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1 - #4 All-in chess Growing Men
Bissicks, P & Ravi Shankar SN2016
white Pg4d3a7b6b5a5 Ka6 Bf1
black Pd4g5 Ka8
#4 All-in-chess Growing men(8+3)
All-in chess "Complete" or "all-in" chess. One may play one's own pieces or the opponent's pieces, provided that one does not return immediately, which would cancel a move made. For example in Kf1, Pa7 & h2 / Kh1, you mate in 2 by 1 a8B+! (1 a8Q+? Qa6) Kxh2 2 Kh1!!# (this is not the same position), which would be illegal without the Ph2. Furthermore, in this problem we are in growing men where a unit can never play a move shorter than the last move it made.
1.a3-a4 ! {This proves that the a6 pawn is enlarged,
Black can never reply a6-a7 giving the escape b7. On the other hand,
the b6-pawn is not enlarged, it can come from b2, while the pa6 would come
from c2, d2 or e2.}
a4-a5 {the best black move. 1...Ka8-b7 is illegal because of a6 pawn. And 1...Ka7-b8?! allows 2
b6-b7#. Continuation is} 2.Ka7-b8! Kb8-c7 3.Kc7-d8 Kd8-e7 4.Ke7-f8 Kf8-g7 5.Kg7*h8 Kh8-g7
{this move is possible because the position has been changed: minus Nh8}
6.h7-h8=B {The fact of playing a move of length 1 proves
that this pawn is not enlarged (so it comes from h2), so it is the h6 pawn that
is, which cannot subsequently play h6-h7.
- 6.h8=R# ? Rc8 7 Kf8 Rc3 8 Ke7 Rh3 gives nothing.
- 6. h8=N? Nxf7 and the knight flies into the wild.
- 6. Kf8 ? h8=N!}
Kg7-f8 7.Bh8-g7 {The Bishop will
"push" the white king where it wants to go, as Black has no other moves.}
Kf8-e7 8.Bg7-f8 Ke7-d8 9.Bf8-e7 Kd8-c7 10.Be7-d8 ! Kc7-b8 11.b6-b7#
3 - #2 with argentinian pieces
Rehm, HP & Widlert K2016
white Pf3b4b5a2 Ka6 Rd4b3 Bc2
black Ka4 Pd5 Se7 FAc8 LOg6
#2 argentinian chess(8+5)
🨑c8: Faro🨒g6: Loco
, invented by Mr. Rittirsch in Andernach in 2016, reverse the rules of Chinese Chess:
a piece plays "normally" when it captures, but needs a sautoir to play a move which is not a capture.
The Leo becomes a Senõra, the Pao a Faro and the Vao a Loco.
It is Faro on c8 and a Loco on g6.
The Señora is absent.
As well as the equivalent of Mao & Moa, the Saltador, who plays like a Knight,
except that he cannot capture if the two intermediate squares are occupied, and that he cannot play a non-take if the two intermediate squares are empty.
For example, if the Ne7 were a Saltador, it could only play a single move (but could capture a white f5 pawn).
However, if it were moved to a5, then it could play b7, c6 & c4 but could not capture b3.
{ Four promotions to "señora".}
1.c2-c1=BS+ Kh1*h2 2.BSc1-a3 Kh2*h3 3.BSa3-g3+ f2*g3 4.a2-a1=BS g3-g4 5.BSa1-h8 g4-g5 6.b2-b1=BS g5-g6
7.BSb1-h7 g6-g7 8.BSh7-a7 g7-g8=WS+ 9.BSh8-c8+ WSg8*c8#!
{Oudot theme, say the experts.
I met Jean Oudot in 1962 or 1963, but I confess to being ignorant of this theme.
Apparently "normal" promotions are forbidden, otherwise 9 g8B Madb8 10 Bd5#}
5 - reflex #10 argentinian chess Circe
Borst, D & Smits G2016
white SEc6 Pa3d2h5 WAe2 FAb7f3 Kh2
black Ka8 LOh3 BAa4h8
{ Everything is "Argentinian": Madame c6, Headlights b7 & f3, Head h3, Jumpers e2, a4 & h8.try : }
1.WAe2-g3 ? BAa4-b2 ! 2.FAb7*b2[+bBAb8]+ Ka8-a7 ! {}
1.h5-h6 BAa4-b2 2.a3-a4 BAb2*a4[+wPa2] {} 3.h6-h7 BAh8-g6 {and here, if } 4.h7-h8=SE+ ? BAg6*h8[+wSEd1]
{ and White is forced to checkmate by} 5.SEd1-d8# {or} 5.SEd1*a4[+bBAg8]# {}
4.h7-h8=WL ! BAg6*h8[+wWLc1] 5.a2-a3 BAa4-b2 6.WLc1-e3 BAb2-a4 {Diagram with an e3-head instead of an h5-pawn. A
Now that the a7-square is controlled, so the foreground is over, one can play as in the thematic try.}
7.WAe2-g3 ! BAa4-b2 8.FAb7*b2[+bBAb8]+ BAb8*c6[+wSEd1] 9.SEd1-d4 BAc6*d4[+wSEd1] 10.FAb2-e2 BAd4*f3[+wFAh1]#!
{And not } 10.SEd1-d3 ? BAd4*f3[+wFAh1]+ {because of } 11.FAb2-g2!
6 - h#3 Köko
Winterberg, H.1993
white Sd6e6 Kf5
black Kd4
h#3 Köko(3+1)b) ♔f5-->e7
: at the end of a move, the piece that has played must be in contact with another one
1.0-0-0 Kc7-b6 2.Kc8-b8 Kb6-a7 3.Kb8-a8 Ka7-b8 # {(wK is protected from the assiduity of Rh8 by Rd8)}
1.0-0 Rg7*a8 {(only move of wR)} 2.Kg8-h8 g6-g7 3.Rf8-g8 Ra8*h7 #
12 - réflex #2
Morice, J.1977
white Bh7g1 Ka1 Qf1 Pd2d7 Sa3 Rh3
black Bh4 Kd3 Qe2 Pa2c2c6e5g6 Se3 Rg3e4
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