: black plays n moves so that white checkmates in 1 move.
: piece that captures the march of the piece on the file it is on.
examples : if it is on the a or h file, it is the march of the rook, c or f the bishop, etc...
{Apparent Play : }
1...a7-a8=nNQ # {
see the commentary below on the mat in real playreal play :}
1.nPa7*b6 2.nPb6*c5 3.nPc5-c4 4.nPc4-c3 5.nPc3-c2 6.nPc2-c1=nNQ 7.nNQc1-d2 8.nNQd2-d5 + nNQd5-a8 #
{Very nice, in a8 the neutral Querquisite takes the Rook's march and thus threatens to capture the Ka6 (same if he goes to a7)
if he moves to b8, he captures the Knight's march with the same worry
and finally, if he captures c8, he takes the Bishop's march.}
h#2 Circe Take&Make Kobul Kings
white Pb2 Sd4 Bf1 Kf8 Rh1
black Pf2h4 Kh3 Bg2 Rh2
h#2 Circe(5+5)Take&MakeKobul Kings2 solutions
: a captured piece is reborn on its native square if it is free, otherwise it disappears.
: when a captured piece captures (Take), it is obliged to make a complementary move without capture (Make).
with the march of the taken piece.
: The King takes the march (and keeps it) of the captured piece of his side.
When it is a pawn that is captured, it resumes its normal march
1.Bg2*f1-g2[+wBf1][f8=rB] rBf8-g7 2.Rh2*h1-h2[+wRh1][g7=rR] Bf1*g2-f1[+bBc8][h3=rB] #{
Wonderful : Kh3 as Bishop has no square left !}
1.Rh2*h1-h2[+wRh1][f8=rR] rRf8-f4 2.Bg2*f1-g2[+wBf1][f4=rB] Rh1*h2-h1[+bRh8][h3=rR] #
{Fabulous : the King transformed into a Rook has no square at all, neither on the 3rd row, nor on the h-file}
serial s=8 Exchange Circe
white Pa6b7 Kf8 Bc5
black Pb6 Kb8 Ra8 Sd6e7 Bf6
: white plays n moves in a row to reach a position where he forces black to mate in 1 move.
: a captured piece is reborn on the square where the capturing piece started its move
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