg3->b8] 2.Sh5-g3 # {}
1...Sf1-e3 2.Sb3-d2 # {}
1...Sf1-d2 2.Bc4*d5[wBd5->f1] # {}
1...b6-b5 2.Sb3-c5 # {mais}
1...Rd5-d1 ! {}
1.h2-h3 ? {blocus}
1...Sf1-h2 2.Bc4*d5[wBd5->f1] # {}
1...Sf1*g3[bSg3->b8] 2.Sh5-g3 # {}
1...Sf1*d2[bSd2->b8] 2.Sb3-d2 # {}
1...b6-b5 2.Sb3-c5 # {mais}
1...Sf1-e3 ! {}
1.Rg3-h3 ! {blocus}
2.Sh5-g3 # {}
2.Bc4*d5[wBd5->f1] # {}
2.Sh5-g3 # {}
2.Sb3-d2 # {}
2.Rh3-h4 # {}
2.Sb3-c5 #
{ Lacny Theme : ABC-BCA.}
6 - h#2 8 sol with zebras and grasshoppers
Heinonen, U.2003
white Kd3 Bf6 Ze5 Gg7
black Be3b3 Gh2 Kh8 Pe6h4f2e2c6 Sa4 Zh1h6
{ }
1...Ka7-a8 {(preventing the Rooks rebirth, which can no longer capture on white squares)}
2.Kf4-e4 Rd1-d6 3.Ke4-d5 Re1-e8 4.Kd5-c6 Ka8-b8 + {(now, selfmate 1#)} 5.Kc6-b7 + Re8-e1 #
8 - serial h#5 disparate
Thoma, A.2017
white Qc3 Kh1
black Pd2e2 Kd6
ser-h#5 disparate(2+3)
if one side plays a piece, the opposite side cannot play a piece of the same nature in reply
1.e2-e1=S 2.d2-d1=Q 3.Qd1-d4 4.Kd6-e5 5.Qd4-g1+ {White is no longer allowed to play the Queen}
6.Kh1*g1# {Black is no longer allowed to play the king.}
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