1.e7-e8=B + ! {}
2.Rd3-h3 + {could not be played earlier because of 2...Qg6! }
3.Bc8-g4 + {could not be played earlier because of 3...Rh2!}
4.Qg8-h7 {}
4...Sd4-e6 # {only legal move of the rosette}
Knight can make several successive jumps in the same direction.
same as Nightrider for successive jumps but rounded.
kind of Grasshopper but swallows the sautoir which is necessarily an opponent piece
{ }
1.Sd1*d2 + ! {kind of discovery check: the Queen now checks from d1}
1...Rf8*g8 + {Kd1 is forbidden because wK captures from e1; and bR checks from a8}
2.Bh1-a8 + {further discovery check, Rh1 is unmasked}
2...Rg8-g1 + {from h8}
3.Rf7-f8 + {from a1}
3...Rg1*f8 # {wK cannot play because bK would capture it from e8. and white cannot occupy either g8 or h8.
A curious selfmate, because after the first white move, everything is forced, both on the white and black sides !}
h#5 with Grasshoppers
white Sg7 Kf6 WGa4
black Kh3 BGf8
h#5 3 solutions(2+7)🨟a4, 🨥f8: Grasshopper
moves on the Queen's lines, but with the help of a sautoir behind which she lands
{ tries}
1.Rg8-g3+ {illegal, with the bK now having the march of the R}
1.Bh7-e4 ? {rend légal } Rc6*e6+{jeu réel}
1.Ke5-f5 ! { menace }
2.Rg8-g3 #
{ the key intercepts 3 lines and gives 4 escape squares.
To each will correspond a different white king reply.
Note the double utility of pa4, the control of b5 being useful in the variants 1...Kd2+ & 1...Kd3+.}
1...Ke3-f3 +
2.Kf5-d4 #{}
1...Ke3-d3 +
2.Kf5-b7 #{}
1...Ke3-f2 +
2.Kf5-h1 #{}
1...Ke3-d2 +
2.Kf5-b3 #
serial #25 Super-Patrol
white Sb1 Kd2
black Kh6 Rh7h5
ser-#25 Super-Patrol(2+3)
direct de série : les blancs jouent les n coups à la suite et font mat
: pour se déplacer et a fortiori prendre, une pièce doit être "observée" par une pièce de son camp
when a piece captures, it moves up the hierarchy, and when it doesn't, it moves down
the cycle is respectively p->N->B->R->Q and Q->R->B->N->->p
Version (the author had presented with the Pc3 & c6, 2 solutions).
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