{Problem presented by Daniel at his 1998 fairy tale class, remarkable selection as this "3rd prize" is far superior to the first two.
Apparent Play : } 1...Bh8*g7# {(freeing bR) or } 1...Sb8*c6# {(freeing Pd7), only bQ is free. key is : }
1.Qe1-d1 ! {(blocus)}
2.Qd1-d6 ! {(AP 2 Dc3+)}
2...Sb8*c6 #
2...Bh8*g7 #{}
2.Qd1-h5 +! {(JA 2 Dg3+)}
2...Qe8*g6 #{}
2.Qd1-d5 +! {(2 Dd6+? Dc7)}
2...Qc8*c6 #{}
1...Sb8*c6 +
2...Bh8*g7 #{Pa6 prevents } 1.Qe1-f1 Qd8-c7 2.Qf1-b5+ Qc7*c6# {} 1.Sa7-c8? Bh8*g7+
2,5 last moves - Isardam
white Kb2
black Pa4c5 Kb6 Ba3a2a1c4c3c2c1a5
2,5 derniers coups(1+11)Isardam
: it is illegal to put 2 opposing pieces of the same nature in mutual "observation
{...e (or c) xBd6+, Fg1 (or f2...) c5, and now the forced moves:
...dxc5+, Kb4xNb3, ...bxBa4+, KxNb2, ...dxBc1=B+. Black Knights are
necessary to avoid illegal bishop faces: c1-a3 & a4-c2.}
#2 - marine pieces
Michel CAILLAUD & Stephen EMMERSONT.T.Kingston, 19981st M.H.
white Pd4 Kd8 WTe8e6 Sd5 WSc6
black NDh1 Kd6 BTc8e1 BSg8 Pb3
: move normally but to capture, behave like a Locust.
The Locust is a Grasshopper that swallows its sautoir.
to make the parallel with the normal pieces, the Siren has the march of the Queen,
the Triton of the Rook and the Nereid of the Bishop
1.Sd5-e7 ? NDh1-e4 ! 2.Se7*c8+ Kd6-d5!{}
1.Sd5-e3 ? 1...BTe1*e3-e4 !{}
1.Sd5-c7 ? BTc8-b8 !{}
1.Sd5-b6 ? Kd6*c6 !{}
1.WSc6-c5 + ? BTe1*e6-e7 !{}
1.Sd5-c3 ! threat:
2.Sc3-b5 #{}
2.WSc6-c5 # { (TRxe6 is no more possible)}
2.WSc6-d5 # { (NExd5 is no more possible)}
2.WSc6-c7 # {(TRxc7 is no more possible) }
2.WSc6-d7 # {(SIxe6 is no more possible) }
2.d4*e5 #
#2 - Mars Circe
Frantisek SABOLThe problemist suppl.2000
white Bb4 Ka2 Qb2 Pf3 Se5 Ra6
black Bb7h8 Ka3 Qa4 Pb3c4f4 Sa8g7 Rh7g8
#2(6+11)Mars Circe
: the pieces move normally, but to make a capture, they virtually pass through their native square.
For example, in the position of the diagram, black has the possibility to play Bh8xb4
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